Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Politics Of The Global Essay - 998 Words

INTRODUCTION â€Å"The Politics of the Global† gives us a narration of how development of international political economy happens and an understanding of globalization. Globalization is frequently analyzed independently and the author shows how globalization plays out in two multi-cultural democracies; India and USA. It portrays different political possibilities like colonial coercion, post-colonial ambivalence and post-colonial co-option that are opened by global relays of meanings, identities and power from historically different locations. Globalization also explores a variety of spaces and strategies for resisting the colonization of the global. The author identifies bureaucratic delays and red tape that happens in government of India as the same of a business man who uses technology to improve productivity and is professional in his approach. It focuses on reconstructing the state’s economy and its government using the SMART – simple, moral, accountable, responsive and t ransparent governance- argument. He characterizes globalization into three narratives; the rationalist, historical materialist and the constructivist approaches. Each narrative consists of many theories some of them disagreeing with each other but at the end of the day, each narrative is united through shared models of understanding and explanation that seeks to go beyond the international to access the global (Muppidi, 2004, p.3). CENTRAL THESIS In his book, the author brings out globalization and looks atShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Global Politics1523 Words   |  7 PagesWhat do you believe to be the most pressing issue in global politics today? â€Å"Climate change is a large-scale, long-term shift in the planet s weather patterns or average temperatures† . 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