Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills - 1046 Words

REFLECTION-ACADEMIC SKILLS When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror-like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the acceptable and poor quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve me around everyone, (Stadter, 2015). Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK Essays, 2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with a strong grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, having†¦show more content†¦Experience-reflection-knowledge Pawar and Anscombe, (2015), has mentioned Dewey (1933) is a great example of how planning ahead is a step towards better success rather than dwelling on the past problems. Implementing Dewey s theory into my assignment, assist ing my understanding of how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to apply, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by reading different books, journals, and articles of interest. Subsequently, after analysing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing in myself much more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that being too sensitive will block your progress, by doing time-bound goals and starting the assignment rather than thinking about the purpose. Percival (2006), has also said putting our energy into the solution rather than the problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can beShow MoreRelatedReflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills1043 Words   |  5 PagesREFLECTION-ACADEMIC SKILLS When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the good and bad quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve myself around everyone, (Stadter, 2015). Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK Essays, 2013). 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