Monday, May 18, 2020

Gender Is A Social Construction - 849 Words

Soc 201 Section: Q Reed, Djonae Paper 1: Question C First, what is gender? What does it mean to say that gender is a social construction? Gender refers to the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male. (Macionis 2015:308) The society in which we live produces our views of what women and men are and what they are supposed to be. However, many people say that gender is â€Å"socially constructed†. Basically meaning it is constructed by society. For many decades, it has been what gender should represent and what it should look like. For instance, if someone is labeled with the gender, boy, they are supposed to wear blue, like trucks, and cars, be rough, like sports, make the most money for the family, etc. If someone is labeled with the gender, girl, then they are supposed to wear pink, like dresses, makeup, be polite, be nice, be nourishing clean the house, etc. The continuous day-to-day construction of gender has been called â€Å"doing gender†. (West /Zimmerman: 1987). According to West and Zimmerman, â€Å"Doing Gender† means to perform complex societal activities of perception, interaction and of micro-politics which define certain activities pursuing either masculine or feminine. This means that the â€Å"doing† of gender justifies social structures and thus establishes the male and female difference as natural. However, processes of doing gender aren’t only carried by individuals in society but also throughShow MoreRelatedGender And Social Construction Of Gender1230 Words   |  5 Pages‘Gender’ is a category used by all human beings to describe the state of being either male or female. Gender is often described as socially constructed which implies that it is something individuals may not be aware of. Through the social construction of a concept, meanings are created. These meanings and understandings are developed in coordination with other individuals rather than within individuals thems elves. Because all societies are different, the social construction and therefore definitionsRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender1220 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion 3 In the reading â€Å"The social Construction of Gender† by Judith Lorber she describes how gender is socially constructed. Sex is the biological difference while gender is the social and cultural meanings attached to femininity and masculinity (lecture). From the time that a child is born the doctor assigns it a gender, girl or boy, depending on its genitalia. In the reading â€Å"Naming All the Parts† it focused on how when doctors view genitalia to decide the gender they say there is a penis orRead MoreSocial Construction of Gender1183 Words   |  5 Pagesexactly is â€Å"Gender† and what a â€Å"Social Construct† means. GENDER In a layman’s language, Gender is simply the distinction between male and female. However, if we look deeper in well, we will notice the gender construction starts with the association of sex category at the time of birth. Sex is the biological distinction between a man and a woman and gender is based on sex. A sex category becomes a gender status through naming, dress and the use of other gender marksRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender978 Words   |  4 PagesSociologist Peter Berger wrote in his â€Å"Invitation to Sociology† book that â€Å"social reality has layers of meaning, and the discovery of each new layer changes the perception of the whole.† (Berger 1963). Berger, as a sociologist responsible for helping create the social constructionism theory, is not just extending an invitation to sociology. He is already explaining how the world can be viewed by people who already are actively participating in society. This consciousness allows the layer of how peopleRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender1000 Words   |  4 Pagesas the definition of gender and gender norms. Judith Lorber wrote an essay called, The Social Construction of Gender. The essay was included in the textbook, Women s Lives. A textbook written by Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okinawa Rey. â€Å"Women’s Lives† is a Feminist focused compilation of essays. As well as, cultur al analysis of women globally. Lorber is one of many authors who wrote essays regarding gender for â€Å"Women’s Lives. Lorber argues gender constantly changes due to social interaction. A societyRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender Essay1297 Words   |  6 Pagesownership of their bodies. The first article is â€Å"The Social Construction of Gender† by Judith Lorber. In this essay she states that sex and gender is constructed through the society in which we live and that, â€Å"Gender is so pervasive that in our society we assume it is bred into our genes† (Lorber, 64). Lorber’s article takes the standpoint that physical gender expression is such an important topic to individuals because when the conventions of gender are shifted, â€Å"we feel socially dislocated† (65). AnRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender989 Words   |  4 PagesRace is a system of categories put in place by society in order to make each individual fit into a certain social group. It is due to societies implementation of such a system that individuals in these racial categories do not always look at each other as equals, causing a race to not always identify themselves as a homogenous front. This essay will delve into the poetry of a popular Def Jam spoken word artist Black Ice, whose piece Bigger Than Mine looks into the dualism within Black society inRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender832 Words   |  4 PagesSex, as we have learned, refers to the physical and anatomical differences between males and females. These differences are biological and unambiguous. Gender on the other hand, refers to the aspects that influence each sex and make them distinct from a social standpoint, and each of us does gender constantly. The social construction of gender has caused controversy throughout the years, and has ultimately conceived one of the most contended topics in our society of late: feminism. Feminism refersRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender957 Words   |  4 Pagesregulations in which people have to obey making social life be structured. Society has expectations for people to live by. People tend to live up to the norms in order to feel part of the world. Individuals do not want to be judged and labeled, so unconsciously live by the roles that they believe their gender has to follow. Gender is socially constructed concept in which society acts upon. The family is the first to influence individuals to this idea. Gender has roles in which boys and girls are supposedRead MoreGender Is A Social Construction1213 Words   |  5 PagesS One cannot talk about social interactions in society without talking about gender. Gender is part of According to Macionis (2015), gender is â€Å"the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male†. Most societies only view gender as being either male or female. An individual must portray their gender correctly in order to be normal in society. Meaning a woman must act feminine and a man must act masculine. However, what happens when an individual chooses

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