Friday, September 13, 2019

Characteristics of abusers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Characteristics of abusers - Essay Example For example, domestic abuse or violence is associated with substance abuse. Reports from even civilized countries showed that the relationships have lost its meaning even in families. There are many cases in which the children were abused by their parents under influence of alcohol or drugs. This paper briefly analyses the role of substance abuse in domestic violence Domestic abuse is a term used to describe abuse by family members or intimate partners such as a spouse, ex-spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. It can take many forms, like intimidation, threats, violent behaviors etc to gain power and control over another person (Welcome to Chapter 1 of the Verbal Abuse Tutorial!, 2005). There are lots of reasons attached with the substance abuser’s behavior. These reasons can be physical as well as psychological. Sometimes these reasons can have deep roots in the childhood experiences. For example, some children might have witnessed their parents engaged in substance abuse which may motivate them when they grow up. They may develop their personality and attitude based on such experiences. They will think that such substance abuses are normal in the society and no need to refrain from it. â€Å"There must be 100 studies showing a genetic basis for abusive personalities and for many of the disorders† (MedicineNet, 2010). Heredity plays an important role in the making of a substance abuser. Parents with substance abusive character can have children of the same caliber. Most of the traits or behavioral characteristics of the parents will be transferred to the offspring through genes and hence the children unknowingly develop such abusive behaviors even when they brought up in a healthy environment. Some people often confess that they were engaged in substance abuse unknowingly. â€Å"Brothers and sisters will sometimes experiment, exploring sexuality. In alcoholic families, where boundaries and roles aren’t

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