Monday, September 30, 2019

Essay and Research Paper Essay

Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. There is a true saying that everyone knows: playing sports is very good for our health. Playing sport helps us stay in shape, builds up our teamwork skill, and makes us consistent players. But there is a truth that not many people can realize: spending too much time on sports may cause some bad influences. Especially when it comes to young children. They need a balanced schedule so that they can take advantage and avoid some disadvantages of playing sports First, playing sports is necessary for everyone to reserve good health. It is proven by scientists that doing exercises or playing sports regularly helps people stay in a good shape, and helps avoid some health problems such as heart attack or blood pressure. For those reasons, young children should spend time in playing sport everyday. But if they spend too much time on that, they will not have enough time to participate in many other interesting and useful activities, such as going on a picnic with their friends or learning to play musical instruments†¦Even worse, they may not spend enough time on study. Second, playing sports helps young children develop their team-work skill. Usually when playing sport, they will be allocated into teams. By trying to connect with other team members to win to the game, they will learn how to get along with people, how to understand other people’s ideas, and how to coordinate with the others to get the best result, not only in sports, but also in study or in a working environment. But still, if they spend too much time on playing sports, there will be a disadvantage for young children, since they spend too much time hanging on with the others in a team, will not know how to handle problems alone, resulting in performing badly when working independently. Lastly, playing sports helps children learn how to stand up after failing, making them competitive in any tournament. It is definite that everyone will fail at least once when they play sport. The desire of being the winner urges them to try more and more. The more they try, the better.they become, but once they are so involved in the game, they somehow become so aggressive. Some will try anything to win, and some will even play unfairly to be the winner. The stories about the soccer players using drugs or the players fighting in a game are clear evidences to the disadvantage of playing sport when it is not under control.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Occupational Health And Safety Practices Construction Essay

As mentioned in Chapter 1, the purpose of the study was to analyze the occupational wellness and safety patterns in topographic point at the Municipal Council of Port Louis, concentrating on the administrative cell. Correlating the consequences of the survey to the aims set, grounds shows that the existent wellness and safety patterns at the Council are really hapless and on the job conditions are in a distressing province. The first observation made is the deficiency of consciousness of respondents with respects to affairs associating to wellness and safety issues. For case, 72.6 % of the 84 respondents are non cognizant of the OSHA 2005, which sets out all the commissariats modulating wellness and safety at work ( Figure 1 ) . 77.4 % of the respondents are non cognizant of the Council ‘s Health and Safety Policy ( Figure ) . A Health and Safety Policy, as explained in Chapter 2, sets the way for the administration to follow on affairs associating to wellness and safety and demonstrates how aims of wellness and safety are integrated in the overall direction system. The two grounds that can explicate this state of affairs are: The involuntariness of employees to larn about the OSHA 2005 or the Council ‘s Health and Safety as they may non experience concerned by them these paperss were non communicated to the Staff of the Council as it can be observed that even 6.2 % of senior and 23.1 % of in-between directors are non cognizant of the Policy ( Figure ) . Health and safety does non fall to the full under the duty of direction. Under the OSHA, employees have the duties to larn about the commissariats of the statute law and to collaborate with direction in staying by the rules dependably. Besides, by non larning about the jurisprudence, they are seting themselves at hazard by non continuing good wellness and safety patterns in their day-to-day undertakings and direction can non be entirely blasted for any accidents, as dictated by the celebrated antediluvian Latin legal philosophy â€Å" Ignorantia juris non excusat † ( Ignorance of the jurisprudence does non pardon ) . However, ideally, direction should hold communicated the necessities of the Act to the employees, informing them of their rights and responsibilities. From the secondary information available, it was found out that the Council has a Health and Safety Policy which is dated back to 2002 ( Find at extension ) . It was besides found a Health and Safety Officer, who has late been appointed by the LGSC on a substantial footing has been posted at the Council. This was confirmed by the extremely positive response ( 88.1 % ) of the respondents ( Figure 5 ) . A 2nd observation made is the presence of physical jeopardies at the Council. This substantiates consequences found on the hapless conditions of the office environment ( Table ) . Harmonizing to 61 % of respondents, the edifice is in a distressing province. This can be explained by the fact that being a public establishment, it is really hard to happen financess for the building of new office edifices. However, edifices should hold been maintained on a regular footing. Harmonizing to Section 34 of the OSHA 2005, the office constructing demand to be of sound building, have a watertight roof, kept free from moistness and be decently maintained. Proper drainage system is needed. Therefore, it can be seen that the Council is non following with the jurisprudence. It was found that there is hapless airing ( 51.2 % ) and the uncomfortable temperature in the office ( 59.5 % ) can be explained by the hot clime in Port Louis. The office contains countless beginnings of air pollutants and therefore demands to be aerated on a regular footing to forestall diseases like the Legionnaires disease which occurs as a consequence of ill maintained airing systems. Management should imagine the installing of mechanical air conditioning, and modulate temperature to do workers comfy. High noise degrees are upseting to the concentration of respondents ( 52.4 % ) . As explained in the literature reviews, inordinate noise can take to interference in communicating and can impact the concentration of workers, cut downing their productiveness. Poor housework has resulted in dirty offices ( 52.4 % ) and obstructors such as draging computing machine and electrical overseas telegrams ( 65.5 % ) which represent a serious trip and autumn jeopardy. Accumulation of trade wastes as explained before, can give rise to biological jeopardies like genteelness of sources taking to diseases. Harmonizing to Section 35 of the OSHA 2005, the office country needs to be unbroken clean so as to forestall accretion of soil and trade wastes have to be removed on a regular footing, with the floor being cleaned atleast one time hebdomadal. This shows non-compliance to the jurisprudence. Besides, in the populace sector, it is common cognition that files are stored in unfastened filing cabinets which consequences in accretion of dusts, taking to the dissatisfaction of employees ( 61.9 % ) . It was found that though many respondents are satisfied with the degree of illuming ( 50 % ) , it should be noted that they were non asked to stipulate the types of illuming used. Artificial lighting can be damaging to the wellness of employees in the long term. 36.9 % of respondents who claim on occasion suffer from occupational unwellnesss and strivings stated the cause of their agonies to be the hapless office environment: hapless temperature and airing systems doing allergic reactions in workers, concerns and oculus annoyances owing to the lighting provided, trips and falls from draging overseas telegrams and unequal filing cabinets. The unequal safety steps were besides noted. Harmonizing to 66.7 % of respondents, electrical equipments are non serviced on a regular footing. This consequence in electrical contraptions being damaged taking to overheating, short circuits, or detonations. Harmonizing to the Guidelines from the Government Fire Services dated 28 November 2006, the chief cause of fire is â€Å" defective electrical installation/equipment † . Hence, electrical installings and equipments have to be decently maintained and tested so as to minimise the hazard of fire. For an administration to be certified by the Fire Services, it has to fulfill some standards, which has been explained in inside informations before. It has to be able to supply to life safety, fire bar, fire protection and fire combat steps. From the statement of consequences, it can be noted that: — — % of respondents claim that no clear fire instructions have been issued to them ( Figure ) Inadequate safety marks displayed harmonizing to 60.7 % of respondents in Table Inadequate exigency exits harmonizing to 51.2 % of respondents ( Figure ) Harmonizing to 83.3 % , equal fire contending tool are available ( figure ) Lack of fire drills harmonizing to 61.9 % of respondents ( figure ) Fire dismay system, but whether it is effectual of non, is s really subjective inquiry, as from the above information, it can be deduced that no drills have been carried out to prove the effectivity of the fire dismay system Lack of emptying programs harmonizing to 70.2 % of respondents ( Figure ) Therefore, from the above observations, it can be deduced that the Council has non been award a Fire Certificate. This is confirmed by the 44 % of negative responses and 42.9 % of impersonal responses ( Figure ) . A 3rd observation made was the deficiency of proper hygiene provided to the employees ( Table ) . Without proper public assistance installations, workers may experience that their demands are non being catered by direction. The deficiency of separate healthful comfortss harmonizing to 81 % of respondents, indicates a misdemeanor of Section 39 of the OSHA 2005 where it has been stipulated that each organisation has to do proviso for separate and clean healthful comfortss which are good lighted and ventilated for each gender. This creates a deficiency of privateness for members of both gender and this can take to much uncomfortableness among them. Harmonizing to Section 41 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2005 â€Å" suited installations for rinsing which shall include a supply of clean H2O, soap, clean towels or other suited agencies of cleansing and drying, and the installations shall be handily accessible and shall be kept in a clean and orderly status † . This shows that the Council is non following with the jurisprudence ( 67.9 % respondents non satisfied ) . The deficiency of proviso of a muss ( 83.4 % ) , which consequences in go againsting Section 44 of the OSHA 2005, leads to workers holding their repasts in the office itself. This causes the workstation to be untidy, ensuing in hapless housework. The deficiency of first assistance box is noted with much concern. Coupled with the deficiency of show of exigency phone Numberss ( Figure 32 ) , and a first assistance box, in instance of any incidents or accidents, there is a hazard of employees non being given first assistance intervention which can ensue in their status being aggravated by the clip they are taken to the Hospital. A 4th observation made is the ill designed workstations of workers ( Table ) . Out of the 61.9 % of respondents who are non satisfied with the infinite allocated to them in the office ( Figure 40 ) , 75 % are operational workers ( Figure 41 ) . This can be explained by the fact that they have to portion their office infinite with other office equipment like the photocopiers, scanners, pressmans, which take up much office infinite. Besides, ozone gas from these equipments can be really damaging to the wellness of the employees. Inadequate seating ( 68.2 % ) can do musculoskeletal upsets as explained in the literature reviews. It can besides be noted that non merely of respondents, ergonomic computing machine equipments are non provided harmonizing to 57.9 % of respondents, but they are non good positioned in the workstation. Harmonizing to 66.9 % of respondents, their computing machines are non straight in forepart of them when working. This can be explained by the cramped office infinite allocated to them, which causes them to strive to the sides to be able to work on the computing machine, doing MSD as explained before. Poor workstation design coupled with a deficiency of proper office accoutrements as indicated by the 74.8 % of respondents, this makes office work more uncomfortable and boring and besides deleterious to the wellness of the workers. This explains the 23.8 % of workers who claim to endure all the times while 36.9 % on occasion suffer from strivings and hurts ( Figure ) . Respondents were asked to stipulate the grounds for their strivings or unwellnesss, and it was found that many of them stated they suffer from back hurting owing to hapless siting agreements and leg strivings owing to miss of footrest, arm and carpus strains to work on the keyboard, insistent clicking of the mouse ensuing in strivings in fingers and carpuss and blaze from computing machine screen ensuing in concerns and oculus annoyances. A 5th observation made is the hapless interpersonal relationships of workers at the Council. Merely 28.6 % of respondents entertain good relationships with their co-workers ( Table degree Fahrenheit ) . As has been noted in the statement of consequences, it was found that employees holding more than 24 old ages of working experience at the Council tend to hold better relationships among co-workers compared to the younger coevals ( those holding less than 7 old ages of service are non on good footings with co-workers ) It was besides found that all respondents holding less than 7 old ages of service in the organisation are operational workers. ( figure 80 ) The younger coevals tends to be more competitory as they have merely joined the Council and are get downing to construct their calling. As such, they are really ambitious which consequences in the office atmosphere being fraught with competition. On the other manus, those basking more than 24 old ages of service in the organisation are those holding more than 42 old ages of age ( Table 5 ) . Hence, most of them have already reached the pinnacle of their callings which makes them less competitory six a vis their co-workers. Merely 11.9 % of respondents claim to be on good footings with their supervisors ( Figure 47 ) . One ground that could explicate this is the bureaucratic system of direction in topographic point at the Council. As pointed out by Jerald Hage et Al ( 1971:860 ) ‘as organisations become more formalistic and centralised, communicating between individuals in different sections tend to diminish ‘ . Hence, owing to the hierarchal construction of the Council, the lower class employees do non acquire to pass on much with the top direction. Another ground for the hapless relationship with direction is the favoritism about the distribution of undertakings to the employees. 40.5 % of respondents feel they are overloaded with work ( figure 49 ) . Figure 53 throws more light to this statement, as it was found that out of the 34.5 % of respondents who claim to be enduring from favoritism at work, 96.6 % are workers holding less than 15 old ages of service at the Council and most of them stated that they are discriminated onthe distribution of undertakings by their supervisors. They stated that they are allocated more and complicated undertakings than their older co-workers. 58.3 % of respondents feel they are working below their capablenesss ( figure50 ) . An in-depth analysis ( fig ) shows that workers throughout all degrees of the occupational hierarchy feel they are non working up to their degree. It can be noted that even workers holding less than 23 old ages of working experience at the Council feel they are non working up to their degrees. Today, many employees of the Public Sector are good educated, but owing to the high criterions and processs in topographic point by the LGSC, it is non easy to be awarded publicities. This leads to frustration in workers that they are non accomplishing their coveted place in the administration. They feel they can make a much better occupation than the 1 that has been allocated to them. This explains the competitory behavior among co-workers. This besides leads to extremely qualified and skilled employees go forthing the Council as they find better occupation chances in the private sector. This consequences in a encephalon drain of the administration, which it will endure in the hereafter when it would miss qualified staff. It has been found that 26.19 % of respondents are harassed all the times and 30.95 % who claim to be harassed on occasion ( Figure ) . They were asked to stipulate the types of torment they faced and many stated that they are verbally harassed by their higher-ups and members of the populace. Some even stated they are harassed by their co-workers. As has been described before, torment of strong-arming at work have a negative impact on the mental province and morale of the worker. Some workers stated that they have suffered from aggressive behaviors and even physically abuse by members of the populace. This confirms the unequal system of security in topographic point at the Council by 64.3 % of respondents ( Table ) From the above information, it can be concluded that the Council ‘s population is psychologically ill. Workers are faced with excessively much force per unit area at work to run into deadlines and they have to cover with verbal torment from their supervisors to acquire the occupation done more rapidly. This explains why 40.5 % of respondents feel they have excessively much work to make. As has been explained before, this leads to defeat, high degree of emphasis which can be harmful to the wellness of workers. Coupled with this, there exist hapless interpersonal relationships among workers. From Hawthorne surveies, it can be said that it is non the physical conditions or the organisation construction which affects public presentation but it was the quality of interpersonal relationships, peculiar workers ‘ relationships with their higher-ups that aid to hike morale and productiveness. Another observation made is the deficiency of wellness surveillance provided to the workers harmonizing to 96.4 % of respondents ( Figure ) . Another observation made was the deficiency of preparation provided harmonizing to 92.9 % of the respondents ( Figure ) . Without proper preparation, workers would non be able to execute their plants safely, ensuing in the high rate of unwellnesss and hurts as shown in FigureaˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. From the above observations, it can be deduced that hazard appraisals are non carried out as confirmed by 86.7 % of respondents ( Figure ) . Had hazard appraisals been carried out, the jeopardies observed in the Council would hold been identify and measures taken to extinguish them. Coupled with this, 57.1 % of respondents claim that accidents are non reported, registered or enquired into ( figure ) . This demonstrates hapless accident coverage system ensuing from a deficiency of communicating between direction and employees. Another observation made is the absence of a good established Health and Safety Committee. Figure 9 substantiates the statement. 91.7 % of respondents confirmed that there are no wellness and safety commission at the Council. This hypothesis supply some accounts for the above mentioned defects and non conformity of the Torahs detected. Had there been a Safety and Health Committee, it would hold taken into history the grudges of the employees, devised a suited preparation programme, set up a codification of behavior for employees with respects to proper wellness and safety patterns. It would hold ensured that hazard appraisals and audits are carried out to place jeopardies and reported to Committee for appropriate steps to be taken to command or extinguish them. It has besides been observed that overall, there is been a negative response ( 65.5 % ) about the wellness and safety patterns at the Council ( Figure ) . Sum uping the statements of consequences of the study, based on literature reappraisals and associating the office environment, workstation design, hygiene installations, safety and interpersonal relationships, there are ample cogent evidence that the wellness and safety patterns at the Municipal Council of Port Louis is really deficient. This consequences from a deficiency of direction and the council members ‘ committedness and employees ‘ engagement, ensuing from the stiffly hierarchal construction of the Council. This stems besides from the deficiency of wellness and safety officer in the yesteryear. Correlating the findings of the study and the rules of the OHSMS described in the literature reviews, it can be said that there is an absence of a proper system of occupational wellness and safety direction. However, as has been stated earlier in this chapter, a Health and Safety Officer has late been posted at the Council. With the coaction of direction, council members and the employees, he will hold the duty of puting up a proper OHSMS to heighten the wellness and safety patterns at the Council. This can assist construct the psychological environment in which workers would experience healthy, secure, safe and most significantly, they will experience valued.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Admission to the USC Undergraduate Program

I am a keen jet skier and having obtained a degree of proficiency in this highly exciting sport. The bracing sea breeze and the refreshing spray, which play against the skier, are some of the major attractions of this sport. Moreover, this sport has to refresh and rejuvenate its practitioner. This sport taught me the importance of concentrating on what we do. It also taught me prudence and helped me to achieve a calm mind.I decided to interact more with the world that I live in. Hence, I started to study the various changes taking place in the world. In this study, I came to realize that the multinational corporations had brought about the process of globalization. This process was affecting the whole world and even the US and the European Union had come under its influence.Some of the Asian countries like India and China have been showing extraordinary growth in their economies. These economies were developing at a greater pace than that of any other country. I wanted to participate in these astonishing developments. In order to do so, I made several enquiries and went through the syllabus offered by a number of colleges. My intention was to obtain a thorough knowledge regarding globalization and the economic success of some of the Asian countries.In the course of my search, I found out about the University of Southern California, which had been founded in 1880. This university is a private university, which is the best for research. It has several campuses that are famous their academic excellence (About USC).However, in addition to academic excellence, it also promotes community service programs. This work has been praised widely and its alumni are famous, not only for their academic excellence but also for their contribution to society. Its financial independence ensures that it remains unaffected by governmental policies and political interference (About USC). These facts made me very much interested in pursuing an MBA program in this university.Newton Par tMy parents left Armenia in the 1970’s, whilst it was under Soviet Rule. Their new home in the US was very hospitable to them. However, they could not attend college, because of their financial commitments. Most of their waking hours were spent in earning sufficient money to meet their expenses.They were always aware of this drawback in their life. As a result, they used to tell me repeatedly, to take my studies seriously. My performance at school was slightly above average. Therefore, I obtained an average high school diploma. My parents were very disappointed with my mediocre performance in school. They told me that I had to improve my performance.One day, while alone with my thoughts, I started thinking about what had happened to my performance in school. I am very good at logical analysis. Therefore, I thought for a long time and realized that if I did not study with greater diligence, I would end up like my parents. The choice before me was to either work hard at my stud ies or get a very good job or to obtain an ordinary degree and work very hard for the rest of my life, for poor wages. This was a very thought, so I decided to become a very good student in college.On another occasion, during this period, I came across a spider attempting to spin a web. It would try to attach a strand, which would break off. Nevertheless, the spider did not stop its efforts; it patiently and with the same amount of effort, made another attempt. Finally, it succeeded in its hard work. Like Robert Bruce of England, I too realized the value of perseverance. I understood that even if some topic in my studies was difficult to understand, I should keep on trying to understand it.There was another factor that had a strong influence on my attitude towards life. I have a cousin named, Haroutoun Aharonian. He was very good at studies in high school and college. After that he pursued a graduate program in the University of Southern California. He became very good at analyzing stock markets, due to the MBA program that he attended in the University of Southern California’s   Marshall School of Business. One of the largest stock broking firms in Los Angeles has appointed him to a very important post, in their company. The sole reason for this success was the very good teaching standard of that college. This incident taught me that I had to work hard and develop an interest in my chosen field of study. On studying his success story, I decided to follow in his footsteps, and apply for the MBA program in the Marshall School of Business.I want to become an expert in Finance and Business Economics and this school imparts the necessary training and knowledge to achieve this goal. I would also like to keep the choice of joining the Bachelor’s of Arts in Economics. The USC Marshall School of Business offers the latest world class instruction in accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and international business studies (About The Marshall School of Bu siness, 2007).The world has become smaller due to globalization; moreover, some Asian countries are showing highly rapid economic development. Traditional management techniques cannot address these phenomena. It is a course like that provided by the Marshall School of Business, which can properly describe these issues. This is the principal reason for my seeking a transfer to the Marshall School of Business.ReferencesAbout The Marshall School of Business. (2007). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California Marshall School of Business : USC. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2008, from University of Southern California:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Comparing Gateway NV55SO5U Performance To Apple MacBook Pro Essay

Comparing Gateway NV55SO5U Performance To Apple MacBook Pro - Essay Example The video range is also weak and is probably limited to only two individuals pressing their inner shoulders together. That is not exactly an impressive display. Its battery life is not also ideal which can only last for an average user to only up to 4.5 hours. If you multi-task and so some burning and music, that battery life will be reduced more. It also runs only on unsophisticated Windows 7 Home Premium which is susceptible to the contracting virus. Comparing Gateway NV55SO5U performance to Apple MacBook Pro is no contest. Perhaps the only category that the Gateway NV55SO5U can claim as an advantage compared to MacBook Pro is price because MacBooks price starts at $1,000. It may a lot more expensive than a $629.99 Gateway NV55SO5U but the price difference is far more compensated by performance and design. When it comes to performance, you can play anything simultaneously with a MacBook without its system freezing while video rendering and 3D MMO gaming simultaneously will probably freeze the system of Gateway NV55SO5U. It is also made of very strong and rigid unibody chassis that is machined out a solid block of aluminum. That means that your MacBook is as sturdy and as durable as a rock compared to a plastic frame of Gateway NV55SO5U. Above all, MacBook Pro uses OS X which is immune to viruses. You will be free from the anxiety and actual threat of a virus that could disrupt and destroy your work. This is important because the safety and security of your data could costs a lot more than $400 price difference. MacBook Pro’s battery life also lasts almost twice longer compared to Gateway NV55SO5U (8 hours). The approach of this essay is just to compare and contrast the weakness of Gateway NV55SO5U compared to MacBook Pro. I identified two major weaknesses of Gateway NV55SO5U which are the strengths of MacBook Pro.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

ARE POLICE ABOVE THE LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ARE POLICE ABOVE THE LAW - Essay Example However, at the same time police are in the best position to be tempted by corruption, kickbacks, dealing in contraband, and covering up excessive force. While violating the law is not the norm for the vast majority of good officers that play by the rules, for those that don't the system and organization places them above the law. Police officers are in a position to abuse the law and will naturally take advantage of their position when the opportunity arises, and are in fact encouraged by the system to do so. According to Johnson and Cox, "Police officers are exposed to an extraordinary level of temptation in such areas as drug investigations" (70). As with any cross section of Americans, some people will be more prone to violate social values when there is an opportunity for economic gain. This factor is exacerbated by the fact that "little or no discipline is imposed when police officers witness fellow officers engaging in misconduct. As a result, public safety officers believe that it is acceptable to break the law or the rules of the department" (70). In many routine instances police officers, and the department, places their actions above the law. The police department not only provides the opportunity fo... Police are conditioned to form an unbreakable bond with their peers. As part of their training, "Police rookies are given the impression that they are under attack by the public and can only rely on one another" (Terrance and Cox 73). This carries over through generations and pervades the entire department. According to Terrance and Cox, "The problem is not a "few bad apples," but an organizational climate that molds new officers into thinking and doing as the organization wishes" (74). If the officer was honest when he or she entered the academy, by the time they hit the street they will encouraged to turn a blind eye to corruption and abuse. Incidents involving police misbehavior confirms the theory that when police are given a considerable opportunity to break the law they will take advantage of a system that will refuse to report or punish them. In 1998, Human Rights Watch reported that police brutality was a persistent problem in US law enforcement. They cited cases of "unjustified shootings, severe beatings, fatal chokings, and unnecessarily rough treatment" and while they represented a minority of the total officers they found that "law enforcement supervisors, as well as local and federal government leadership-often fail to act decisively to restrain or penalize such acts" (Police Brutality). Police officers that operate outside and above the law have become a growing national problem. Critics will argue that the public exposes the police to too much scrutiny and places unreasonable expectations on the officers. They will say that officers are often in life and death situations that call for immediate reactions and split second decisions. The heat of the moment can cause an officer to over-react, but should be considered

Essay 6 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

6 - Essay Example The armies always came out victorious. Crops and houses of the enemy were spared and if there was famine, food was ordered so that those who were newly won find their rule favorable (De Cieza 598). De Cieza also explains that the system of tribute collection for the Inca was very well organized. It is argued that all villages knew where to send their tributes. Incas visited the kingdom with great pomp in greatly adorned rich litters and many people filled the slopes and hills to see his passing calling blessings on him (De Cieza 598). Duran dissimilarly argues that the principle way in which kings and warriors used to obtain glory was soldiery. They had to be the best in destroying armies, taking prisoners and killing. Then they were given rewards, honors and weapons to proof their deeds (Duran 596). In spite of these differences, there are some similarities on their views especially on the severity of punishments on wrong doers. Duran states that adulterers were to be stoned or thrown down into rivers and buzzards while and thieves were to be sold as slaves or killed (595). De Cieza also states that ravishers of women, thieves and conspirators against the Inca were to have their heads cut off or killed in their manner of choice (598). In conclusion, De Cieza seems to appreciate the civilizations of the Incas especially on how well they conquered vast lands without war while Duran tends to focus more on the brutality of the Aztecs especially punishments that they inflicted on their war

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Consultant Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

A Consultant Report - Research Paper Example on as the ratio of a number of customers that have reported higher satisfaction than expectations after using the products and services of the company to the number of total customers served by the company. According to Farris, Bendle, Pfeifer, and Reibstein, (2010), customer satisfaction level is an important aspect in analyzing how the company is performing. The research revealed that 71% of the respondents said that customer satisfaction is critical in managing the business and in monitoring it (Farris et al., 2010). Gitman and McDaniel (2005) stated that customer satisfaction level is considered as a significant and a differentiator factor in this competitive market. In the competitive market, customer satisfaction level is decisive for success. This report analyzes the situation of one of the largest retailers of the world, Wal-Mart. The report analyzes how the retailer is managing and satisfying the customers. The report first gives an overview of the company and issues related to customer satisfaction level at the company are discussed.. Different theories, models and trends on the subject have also been presented in this report. The report also recommends different strategies that Wal-Mart can adapt in order to improve the customer satisfaction level and a plan has been formulated on how to go about these recommendations. Wal-Mart is the leading retailer in United States. Wal-Mart has been operating successfully since 1960s. The company has a presence in 27 countries along with an e-commerce website that allows consumers to purchase and order products that would be delivered at the doorstep of the customers. The company has reported sales of $466 billion in 2013 (Wal-Mart, 2014a). More than 2.2 million employees work for Wal-Mart in different parts of the world. In United States alone, the company has employed approximately 1.3 million employees (Wal-Mart, 2014b). According to Fortune Global 500 list, the company is the largest employer in the world (CNN

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Imminet global crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Imminet global crisis - Essay Example The world now is on the verge of unprecedented fresh water crisis. This global issue is very alarming, because it affects every single aspect of our lives on Earth. The prime cases of the water crisis are the climate change, population growth and human waste. Climate change and in particular the global warming is the primary force triggering the water crisis. In his article Madrigal (2008) says that 60% of the changes in the West's water cycle are linked to the atmospheric greenhouse gases. He describes a research conducted which found that the increases in winter air temperature reduce the amount of snow which falls in the mountains. In return, the snow packs that acted as water storage provide less water as they melt in the spring. Furthermore, human activity can lead to the global warming too. Burning of fossil fuels are blamed for the melting of glaciers and leaving less drinkable water and less water for crop irrigation. Population growth requires more fresh water for the basic needs of food production. According to the Population Reports (1998) the increase in population "alone will push an estimated 17 more countries, with a projected population of 2.1 billion, into these water-short categories within the next 30 years (69)." By the year 2025, 35% of the projected global population which will account to 2.8 billion people will be affected by the water scarcity (1998 135).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Production Planning using ERP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Production Planning using ERP - Essay Example However it is not widespread these days, it is probable to carry out material requirements planning tasks by hand as well (Waldner & Duffin, 1992, p. 47). MRP is a procedure that comprises a number of fundamental business tasks and information across the business encompassing entire levels in the bill of materials, sales forecasts, sales orders, and inventory. With the help of MRP it can be decided accurately what as well as when materials are necessary to manufacture the most timely as well as competitively priced services and products for customers (GreenTree, 2009) and (Qiang, Khong, San, Jianguo, & Choy, 2001). Beasley (2009) has stated that material requirements planning system is a material planning technique which appeared in 1970s by making use of information technology and computer technology. The major characteristics of material requirements planning are the formation of material necessities by means of exploding the bills of time-phasing and material of requirements by means of posted standard lead times (RockfordConsulting, 2009) and (Beasley, 2009). Material Requirements Planning II is acknowledged as the next generation of material requirements planning and it comprises the characteristics of closed loop system. Through this system the production planning takes the fundamental and main schedule that force the material plan which is the main input to the business or manufacturing capacity plan. Feedback loops proffers input to the elevated levels like a reiterative procedure (RockfordConsulting, 2009). In material requirements planning II operation, forecasts are linked as well a s synchronized for client orders, as well as supplied to the main/master scheduling module. When the master schedule is positioned, the material requirements planning procedure explodes the bills of material, usually on weekends or overnight, also builds up the material requirements. The requirements or materials feed the capacity planning

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Merits and Demerits of Globalisation Essay Example for Free

Merits and Demerits of Globalisation Essay Introduction Globalization or (globalisation) is the process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. Globalization is often used to refer to economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. This process is usually recognized as being driven by a combination of economic, technological, socio-cultural, political and biological factors. The term can also refer to the transnational dissemination of ideas, languages, or popular culture. Globalization means increasing the interdependence, connectivity and integration on a global level with respect to the social, cultural, political, technological, economic and ecological levels. Effects of globalization:- ? enhancement in the information flow between geographically remote locations ? the global common market has a freedom of exchange of goods and capital ? there is a broad access to a range of goods for consumers and companies ? worldwide production markets emerge ? Corporations have greater flexibility to operate across borders ? Increased flow of communications allows vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations around the world ? Spread of democratic ideals to developed nations ? Greater interdependence of nation-states ? Reduction of likelihood of war between developed nations ? Workers in less developed countries should see an increase in wages and living benefits. If they do, their rising standard of living should help them consume products from developed nations. A virtuous circle can theoretically be created by a whole new middle class that didn’t exist. ? Peace should be easier to maintain between nations as no country would remain isolated in this new world order. The relationship of China and the United States has changed dramatically as their trade partner status has increased over the years. ? Globalization can help modernize developing countries faster. Modern ideas can be spread to the workers, who make up the social order. ? Products can be purchased much cheaper in developing countries, which increases the lifestyle of the people. As we pay less for simple common items, we have more to spend on big ticket items, which fuel higher paid manufacturing jobs in developed countries. Advantages of globalization in the developing world It is claimed that globalization increases the economic prosperity and opportunity in the developing world. The civil liberties are enhanced and there is a more efficient use of resources. All the countries involved in the free trade are at a profit. As a result, there are lower prices, more employment and a better standard of life in these developing nations. It is feared that some developing regions progress at the expense of other developed regions. However, such doubts are futile as globalization is a positive-sum chance in which the skills and technologies enable to increase the living standards throughout the world. Liberals look at globalization as an efficient tool to eliminate penury and allow the poor people a firm foothold in the global economy. In two decades from 1981 to 2001, the number of people surviving on $1 or less per day decreased from 1. 5 billion to 1. 1 billion. Simultaneously, the world population also increased. Thus, the percentage of such people decreased from 40% to 20% in such developing countries. Disadvantages of globalisation Disadvantages of globalisation are as follows:- ? Increased flow of skilled and non-skilled jobs from developed to developing nations as corporations seek out the cheapest labor ? Increased likelihood of economic disruptions in one nation effecting all nations ? Corporate influence of nation-states far exceeds that of civil society organizations and average individuals ? Threat that control of world media by a handful of corporations will limit cultural expression ?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Modern Sedentary Lifestyle On Overweight And Obesity Physical Education Essay

Modern Sedentary Lifestyle On Overweight And Obesity Physical Education Essay Currently, obesity and overweight is a main global health problem plaguing almost the whole planet. Studies show that in 2005 1.6 billion adults were overweight and 400 million adults were obese. As it is portrayed, obesity and overweight is a problem of the contemporary societies that cannot be confronted. According to a recent study of the World Health Organisation, it is predicted that there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults by 2015 in the world and more than 700 million of them will be obese. Also it is important to realise that obesity and overweigh are modern problems of the societies since statistics referring to these problems did not exist 60 years ago. Therefore, it is clear that obesity and overweight apart from genetic predisposition and psychological disorders might derive as well from the modern sedentary lifestyle that is highly affected by the recent technological development and from poor nutrition as there is an increase in convenience food. However in order to understand the extent and significance of the problem it is important to define and analyse overweight and obesity. Obesity can be defined as a medical condition in which body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has a negative effect on health. A healthy body requires a minimum amount of  fat  for the proper functioning of the  hormonal,  reproductive, and  immune  systems, as  thermal insulation, as  shock absorption  for sensitive areas, and as  energy  for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement and flexibility, can alter the  appearance of the body and cause health problems. Obesity increases the likelihood of  various diseases like heart disease,  type 2 diabetes,  breathing difficulties during sleep (pulmonary diseases), hypertension, certain types of  cancer, and  osteoarthritis. In particular, cancer of the colon as well as prostate in men and cancer in breasts, ovaries and cervix in women have been found to be related to obesity. Furthermore, hypertension has been found to be related CHD and strokes. As a result, obesity has been found to reduce  life expectancy and be one of the leading  preventable causes of death  worldwide. Investigators have estimated that if everybody had the optimal body mass there would be 3 years added to life expectancy, 25 percent less coronary heart disease and 35 percent less congestive heart failure and brain infection. Overweight is generally defined as having more  body fat  than is optimally  healthy, without reaching the body fat value for obesity. The generally accepted view is that being overweight causes similar health problems to obesity, but to a minor degree. It is estimated that the risk of death increases by 20 to 40 percent among overweight people and that being overweight at age 40 reduces life expectancy by three years. Being overweight or obese has been identified also as a cause of  cancer. Psychological well-being is also at risk in the overweight individual due to social  discrimination. However, children under the age of eight are normally not affected. The prevalence of obesity and overweight is strongly related to age. The 16 to 24 years age group (for both men and women) is substantially less at risk of  becoming obese than older age groups. Those aged between 25 and 34 have the second lowest rates of obesity and overweight. Middle aged people are those who are in the most risky position of becoming obese or overweight. In order to further understand obesity and overweight it is important to analyse the methods used in order to classify and tell the degree to which a person is overweight or obese. The most popular method used is that of  the Body Mass index  (BMI), or  Quetelet index. The Body Mass index is a statistical measure of body weight based on a persons weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the  percentage of body fat, it is used to estimate a healthy  body weight  based on a persons height. Due to its ease of measurement and calculation, it is the most popular diagnostic tool to identify weight problems within a population, usually to classify adult underweight, overweight and obesity. Body Mass Index is found by dividing the body mass in kilograms by the square of height in meters. This technique can also act as a health since it appears to provide relative results concerning the degree of risk associated with overweight or obesity. Mortality and morbidity start increase at high rates at a BMI of more than 25. Therefore the desired levels of BMI are those below 25. Below there is a table of the BMI classification according to the World Health Organisation confirming what was previously stated. Classification BMI(kg/m2) Underweight

Friday, September 20, 2019

Media Effects on Teenage Drinking

Media Effects on Teenage Drinking JOE: A Teenagers Struggle Stephanie Mikalatos Schools, government programs and parents working harder and harder to educate children, to just say no (Levinthal 387) [i] to drugs. But the fight is hard against millions of dollars used for alcohol and prescription drug advertisements, that are doing exactly the opposite and trying to make adolescents and adults drink, take pills and smoke. In addition there are plenty of television programs and movies that are showing drug use as being cool. Younger people then receive mixed messages do to traditional advertising, media images, movies, songs, the internet and all known social media. An important factor are the more relaxed rating of movies with scenes of actors smoking, drinking and using drugs. That is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that tobacco advertising in all media will be forbidden, restrictions on alcohol advertising, avoiding general exposure to children with media associated with substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs, illegal drugs. They vote for more prevention and more class media education. In the media example the teenager started talking about alcohol when he was thirteen years old. He wanted to try it out of curiosity and to buy alcohol as a minor is relatively easy in other countries. It became a trend to go out with friends and drinking very fast. He started drinking beer and cheap drinks at first, but eventually developed a taste for better and purer alcohol. By the age of fourteen he drank alcohol regularly and until he passed out. This however did not prevent him from drinking every night, but was able to keep his parents in the dark about it. From this point on he started with alcohol, progressed to the use of marijuana and lastly to LSD and cocaine. This stands in total opposite about that view new media ads give us about alcohol. In the words of a major 2005 study analyzing the lifestyles of eight- to eighteen-year-olds, young people today live â€Å"media-saturated lives, spending an average six to eight hours a day with media.†[ii] (Levinthal 391) The in study called Generation M (for Media), spends the time of a full time job with new media. [iii]The new medias providing teenager with a multitude of entertaining such as reading (eBooks with tablets), listening to music, text messaging and chatting online with friends, watching TV, movies, live stream YouTube and similar WebPages. Parents are not able anymore to control their childrens media access, because of missing knowledge or just unrestricted access in the teens own four walls. Alcohol is still the number one drug on American television and statistically every fourteen minutes some type of alcohol can be seen in selected programs. The results of multiple studies show that alcohol is constantly and visually present everywhere, but is rarely addressed explicitly. [iv]Especially the trivialized representations of alcohol in the environment of sports programs, drinking with girls in sexy outfits or music events; and in conjunction with humor makes it hard for the consumer to see the dangers of its use. Surveys showed that almost all young people have experiences with alcohol of some sorts. Alcohol plays a huge role from the perspective of young people, especially at parties and being together with friends; it creates fun and contributes to a better mood. On television the youth using alcohol especially in youth series, in advertising and in feature films. Overall, it was found that a media education project could contribute to raising awareness of alcohol issue s such as excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to aggression and destroy friendships. Presented in a new media form the understanding of the dangers of alcohol (or any other drug) would be made easier for the adolescent media user. Children learn early to know alcohol by watching adults drink before them on festive occasions or even every day in their home environment. This makes it much easier to even try in opposite to what the AAP article is saying. One can get to alcohol or easily as a survey explained, 81% of the youth surveyed knew that alcohol is present in their household.[v] Alcohol drinking is in: When teenagers drink alcohol, they are recognized by their peers or elders. The young people do not want to stand back in the group. If in a group where everyone drinks and most are older, teenagers do not want to stand back. That is how to become more recognized. Alcohol lifts the mood, for example at a party or in society. Thinking about problems is getting less and after more drug use even forget the everyday life. The adult the young person sees having a drink in movies, commercials, at home in the internet and so on is often to be imitated. Since some adult stand as a models, like actors, musician, athl etes the young people usually think nothing of it. They do not know the far-reaching the consequences can become. Here too can be seen that real life examples can be as bad as examples, as the ones in the media which I think is missing in the article. 5% of young people drinking too much alcohol and are at risk. 15% percent, however, never drink alcohol. The alcoholic beverage no. one is beer. Wine and spirits are less in demand. In general, alcohol is considered normal. Who does not drink, is considered a nerd, an outsider, teens in peer pressure are forced to drink. A study shows for the years 2009 to 2014 shows, 86 adult directed popular musical performances with alcohol on average on each average day on music channels like MTV or VHS.[vi] Advertising/ showing of alcohol like beer, demonstrates such a fun time in ones life, attractive, successful teen pictures. Since 1960, the TV advertising market for beer, wine, liquor grew, and the ads are often to see at primetime TV. 1000-2000 alcohol ads are annually shown during performances, series and reality shows for young people, plus sports broadcasts. In all these examples not one public service announcement (PSA) on the advertising of alcohol was to be attached. The trend of new sweet spirits and mix drinks that are containing more alcohol then beer went up in advertisement. 20% more liquor advertising on TV and 92% more magazine pages.[vii] New technologies for the Internet, social networking sites and even mobile phones offer even more exposure. The so-called war on drugs has been going on in the film industry, and smoking is often totally banned. But a large number of film scenes are still showing alcohol with healthy adults and in many places. Together with the media and early education, the support to encourage children and young people to live alcohol free. Laws and regulation can be done to eliminate displays of happy drunks in social media. [viii] Joe says in opposite to most research, that teens have a hard time avoiding drugs because they are so easy to come by and are often supplied by close friends. In school there are so many kids that sell stuff and a lot of times they are friends as well. The stereotypical drug pusher whom kids are warned about is the exception. Children are getting taught that somebody who sells drugs is, like, some filthy, grungy guy in a parka, but more often first exposures to drugs was through close friends, sometimes even immediate family. Joe thinks that it is a mistake for a lot of anti-drug campaigns geared to teens, to portray drug dealers looking like demons. Most of the kids that do a lot of the heavy drugs and booze are just as regular and probably quite pleasing to look at for regular people. Regarding the seventeen points of advocacy and guidance through pediatricians there are indeed some of the points that can be used. Pediatricians can raise awareness with the parents of a teenager by asking questions about the media usage and the location of the teens TV and computer like in point one. But knowing that teens are much more tech savvy then their parents one can assume that they will trick their way through with using a gaming platform or their phone. Some of the other points seem to be to say the least- unrealistic. Parents will not change their daily life around to pre-view movies with their kids. They will not switch off the TV during the meals. They have even movies running when they are for ten minutes with their kids in the car so they do not need to talk to them. Of course the entertainment industry should show more sensibility and responsibility. Congress needs to come up with new laws and regulations about advertisements regarding medications, alcohol and tobacco. As logical consequence there should be more funding for early education and commercials against drinking and smoking, like we can see in the campaigns against texting and driving for example. But even though all these things are factors that increase the risks of kids getting lured into drug use- the biggest of all responsibility still lays with the closest family and friends. Remembering the prohibition area, having alcohol as I totally illegal substance did not show to be really successful. This approach only added more crime, [1]secrets and home-made booze that was quite dangerous sometimes because it was even stronger. In conclusion one really would think that just a general better education and more own responsibility for every citizen can make a difference. References American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Communications. Children, adolescents, and advertising [published correction appears in Pediatrics.2007;119(2):424]. Pediatrics.2006;118(6):2563–2569 BorzekowskiDLG,StrasburgerVC.Tobacco, alcohol, and drug exposure. In CalvertS,WilsonBJ, eds.Handbook of Children and the Media.Boston, MA: Blackwell;2008:432–452. StrasburgerVC. Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth:Clicking With Kids: Alcohol Marketing and Youth on the Internet.Washington, DC:Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth;2004 Firshein, Janet. PBS. Thirteen. Moyers on Addiction. Close to home.  © 2009 Real-Life Stories. JOE: A Teenagers Struggle. HornikR,JacobsohnL,OrwinR,PiesseAN,KaltonG.Effects of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign on youths.Am J Public Health.2008;98(12):2229–2236 Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. VitalBook file Mayo Clinic Staff. Underage drinking: Talking to your teen about alcohol.  © 1998-2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. MorenoMA,BrinerLR,WilliamsA,WalkerL,ChristakisDA.Real use or â€Å"real cool†: adolescents speak out about displayed alcohol references on social networking websites.J Adolesc Health.2009;45(4):420–422 Nemours. Teen Health. Alcohol.  © 1995-2014 The Nemour Foundation. [1]Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. [i] Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. VitalBook file. [ii] Levinthal, Charles F. Drugs, Behavior, and Modern Society, 7th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 12/2010. VitalBook file. [iii] Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth:Clicking With Kids: Alcohol Marketing and Youth on the Internet.Washington, DC:Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth;2004 [iv] Nemours. Teen Health. Alcohol.  © 1995-2014 The Nemour Foundation. [v] HornikR,JacobsohnL,OrwinR,PiesseAN,KaltonG.Effects of the National Youth Anti- Drug Media Campaign on youths.Am J Public Health.2008;98(12):2229–2236 [vi] American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Communications. Children, adolescents, and advertising [published correction appears in Pediatrics.2007;119(2):424]. Pediatrics.2006; [vii] American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Communications. Children, adolescents, and advertising [published correction appears in Pediatrics.2007;119(2):424]. Pediatrics.2006; [viii] MorenoMA,BrinerLR,WilliamsA,WalkerL,ChristakisDA.Real use or â€Å"real cool†: adolescents speak out about displayed alcohol references on social networking websites.J Adolesc Health.2009;45

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Jungle Essay -- Essays Papers

The Jungle In Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle not only symbolized an era where dirt and filth ran rampant in meat packing industry, but it also exposed people to the natural human desire of greed, power, and corruptions. This in turn was a socialist transformation itself. Sinclair also provides the meaning to the phrase â€Å"wage slavery† in different ways. In the novel Sinclair tells a story about a man name Jurgis, a Lithuanian immigrant who gets married to young lady named Ona Lukoszaite, who’s also a Lithuanian immigrant. At the wedding there are saloon-keepers who cheats the family on liquor and beer, claiming that the guests consumed more than they actually did. Since the family had enough sense not to argue with these powerful people they decided to do as they were told. Since Jurgis felt that he was strong enough to work off the money that was owed to these people he decided to work harder. Throughout the 1st two chapters of the novel Sinclair finds a way to talk about Socialism. Socialism is the belief that whoever controls the means of production holds the power to determine how well the people live. â€Å"The Socialists were organized in every civilized nation†(Sinclair 315). When Jurgis had made himself familiar with the Socialist literature, as he would very quickly he, would get glimpses of the Beef Trust from all sorts of aspects, and he would find it everywhere the same; it was the incarnation of blind and insensate Greed. In the Nove...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Romania - Ecotourism in Romania Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fascinating Romania   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the eastern edge of Europe, Romania is perhaps best known for its Black Sea resorts, such as Mamaia and the Greco-Byzantine port of Constanta, and the Danube delta, listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site for its rich wetlands and abundant bird-life. The Transylvanian Alps occupy much of the northern half of the country, the waters of their many spa resorts having been appreciated for their healing properties since Roman times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Romania offers a rich tapestry tourist attractions and vacation experiences unique in Central-Eastern Europe: medieval towns in Transylvania, the world-famous Painted Monasteries in Bucovina, traditional villages in Maramures, the magnificent architecture of Bucharest, the romantic Danube Delta, fairy-tale castles, the Black Sea resorts, the majestic Carpathian Mountains, spas and much more.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transylvania is also the legendary home of Bram Stoker's Dracula, based on an infamous medieval king 'Vlad the Impaler' whose spooky abode at Bran Castle may be visited. The northern half of the country is bisected by the great Carpathian Mountains, most of which are covered by pristine mountain forests which shelter one of Europe's last strongholds for large carnivore populations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Romania is a country with rich biodiversity (ecosystems, species and genetic diversity) and a high percentage of natural ecosystems 47% of the land area of the country is covered with natural and semi-natural ecosystems. The natural integrity of forest ecosystems is indicated by the presence of the full range of European forest fauna, including 60% and 40% of all European brown bears and wolves, respectively. Europe’s largest wetland, the Danube Delta, also lies predominantly in Romania. Major grasslands, caves, and an extensive network of rivers, add to the ecosystem richness. Important for Romania as well as for all Europe, is that the territory of Romania is a confluence point between biogeographic regions between arctic, alpine, west and central European, pannonic, balkanic, sub Mediterranean and even eastern colchic. The high level of geographic diversity in Romania and the consequence of its location as a biological confluence place have produced a fl oral diversity that includes over 3,70... and of local infrastructure. It also promotes the technological progress, environmental protection activities, and the financial sector reorganization. The development and restructuring of these fields are prerequisites for the increased traffic of local and international tourists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Well known for a long time on international scale, the Romanian hospitality proved to be, over the years and quite often, not only a characteristic of the Romanian people but, using the touristic language, a promoting instrument of the national offer on the international market, too. The idea of developing the tourism in Romania is based on this characteristic of the Romanians, and on the beauty of the Romanian village and landscape.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Biography

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Case Study: Poliomyelitis and Nursing

Jeffrey Alba is the eldest son of Jesse and Martha Alba. At twenty-four years of age, he is suffering from a permanent disability. Jeffrey has a poliomyelitis, otherwise known as polio since when he was born. Specifically, he is suffering from spinal polio, a disease that shows no symptoms 90% of the time at its early stages (Fagg, 1990, p. 21) His left leg has completely suffered from muscle atrophy for the past two decades, one of the evidences to the finding that the muscles in the left leg has been receiving little nourishment and exercise due to viral invasion in the spinal column (Beale & Horaud, 2001, p.841).Standing at approximately six feet and weighing at about 75 kilograms, Jeffrey can barely walk without his crutches, and a short-distance walk along the streets of the neighborhood proves to be a tiresome and painful experience for him. The Alba family is composed of four members—parents and two siblings. Jeffrey’s sibling is Jennifer, a young girl of sixteen years. The Alba family resides in the suburban area of Detroit, Michigan and has lived there for the length of their lives. The family’s income is a little below the poverty line, living at about $20,000 annually.The family lives in a rented apartment after their first house was sold in 1990 due to financial difficulties. Client’s Needs Based on the physical configuration of the household’s place, Jeffrey needs the space for him to be able to walk with less hindrance in his path. The fact that Jeffrey walks with the help of his crutches calls for an immediate allocation of sufficient space along the narrow room where the family lives. Unnecessary tables and chairs situated across the living room should be removed or relocated elsewhere where Jeffrey rarely goes.Other furniture pieces such as cabinets that are too high for the client to be reached should be carefully reconfigured so that the client can be able to reach into those areas with minimal help. Since t he rented apartment where the Alba household lives is only a single flat and has no stairs, Jeffrey has no difficulties accessing the other parts of the room except for the fact that there are several tables and chairs that need to be removed from his path. The belongings of Jennifer such as her school bags and books should also be removed from the floor since they can impede the movement of Jeffrey from one place to another.Another observation made is that the rented apartment of the household rests on the fifth floor of the apartment complex. The apartment complex nevertheless has a functional elevator only that there are no emergency power supplies dedicated for powering the elevator during occasional power outages. The apartment complex also has stairs which can be used during emergencies. However, the stairs are steep and prove to be difficult for Jeffrey to use especially when there are other residents using the stairs.Thus, it is advised that Jeffrey should seek the help from his family in using the stairs in times when the elevators are not functioning. More importantly, the underarm crutches that Jeffrey has been using for the past twelve years have not yet been replaced. Although the crutches are still functioning, the metal bars are already partly bent mainly because of the increase in weight in Jeffrey’s body as he grew up through the years. At six feet in height, the underarm crutches used by Jeffrey for the past six years in his life are only appropriate for individuals with a height of five feet and five inches.The shorter length of his underarm crutches can result to back complications since Jeffrey has to stoop in order to adjust to the length of the crutches. Moreover, the physical configuration of his underarm crutches is a bit small compared to his physique. Thus, there is an apparent need for a replacement of the crutches in order to prevent several other complications that may arise from the unsuitable crutches that Jeffrey is usin g. Due to the family’s meager income and budget, Jeffrey has rarely visited a hospital and sought medical advice from a doctor.The last time that the client visited a doctor was when he was still eighteen years of age, barely six years ago. As a result, the family has no update on the current condition of Jeffrey’s polio. From the family pictures taken within the past six years, it can be observed that the left leg of Jeffrey has greatly decreased in size. While the rest of the body of Jeffrey has developed through the years, the muscles of the left leg of the client have continuously shrunk in mass. The need of the client for medical advice is of utmost importance so that further medical problems can be looked into and averted.Budget for the Changes and Evaluation Most of the proposed changes in the Alba household do not require a significant amount of financial funding. The proposed changes in the setting of the apartment room can be done almost immediately and very minimal help from paid professionals. The parents can transfer the tables and chairs inappropriately situated in the living room into the bedrooms. Meanwhile the school belongings of Jennifer such as bags, books and notebooks scattered in the different parts of the floor can be transferred into the empty cabinets.The family can easily provide assistance to Jeffrey when he is using the emergency stairs given the fact that the family is oftentimes idle for several hours during the day. Moreover, the parents can request for the construction of a specialized platform just outside the main entrance to the building from the apartment manager or caretaker. The platform will serve as a safety entrance built especially not only for Jeffrey but also for the rest of the other residents of the apartment complex with permanent disability.The family can also request from the building manager several signs just before the elevator entrance such as signs which inform the public to give sufficient s pace to or prioritize the permanently disabled residents. This proposed change is also relatively free of charge as far as the Alba household is concerned. There are a few things, however, which need financing on the part of the Alba household in addressing the health condition of Jeffrey. For one, the provision of a new pair of crutches for Jeffrey requires payments ranging from $50 to $100.Nevertheless, the family can contact several non-government organizations which provide new crutches to deserving individuals either free of charge or at a lesser purchase price. The family can also send personal letters to government officials requesting for a new pair of crutches that are not only sturdy and can last a lifetime but are also suitable to the physique, height and weight of Jeffrey. Given the need for medical advice from a medical practitioner, the family can decide to bring Jeffrey to a healthcare facility that is funded by non-profit organizations.If possible, however, the famil y can also resort to medical advice from doctors in private hospitals within Detroit. Medical advice can run to a few hundred dollars, depending on the severity of his spinal poliomyelitis and the equipments which will be used in assessing his condition. As far as the planning, completion and evaluation of the client is concerned with respect to nursing diagnosis, there are little to very minimal expenses which may barely include transportation costs, meal expenses and purchases for documentation purposes.The duration of the execution of the case study will range from two weeks to a full month, depending on the results of medical advice sought by the Alba household for Jeffrey from either the non-profit healthcare organization or private hospital. The complete valuation will be composed of at least three visits a week to the household for two weeks to one month, with one to two hours duration per visit.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Domestic Violence Against Women Essay

Various types of relationships exist between men and women. The status of women has endured a constant change; thus changing the way they are perceived by others in relationships. Despite numerous healthy relationships experienced, there are those which have negative consequences to those involved; one such relationship is that regarding domestic violence. The term domestic violence according to Walker and Gavin refers to â€Å"an intimate relationship between two adults in which one partner uses a pattern of assault and intimidating acts to assert power and control over the other partner† (Walker & Gavin, 2011). Within the context of this paper, domestic violence will refer to violent relationships between men and women where it is the women who are victimized. The purpose of this paper is tri-fold: (1) to address the development of domestic violence; and (2) to examine various attitudes regarding domestic violence; and (3) to discuss ways in which society is dealing with the issue of domestic violence. Emergence and Development According to feminists, strong patriarchal values held within a society are linked with increased risk of harm towards women (Watto, 2009, p. 561). Patriarchy exists in most societies worldwide (Watto, 2009, p. 563). The term patriarchy refers to the father having full authority of his family (Romito, 2008, p. 30). Within society’s retaining this belief system, the wife and children are the father’s property (Romito, 2008, p. 146). Many findings have developed according to Totten. He found: 1) labor divided by sexual division to be normal; 2) men are to conquer women as sexual objects; 3) abusive behavior is a justified means for resolving conflict and 4) women should respect, obey and depend on men (Totten, 2003, p. ). Thus, one can conclude that family violence is linked to the ideology of patriarchy (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 123). As well, it is important to note that we live in a society which religion is prevalent, the church agrees with patriarchy (L. Walker, personal communication, October 3rd, 2011). Duffy & Momiov (1997) state: Their histories are united in the longstanding moral obligation of men, as com manded by the Church, to ensure that their wives and children behave themselves properly. Male violence may be legitimately employed to ensure such behavior. It is the patriarch’s Christian duty to â€Å"save their souls† (p. 123). Furthermore, considering society and the church agreed with the ideology of patriarchy, one can conclude that domestic violence was a private issue and was unheard or spoken of. The division of labor which has strong historical roots in society contributes to women being victimized. During the Industrial Revolution, men were seen as responsible for making the wage to support the family and the women was responsible for her role in the home as housekeeper and mother (Hutchings, 1992). Unfortunately, according to Hutchings (1992), a man may seek to have more power by abusing his wife if he feels as though he is lacking employment in his occupation. It is the male’s financial contributions into his home that gives him the opportunity to abuse his wife (Hutchings, 1992). Contributing Factors Leading to Domestic Violence as an Issue Domestic violence against women would never have become an issue if it wasn’t for the development of feminism (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 23). Feminism is divided into different waves. The two waves which had a connection to the development of an issue of violence against women were one and two. It was prior to the development of the second wave of feminism, that domestic violence against women was thought to be a private issue that did not warrant a concern from the public (Blanchfield, Margesson, & Seelke, 2009, pg 1). The first wave occurred in Britain during the years of 1870-1930, it was concerned with women’s citizen rights and the right to vote; this wave lead to women gaining these rights (Charles, 2000, p. 22). Within this wave, women were concerned with being granted the vote (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 9). The second wave of feminism emerged in North American and Western Europe during the 1960’s and focused on women’s liberation (Charles, 2000, p. 1). During this wave, the feminists came to believe that the state had the ability to demolish policies which affected women thus granting them certain rights (Charles, 2000, p. 5). Goals of the second wave were highlighted by Charles and deal with women raising domestic violence as an issue. He states: During the 1970s, the movement formulated seven demands. These were for equal pay; equal education and job opportunities; free contraception and abortion on demand; free 24-hour urseries; financial and legal independence; an end to all discrimination against lesbians and a woman’s right to define her own sexuality; freedom from intimidation by threat or use of violence or sexual coercion, regardless of marital status, and an end to all laws, assumptions and institutions which perpetuate male dominance and men’s aggression towards women (Charles, 2000, p. 1). Successes were gained from the development of feminism. Male privilege was partially removed with the success of the feminist movements (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 59). Women’s opportunities increased in relation to jobs, benefits, education, independence and affluence (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 173). Due to women’s gain of independence, they raised their expectations of men and were more unwilling to excuse unacceptable male behavior (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 173). With the changing of expectations held by women, domestic assault and rape laws were changes and policies which banned harassment in the workplace were created and made common (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 59). Addressing the Issue The 1960’s give rise to the battered women’s movement (Schneider, 1991). Prior to the development of women’s movement, battering of women was not recognized (Schneider, 1991). This movement viewed battering as a result of gender relations which reflected female subordination and male power (Schneider, 1991). This movement strived to decrease the silence surrounding the issue of abused women and decrease society’s tolerance of the acts (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 170). Furthermore, this movement has provided public education to increase awareness, services to those involved and constructed legal remedies to address and stop the abuse (Schneider, 1991). Due to the increased awareness of abuse against women, the Government of Canada has made an effort to decrease the occurrence. During May of 1981, the London Police were the first Canadian police department to implement laying charges regarding spousal assault (Department of Justice, 2009). According to the Department of Justice (2009), In May 1982, the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Health, Welfare and Social Affairs tabled its report, Report on Violence in the Family—Wife Battering. In it, the committee noted that police training (at that time) generally instructed against the arrest of a batterer unless he was actually found hitting the victim or unless the victim had suffered injuries that were â€Å"severe enough to require a certain number of stitches. During July of 1982, the House of Commons suggested that Parliament push all police to lay charges for acts of wife beating considering they lay charges for other forms of assault (Department of Justice, 2009). It was also suggested in 1983 by the Federal Provincial Task Force on Justice for Victims of Crime that there be written guidelines developed to direct officers to treat wife assault as a crime and that the act of prosecution be made without the woman’s consent (Department of Justice, 2009). Guidelines were issued to Crown prosecutors and police as to how to deal with spousal abuse by 1986 from the Attorneys General and Solicitors General (Department of Justice, 2009). These guidelines required police to file charges if they had reasonable grounds to believe the women had been assaulted (Department of Justice, 2009). The Government of Canada has been making adjustments to current bills. Bill C-15 was reintroduced in March of 2001 with the proposal of increasing the sentence of criminal harassment to ten years from the previous five year sentence (Department of Justice, 2009). Bill C-79 had been amended in December of 1999, to facilitate victim’s participation as well as that of the witnesses during the process of criminal justice (Department of Justice, 2009). For example, before the accused can be released on bail, the safety of the victim must be taken into account (Department of Justice, 2009). Bill C-27 was reformed and enforced in May of 1997; it redefined the definition of criminal harassment (Department of Justice, 2009). During a sentencing of the accused, Bill C-27 also requires that the courts take breaching of court orders into consideration (Department of Justice, 2009). Bill C-41 which discusses sentencing was amended in 1996; thus allowing women to seek compensation for expenses accumulated from the needing to leave their house due to the abuse. (Department of Justice, 2009). Bill C-42 was reinforced during February of 1995; thus making it easier for victims to receive peace bonds. Individuals and the police are now able to request a peace bond on a victim’s behalf who is at risk of harm (Department of Justice, 2009). The penalty for violating a peace bond has been raised from half a year to two years (Department of Justice, 2009). The final bill reformed was Bill C-126 which created a new charge of criminal harassment known as anti-stalking (Department of Justice, 2009). Shelter programs have been a way of society trying to help women of domestic violence (Koss, White & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). These programs have advanced a lot since they were introduced. Early shelters were only able to offer temporary support in the form of beds (Koss, White & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). Fortunately, shelter programs have advanced to offer more immediate services to the victims. Today, many of the programs offer emergency shelter, support groups, crisis lines which are open 24/7, counseling services, programs for children and advocacy for the victims (Koss, White & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). Fortunately, shelters have educated victims on their rights and options, taught them about community resources, shown them additional safety strategies and given them hope for the future (Sullivan, O’Halloran & Lyon, 2008). First response teams are in place to provide safety to victimized women. The team usually consists of social workers and/or trained advocates who assist police officers during or shortly after domestic violence arrests occur (Koss, White & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). These teams promote the message to abusers that legal consequences result from their harmful behavior and they also educate victims about resources and community services available (Koss, White & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). Discussion There are many ways in which society suffers from domestic violence against women. Family relationships suffer severely when women endure these unhealthy relationships (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). Family members are harmed as well (Duffy & Momirov, 19997, p. 6); for example: observing violence can affect the observer in a physical, mental, and/or emotional manner. Victims of the violence may feel humiliated (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). One reason a victim may feel humiliated is that the abuser is a loved one for whom they trust (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). The humiliation is usually experienced not only by the victim but also the accused but this may occur at differing times (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. ). The victim is likely to experience shame due to the belief that they are being attacked (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). Considering society doesn’t want to experience negative emotions, the victims and/or accusers may try to avoid the feeling of shame thus leading to the possibility of them becoming violent (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). The act of violence also affects those who witness it (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). Those who have witnessed violence and then engage in relationships with others are likely to realize that their relationships are tainted (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. ). Due to these tainted relationships, institutions such as the police, the penal system, social services and the courts get involved with the issue to try and break the cycle (Duffy & Momirov, 19997, p. 6). Individuals fail to intervene in conflicts of domestic violence due to existent stereotypes. Many people still feel as though the issue is still a private matter, should only be dealt and discussed within the family and this it is a minor offence (Berry, 2000, p. 23). Unfortunately, people also believe they are helpless and cannot stop it issue from occurring (Berry, 2000, p. 3). Many people still believe that the issue is rare, thus they may train them self to believe it isn’t really occurring (Berry, 2000, p. 22). It is believed by some that women are naturally passive and men are to be inherently aggressive, therefore abuse is inevitable and part of human nature (Berry, 2000, p. 23). Some believe that the women provoke the violence through getting angry at the man, nagging, or speaking their minds; thus leading to the women deserving to be beaten (Berry, 2000, p. 22). Furthermore others believe it is a problem due to increased poverty or stress, thus making it limited to those of a lower class (Berry, 2000, 23). Despite the negative consequences women face in these abusive relationships with men, some choose to not seek help. Many women may feel as though they are forced to stay in these relationships to avoid becoming a lone mother living a life of poverty (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 85). One can understand why women may fear becoming victims of poverty because despite their wages increasing, they still earn far less than men (Crow & Gotell, 20009, p. 5). Walikhanna (2009) has many thoughts of why women stay: 1) women may keep the issue silent for the sake of their children 2) education or training may be lacking thus they are dependent on the man 3) they may believe the abuse is part of their fate or a way of living (p. 72). The women may fear the man will seek revenge (Department of Justice, 2009). Victims may live in isolated communities or face communication, cultural or language barriers (Department of Justice, 2009). Furthermore, these are but few of the reasons the issue is still prevalent thus the authorities are unable to intervene. Sometimes strategies engaged prove to be ineffective. During the beginning of an abusive relationship, the women usually employ various strategies to diminish the violence (Denmark, Rabinowitz & Sechzer, 2005, p. 398). They may call the police, seek the help of family members or the church, turn to their doctors or try to change their characteristics which the man criticizes (Denmark, Rabinowitz & Sechzer, 2005, p. 396). Unfortunately, they men will find other ways to criticize the women, the police may only diffuse the present situation, family members and/or the church may advise the women to do everything in the relationship to salvage their families and doctors may respond to the women with sleeping pills, antidepressants and tranquilizers (Denmark, Rabinowitz & Sechzer, 2005, p. 396). Future Outcome Despite all the changes society has implemented, more needs to be done to make this issue non-existent. Lots of cases in which the women are abused go unreported to police but fortunately the reported cases have increased (Department of Justice, 2009). Presently, the stigma once attached to women who admit to being victimized and seek help has declined (Berry, p. 22). Fortunately, as more stories make public awareness, their attitudes regarding the issue their attitudes are changing; they are becoming more aware of its detrimental effects as well as the negative consequences of not getting involved (Berry 1995). Community implemented programs attacking domestic violence has also seen amazing results (Berry, 1995, p. 27). The effectiveness of all future outreach programs depend on the communities attitudes (Sen, 1999, p. 37). It has been suggested that all money used to stop domestic violence has promoted the victim instead providing social solutions (Sen, 1999, p. 37). For Example: the accused are threatened with a jail sense instead of trying to change the man’s ideology which causes to seek power though the use of violence and intimidation (Sen, 1999, p. 37). Futhermore it has been thought that men who abuse women do not believe they are criminals; one study found that 80 percent of those accused has no previous contact with the law (Sen, 1999, p. 36). Unfortunately, recognizing an abuser is not easy (Walikhanna, 2009, p. 3), therefore one way of intervening in cases of domestic violence is being able to recognize the signs. Signs of a women being abused include: being anxious or afraid to please their man, doing everything he says, going along with what he does, women checking in with their partner often to report their actions, constant harassing telephone calls or the women discussing her partner as possessive, jealous or having a temper (Smith & Segal, 2011). Signs of physical use include: having frequent accidental injuries, constant absences without explanations, and wearing clothing which hides marks (Smith & Segal, 2011). Signs of isolation include: restrictions to see friends and family, limited access to credit cards, money or a vehicle and rarely being allowed in public without their partner. Furthermore, another type of abuse to observe for is psychological. Signs include: low self-esteem, depression, anxiousness, being suicidal and expression of drastic personality changes (Smith & Segal, 2011). Despite various signs to observe to identify abuse, it is important to note that these are only signs, just because an individual is experiencing a sign does not mean she is a victim of abuse. These signs are only listed to better help society identify victims. Conclusion This paper discussed the changing of domestic violence from that of a private issue to becoming a public issue. Various attitudes, beliefs and interventions were also discussed. Feminists believe society’s emphasis on patriarchal values is linked to women being victimized by men (Watto, 2009, p. 561). Victimization of women is shown through the division of labour. The emergence of feminism lead to domestic violence of women becoming recognized as an issue (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 3). Feminism gained successes in relation to various issues. One of their great victory’s which had violence against women recognized as an issue arose from the battered women’s movement in the 1960’s (Schneider, 1991). Following increased awareness of the problem, the Government of Canada has implemented various interventions to try and rid the country of the problem. Not only are women victims in t his practice but so is society as a whole. Stereotypes are still present causing witnesses not to intervene. Some victims choose not to seek help despite the impact is has on them negatively. Unfortunately, there are victims who try to get help but are unsuccessful. Furthermore, despite all the progress made which deems this behavior unacceptable, it will continue to exist until more progress can be reached. In an effort to rid the future of the problem, emphasis needs to focus on society’s attitudes and beliefs as well as being able to recognize possible signs of abuse. Nevertheless, this will hopefully rid society of the issue and if not then hopefully make it one that is near non-existent.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Meeting at Night and Parting at Morning Commentary Essay

In the two poems, â€Å"Meeting at Night† and â€Å"Parting at Morning†, Robert Browning tells about the meeting of two lovers at night who are in love with each other. In order to meet the woman, the man undergoes a long journey through the sea and land. However, even after all this trouble, he must be secretive because they are not allowed to see each other. The second poem, however, tells of the very next day, when the man leaves the woman and seems to move on. Browning structures these two poems in order to give the reader a better understanding of the meaning of the poem. At the beginning of the poem, the man seemingly recounts his journey, briefly describing his surroundings as he passes them, noting any possible significance they may have to him. Browning incorporates alliteration at the end of each line in this poem, as he passed through â€Å"the long black land† and saw the moon â€Å"large and low,† creating the image of the environment which the man passes through. The use of the word â€Å"long† describes his lengthy trip on land, while the moon lying â€Å"large and low† in the sky tells of the time of his travel, the moon is low because he is traveling late into the night. Browning employs the ensuing alliteration serves the purpose of describing the journey through the senses. The â€Å"pushing prow† of his movement and â€Å"the slushy sand,† which absorbed each step describes the purpose the man walked with as he walked across the â€Å"sea-scented beach. † Browning is able to paint the man’s expedition through these alliterations. An interesting note of structure I found in this poem is that each stanza could be read from the last line up to the middle line (as opposed to the regular way of reading). By doing so, the reader can understand the poem better as the man reaches his ultimate destination of love in the center of each poem. In the first stanza, the woman is described with a synecdoche through her hair as â€Å"fiery ringlets from their sleep† and â€Å"startled little waves that leap. † This could mean that her hair was her most defining feature, according to her lover (the man). In the second stanza, the woman is described as a â€Å"voice less loud† and a â€Å"quick sharp scratch† coming from within the house. This can be inferred through Browning’s use of soft, feminine words. The use of the words â€Å"less loud† could possibly allude to the fact that the two lovers are not allowed to see each other, making this meeting a secret one. The â€Å"quick sharp scratch† resembles that of a small, peephole in the door which the woman looks through in order to ensure the identity of the man. When reading â€Å"Meeting at Night† the reader must also consider the poem â€Å"Parting at Morning† as they relate to one another. Although they can both be read separately, reading them together leaves the reader with a different understanding, as â€Å"Parting at Morning† provides a different ending, a different resolution to the two lover’s secret meeting. The use of anaphora in this short, one stanza poem indicates excitement in the man as he looks on to â€Å"a path of gold† leading to â€Å"a world of men† as â€Å"the sun looked over the mountain’s rim. This could indicate that the man was moving forward from his time with the woman and looking forward to setting sail onto lands unknown, with the promise of gold. This is due to the fact that it was general sailor’s belief that women were bad luck on ships, and therefore was generally unwelcome. The words â€Å"cape,† â€Å"sea,† and â€Å"strait† evoke images of the sea, as they are all bodies of water, and therefore allude to the man being a sailor (which wasn’t as specified in â€Å"Meeting at Night†).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How to Make Oreo Truffles

How to Make Oreo Truffles Are Oreo Cookies one of your favorite snacks, if so, Oreo Truffles are definitely something you need to try? This recipe is fast and super easy to make, and it is also a crowd pleaser. This recipe is one way to really indulge into the Oreo fun. After making this delicious dessert it would turn your favorite cookie into an amazingly delicious truffle. First, you will need to get the equipment and ingredients you will need to make the Oreo Truffles. There are several pieces of equipment that are necessary: a Ziploc bag, baking rolling pin, blender, a bowl, 2 spoons, microwave, baking pan, and a cookie sheet.The most vital part of this recipe is the ingredients. The ingredients that you will need are 1 package of Oreo cookies; you can get the regular or double-stuffed cookies, 1 package of 8 ounce Philadelphia cream cheese; however you should avoid fat- free because it can alter the texture or taste of the truffles, and 1 lb of semi-sweet chocolate or white cho colate chips. Now that you have the equipment and ingredients needed to make the truffles, it is time to prepare the recipe. Pre-crumbling the cookies is something you must do when you are preparing your ingredients.Open the bag of cookies and put them all inside the Ziploc bag. Once all the cookies are in the bag, seal tightly and lay bag on a flat surface. Take the baking rolling pin and start rolling the pin over the bag until all cookies are crumbled. When you are finish with this process you may notice that some of the cookies are not crumble as finely as you want them to be, so then you must use the blender. Pour the cookies crumb inside the blender and cut four ounces of cream cheese. After cutting the cream cheese put it inside the blender also.Once you have the cookies crumb and cream cheese inside the blender, mix together until you get a consistent color and texture. Then you will take a spoon and pour mixture inside a bowl and refrigerate for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. While the mixture is being refrigerate you can clean up the mess and wash the equipment that you used. Now that the mixture have refrigerated, it is time to shape the balls. Take a spoon full of the mixture and try to make it as even and round as you possibly can.Roll mixture in the palm of your hands until it turns into a 1 inch circular ball. Place the ball inside a baking pan on a cookie sheet. Repeat this process until all the mixture is used up and you should have about 40-45 balls for each recipe. Refrigerate the balls for 15 minutes. As the balls refrigerate you can now open the bag of chocolate chips, pour into a bowl, and microwave until all chips have melt. When the 15 minutes is up take the balls out of the refrigerator and dip each one in the chocolate by using 2 spoons.Place each ball back on the cookie sheet and let them set until all the chocolate have hardened. Once the chocolate is hardened; you are now finish with the recipe. If you want to add a little decorations to the truffles you can use what is left of the chocolate to make zigzags patterns. After you are finish with the recipe it is now time to serve, eat, and enjoy these amazingly Oreo truffles. While eating these truffles you can really enjoy them with a cold glass of milk, but it is optional. † Dig in,† and hope you enjoy such a delicious dessert.