Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WORLDVIEW ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WORLDVIEW - Assignment Example (Clooney, 2010). It is highly associated with the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus and those who believe and follow his teachings. Christians are the followers Christ and Christianity is the religion. According to St. Paul, Christianity has a foundation in the body and the soul of Christ Jesus, believed to be the son of God. According St. John, Jesus is the Lamb of God who came down to salvage man from his sin. They also believe that, it is only through Christ that mankind will receive salvation and that Jesus has sat on the right of God. Christianity was mainly a religion of the West but has spread to the rest of the continent and become the main largest religion all over the world. In the New Testament, Christians identify themselves with Jesus Christ as their true savior and the only son of God. According to St. Matthew, Jesus is the lamb of light and He links human beings with God. They believe that, through Christ, man will able to see God. St Peter in his teachings encourages the gentiles to accept and identify themselves Christ Jesus the savior. They believe in forgiveness of sins through Christ. Modern Christians identify themselves with British Israelis, descendants of Israelites who taken to captivity by the army of Assyria. They believe that White Christians are still the God’s chosen race and that Christ is an Israelite from Judah. The meaning of Christianity derived from Christ and his followers the Christians, hence the name Christianity as a religion. The major purpose of the believers is to spread the Gospel to rest the world. They believe in a sacred book called the Bible as a true word of God. The Bible manifests the will and teaching of God to those ordained filled with the Holy Spirit. According to St. Paul, Jesus ordains his followers and gives authority to spread salvation to all. They had total faith in

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