Friday, July 26, 2019

Fast Food, Gender, and Happiness Research Proposal

Fast Food, Gender, and Happiness - Research Proposal Example Most of them are of U.S. origin. The fast-food nutrition system has originated due to the expansion of the nutrition industry and the globalization. These improvements have altered the nutrition habits, tastes and preferences of the individuals. Those people who have busy schedules are provided ready, semi-ready or sometimes frozen food by the nutrition industry (Ãâ€"zcelik, Akan and Sà ¼rà ¼cà ¼oglu, 2007, p. 43).   The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between fast food and gender and its association with happiness. The importance of this study is to find out the correlation between eating fast food, gender, weight and happiness. The main objective is to check how the fast food centers appeal to the mass and to explore the causal relationship between the consumption of junk food and gender as well as the impact of fast food on weight.    According to Schofield (1989), it has been observed that there are differentiations in the gender culture in context of food. The authors highlight the way the fast food intervenes in the real life experience of taking a meal. The values and principles are circulated in the mass media. When we are talking about females and food, then we may consider fast food to be the source of separating women form their identity as the homemaker and cook. Since most women are generally working in the subordinate positions in the workplaces and their ultimate duty of the homemaker has to remain intact (where they do the household work themselves or they hire a servant to do the same), therefore they very soon undergo an identity crisis. The growth of fast food centers has even alienated the women from their otherwise household activity of cooking. (Schofield, 1989, p. 138) The development of industrialization has seen women negotiating their new relation with food. Their outlook has changed with the change in the trend. The middle-class women focus much on the nutritional

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