Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Impacts of the Current Economic and Financial Crisis on Trade Essay

The current economic and financial crisis is the least the world expects and wishes to happen at this time. Considering the political, social and environmental upheavals happening in almost every continent around the world, people have to face yet another form of crisis that hits them right in the pocket and through their stomachs. Everyone hopes that the economic and financial crisis ebb out soon because of the myriad of other problems and issues the world is confronting. These problems already wreaking havoc in many parts of the world include climate change and the adverse effects it is slowly creating in many risk areas, the political turmoil in the Middle East towards Western Asia where extremism, the oil crisis and militancy are depriving the people their right to peaceful life and secured future. In addition, the threat of nuclear proliferation is again showing its ugly head in countries not exactly known for its civil discretion record and democratic adherence to governance. Henceforth, the global financial crisis is hitting its toll hard on the economy of both the developed and the developing areas. Whatever caused the crisis is something for people of all nations to analyze and give solutions to. There is no other time that a crisis of this magnitude and potential toxic effect on everyone has happened since the great depression in the United States back in the 1930s. Because no one in every developed and developing countries will be spared by this financial and economic tsunami, there is a need for every nation, government, private sector and every concerned citizen of this world to talk to each other, discard their differences and find lasting solution to a turmoil whose long term effects is not so much known let alone the consequences of every possible solutions each economic unit adopts to avoid, control, face or even manage it. Drivers of the economic and financial crisis The financial crisis is believed to be caused by several factors that helped trigger the wave of the meltdown causing more problems and issues to mount creating more havoc along the way. May sectors point to simple greed and irresponsibility in overreaching corporate goals and objectives at the expenses of good governance and ethical conduct? Key corporate executives were known to have concocted various schemes to make money, expanding credit to dangerous limits, creating financial derivatives that are not backed by secure assets giving to market â€Å"balloons† waiting to burst at the prick of the regulatory pin by the government. Banks knew that the symptoms of the crisis appeared when collections on subprime mortgages started to slowdown pinning down the liquidity positions of banks and financial institutions that rely on prompt payments for that all-important shareholder value which banks have to deliver to the stockholders. Such drive for shareholder value gets tempered by the huge compensations and benefits enjoyed by the key executives of Wall Street financial firms. Credit cards transactions substituted for the liquidity that consumers have started to lose. People started to lose homes through foreclosures resulting in more defaults. Borrowers in the market similarly defaulted as well creating a vacuum of bad debts and worthless assets. Accountants and auditors started downgrading, depreciating, and impairing their assets to match the ongoing deterioration in the values of financial resources. While assets were being adjusted for overvaluation, liabilities were being litigated for non-payments and defaults. Stockholders and depositor, fearing the loss of their money to provisions for loan losses and panic withdrawals, withdrew their investments as well and kept them under their pillows until the market conditions stabilize and start to recover. In the meantime, the general sentiments in the market were gloomy, further eroding investor confidence stalling the normal flow of credit money to the business sector. Corporate managers, facing the impact of bankruptcy and tight liquidity, sought government interventions and protection from the economic slide. A number of cunning executives even would create fraudulent transactions to cover up their inability to create profits. Financial scams were discovered along the way, worsening further the already dampened moods in the market. Here, globalization, once taunted as a phenomenon carrying a bunch of opportunities for countries which have erased their boundaries to gain headway in the borderless economies, started to carry the tentacles of the crisis and carried the waves of defaults, unemployment, depression and recession, slackening demand for consumer goods, investments drying up to other countries faster than ever. Immediate and subsequent impacts created by the economic and financial crisis The immediate impacts created by the financial and economic crisis are the loss of investor confidence in a market haunted by bad debts and slow collections, deteriorating values of properties, illiquidity in the market, mergers, consolidations and buyouts, credit squeeze, downsizing of corporate structures, and ultimately bankruptcies for those unable to find workable solutions to the financial mess.   Derivative instruments burst creating a market vacuum that dissipated related derivatives. Money stopped flowing into the credit-hungry manufacturing sector threatening more unemployment and job cuts. Credit card defaults started to create more defaults and payment moratorium and debt restructuring, putting laid off employees in desperate positions for more defaults. Impacts on the developed countries were critical. Luxury and semi-luxury goods suffered a steep slide in demand caused by dampened market outlook and wait-and-see stance. People kept their money while those without started to think about more drastic financial solutions that reflected despair and chaos. Industries such as the automotive, electronics and other luxury players in the market faced an empty market –not much buyers. In the meantime, borrowed funds to sustain the manufacturing sector ballooned to huge levels triggering rush for bailouts from the government. Liquidity has to go back to the economy, but many corporate investments were earlier brought to the developing countries to take advantage of higher returns and assurance of stability in certain self-contained developing markets like China, Malaysia. India, Philippines and Indonesia. These countries were likewise starting to face the prospect of huge repatriation of capital investments back to their home countries already facing the brunt of the category 5 financial storms. On the other hand, the government of the developed countries commenced bailouts and hoped to sustain market demand by creating a gamut of stimulus packages to keep consumer spending going. This was thought to at least confront the depressed market for imported and even local goods. Importers reviewed their orders with many stopping their buying spree from foreign markets, mostly the developing ones. Here, the effects and impact of the crisis started to seep into the doorsteps of the developing countries. On one hand, the repatriation of capital back to the developed countries failed to materialize in the volume as expected due to restrictions and time to liquidate and repatriate. Bankruptcies in the developed countries resulted to more lay offs and retrenchments. Purchasing power for this sector alone dropped significantly and social security and unemployment benefits helped provide buffer to those who lost their jobs. The luckier ones just suffered pay cuts and salary freezes. In the meantime, exports from the developing countries trickled to low levels, dampening as well the manufacturing sector in their areas. Job cuts and lay offs similarly plagued the labor market with already low wages and salaries overtaken by inflationary pressures from the economy. At the social front, workers started to troop to foreign markets not so much affected by the crisis with the hope of repatriating dollar remittances to their families in the developing countries. The scramble for few jobs and the overall depressed employment sector is threatening to spur the rise in criminalities and social unrest. The tourism industry on both sides of the political divide similarly suffered a setback. The maturity of the developed countries focused their efforts on the stimulus packages and bailouts which their governments can very well afford to do so even for the long run crisis that may still affect them. The developing countries, however, already saddled by inflation, poor manufacturing sector, social unrest, insurgencies and the like had to look for new courses of development financial from the IMF, World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and even the Euro market for dole outs, grants and soft loans to soften the critical impact of the slowdown. In some countries, corruption aggravated the already depressed government budgets creating more social and political problems and totally compounding the prospect of early solutions to their issues. Barack Obama, the US President assured the market that bailouts and stimulus packages will be deployed by the government despite branding the crisis as the result of the greet and irresponsibility in the market, his remark given substance by the discovery of huge compensation packages given to Wall Street executives of firms that benefitted from the bailout packages. This infuriated the president who continues to crack the whip to impose discipline and order in the market. While this is being done in the United States, other developed and developing countries have started to address certain cultural solutions to prepare their people on the long-term effects of the scenario.   How and to what extent the crisis has resulted in adverse consequences to the trade and business is staggering and difficult to quantify at this point considering the different impacts and the magnitude that these impacts have on the other aspects of the socio-political and environmental issues. Already, the effects and impacts enumerated are being felt and its end not seen in the immediate future. Economists and everyone else are looking for the signs of recovery that will more or less mitigate the apprehension over the uncertainties looming ahead. Solutions such as the bailouts and stimulus packages are valid concerns but have limited utility to address the big problem. Even trade liberalization can begin to help smoothen the flow to recovery through abolition of restriction and protectionism. But these are not enough. Trade blocks and protectionism might only aggravate the situation.   Certain solutions from the economic and financial sectors might not help much. In fact, they caused the crisis; but definitely, the holistic approach to the measures that will prevent and control the resurgence of another crisis should come from a value-based approach that will address all the impacts created from the perspective of those impacts as well which means a social approach can solve the economic issue, etc. Those in control and have the power and influence to do so should move and talk their way out of the crisis. The ordinary citizen of the world can only do as much at his own level. The gravity of the crisis demands an equally big solution and the willpower to implement it. Conclusion With the economic and financial crisis continuing to create and change the social, political, technological and environmental configuration of the entire world, the civilized world has the responsibility to stabilize the harmful effects and consequences of these events. The trade and business sector has borne the brunt of the crisis both at the local and international fronts. Much of the responsibility to mitigate and reverse the disastrous effects of the crisis rests on the heads of states, their budget experts, the businessmen the private sectors and the general structure of the bureaucracy in response to the distinct kind of measures the market needs to bring discipline, order and sanity to the economy. Capitalism is at the center of this crisis; henceforth, all components that make capitalism work must revisit their strategies, social values and responsibilities, their investment priorities, personal motivations and corporate groupthink syndrome that brought this crisis all along. The solutions will not be easy because decisions will come from most people who helped instigate the crisis at the outset. Here, capitalism will have to reengineer itself, to protect itself from its own malevolence as well as help create a mechanism that will bring the positive and beneficial aspects of its sustainability. Otherwise, capitalism’s and the captains of the industry’s inability to reconfigure and redeem themselves and reverse the adverse consequences that it failed to solve and the factors that were ignored to implement everywhere might just be the key to its own irrelevance in a new form of economy that might emerge from the ashes of its own demise. Reference list (No sources required. Just knowledge of the subject).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Consumer Behaviour – Concept Used by Marketers

An award is something given to a person or a group of people to recognise excellence in a certain field, a certificate of excellence. Awards are often signified by trophies, titles, certificates, commemorative plaques, medals, badges, pins, or ribbons. Each person on this earth yearns for appreciation, recognition and affirmation. Some hanker for the recognition from their loved ones, some want to be recognised by their boss, organisation want to be recognised by consumers, some aim at appreciation from the masses or their peers in general and usually, organisations aim for affirmation (For example, ISO or Cast Trust awards). Marketers in this case had used the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. Every aspect of a market offering, including the nature of the product itself, is driven by the needs of potential consumers. Concept There are some types of relationships a person may have with a product. Trophies, medals and awards have given the consumers relationships of self-concept attachment, nostalgic attachment and love. They help to establish the user’s identity, serve as a link with a self past and elicit emotional bonds of warmth, passion or other strong emotion. Our perception is an approximation of reality. Our brain attempts to make sense out of the stimuli to which we are exposed. Several sequential factors influence our perception. Trophies, medals and awards have given consumers the perception of vision and touch. Vision Marketers reply heavily on visual elements in advertising, store design, and packaging. They communicate meanings on the visual channel through a product’s colour, size and styling. Colours may even influence our emotions more directly. Evidence suggests that some colours create feelings of arousal and stimulate appetite, and others create more relaxing feelings. Others reactions are a result of biological and culture differences. We know that perceptions of colour depend on both its physical wavelength and how the mind responds to that stimulus. Touch This sensory channel is relatively important even though scientists have done little research on the effects of tactile stilulation on consumer behaviour. Sensation that reach our skin, whether from a luxurious massage or the bite of a winter wind, stimulate or relax. Researchers even have shown that touch can influence sales interactions, they are starting to identify the important role the haptic (touch) sense plays in consumer behaviour. Haptic senses appear to moderate the relationship between product experience and judgement confidence, confirming the common sense notion that we are more sure about what we have preceive when we touch it. Motivation Motivation refers to the process that lead people to behave as they do. It occurs when a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to satisfy. The need creates a state of tension that drives the consumer to attempt to reduce or eliminate. The desired end state is the consumers’s goal. Marketers try to create products and services that will provide the desired benefits and permit the consumer to reduce this tention. When trophies, medals or awards are given to people or organization, it acts as a form of appreciation, recognition and affirmation. It becomes a very strong motivating factor to do more and be better. On the other hand, the absence of timely appreciation acts as a powerful de-motivator, and sometimes even pushes people to destructive behavior. The use of awards trophies and awards plaques can be used as an exceptionally potent way to express appreciation, recognition and affirmation at all levels, at home, at the work place and even globally. Values Researchers had identified four dominant of values, freedom, belongingness, excellence and connection. Classifying Consumer Needs Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is one of the consumer needs theory. People need to engage themselves to gain recognition and have an activity or activities that give the person a sense of contribution, to feel accepted and self-valued, be it in a profession or hobby. Maslow's concept of self-actualisation relates directly to the present day challenges and opportunities for people, employers and organisations to provide real meaning, purpose and true personal development. Self-Concept The self-concept is composed of relatively permanent self-assessments, such as personality attributes, knowledge of one's skills and abilities, one's occupation and hobbies, and awareness of one's physical attributes. The self-concept is not restricted to the present. It includes past selves and future selves. Future selves or â€Å"possible selves† represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming. They correspond to hopes, fears, standards, goals, and threats. Possible selves may function as incentives for future behavior and they also provide an evaluative and interpretive context for the current view of self. Self-Esteem Self-esteem reflects a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. People with high self-esteem expect that they will perform very well and people with low self-esteem will try to avoid embarrassment, failure or rejection. Marketers communication can influence a consumer’s self-esteem. A process of social comparison, where the person tries to evaluate himself/herself by comparing it to the person these artificial images depict. Examples The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognise excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent film award ceremonies in the world. Generally, it has been seen that the award of such trophies can be powerful motivators for all people. This is basically because most people crave appreciation, recognition and affirmation for their efforts, whether they work at home or in an office. These awards need not be expensive or grand, as long as they are tailor made for the recipient. 1248 words References http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Trophy http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Medal https://www. amazines. com/article_detail. cfm/725101? articleid=725101 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Consumer_behaviour http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/International_Organization_for_Standardization http://www. consumerpsychologist. com/cb_Perception. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Self-concept http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Academy_Awards Michael R. Solomon,_ Consumer Behaviour_, 8e Pearson Education, Inc.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How does culture affect politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How does culture affect politics - Essay Example The shared beliefs and norms usually define people’s expectations and how they should deal with issues once they arise. It affects the way people think and the processes of communication. Culture shapes a person and how he or she views the world. People’s identities are defined by their belief system, and people are satisfied that they belong to a certain community. On the other hand, politics is defined as shared symbol system. It links members of a group to a certain leadership system. Thus, the essay critically discusses how culture affects politics. Ideally, every country has a political culture which is defined by the shared values, norms and belief systems. The shared beliefs define the relationship between government and the citizens. People are brought together in a nation by heritage and language which defines how people should relate with one another. In a nation, people are held together by ideologies, patriotism and religion. Countries have different type of ideologies such as communism and capitalism. A nation will choose the type of ideology to adapt depending on the beliefs, norms, and values a country uphold (Skocpol 23). Consequently, culture has a powerful influence on people’s behaviors and thoughts. In the world today, interaction between different nations has resulted to change in people’s culture. People from different parts of the world share their views on different issues hence affecting their belief system. As a result, the political systems have been altered as a result of the change in different cultures. Through the shared ideas and principles, the political systems in most parts of the world have changed (Robert 166). Subsequently, a political system refers to the learned beliefs about a political system and how they operate wsith certain political boundaries. Political culture affects the way people see their political world and the value they give to it.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Archaeology - Essay Example In â€Å"Fishing from past to present: continuity and resilience of red abalone fisheries on the Channel Islands, California†, Braje et al. develop an 8000-year time-line employing archaeological data from the Holocene and historical data from the last century and a half â€Å"with the objective of integrating deep time into modern resource management.† (906) In 1997 emergency closure by the California Fish and Game Commission was instituted on the red abalone fishery in response to what was viewed as a catastrophic decline in the red abalone population. However, according to Braje et al., the archaeological record indicates that â€Å"anthropologic trophic cascades began some 8000-7500 years ago along the Santa Barbara Coast.† (917) In other words, the number of various prey and predator species has oscillated significantly over the last eight millennium along the Santa Barbara Coast. This optimistically indicates that the current decline in the red abalone popu lations is not necessarily permanent.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Interest rates & stocks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interest rates & stocks - Essay Example By using these values the current price of XYZ stock has been calculated and it is equal to $12.85. Po is the actual share price and P is the calculated stock price and when these two prices are compared, there is a huge difference between the two prices as the value of Po is equal to $76.28 and value of P is $12.85. There can be several reasons for the difference between the actual price of XYZ stock and the calculated price. One major reason could be the difference between the demand and supply of stock as in reality the demand of XYZ stock would be very high which might have increased the actual price of the stock and for this reason the stock has been overvalued. Also the other reason might be that people might expect the company to perform better in future and this is the reason why they would like to buy the stock of XYZ and this would have increased the price of the stock as well. As the market risk premium has increased from 7.5% to 10%, so this would change the return of XYZ stock as well. The new return can be found using CAPM equation and the new required return with the changed market risk premium would be 18.525%. By using the value of new required return of XYZ stock in Constant Growth Model the value of XYZ’s share price has been calculated. The new price is $7.75. The new price is lower than the price calculated previously because the market risk has increased and investors would like to have more return on the stock. So in order to get more return either the return or dividend should increase or the price of the stock should decrease, since dividend is constant therefore the price of the stock has decreased. The share price of XYZ Company calculated using the P/E method is different than the share price calculated using constant growth model and the reason behind this difference in estimated share price is that these methods are used to estimate the share price and at times one method would give

Consumer Promotions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Consumer Promotions - Essay Example Consumer promotions comprise of activities that aim at enhancing the sales of a given product. This paper seeks to determine the most effective method by delving into the different types of consumer promotions. Sampling is one of the most common methods of consumer promotions. Companies provide free samples to consumers as a way of introducing them to new products in the marketplace (Ogden & Ogden, 2014). Samples offer consumers a chance to consider how much they like a product or something that they would otherwise not buy. For instance, manufacturers of fruit juices can give away free samples at a farmer’s market. Sometimes, sampling can be used as part of a bigger marketing campaign taking place in the radio and local newspapers. According to Tanner and Raymond (2008), coupons are often considered as certificates that entitle their bearer an affirmed saving on the purchase of a given product. Companies distribute these coupons to their consumers through a number of ways. Coupons for the new fruits juice can be mailed, inserted in magazines and newspaper advertisement or enclosed in other products. Winners of these coupons could then win pack of different juices from the manufacturer. Rebates, often referred to as cash refunds, is another effective method of consumer promotion. These can be likened to coupons expect foe the fact that the price reduction occurs after one has made the purchase rather than taking place at the retail shop (Tanner & Raymond, 2008). For this to occur, the consumer sends a given ‘proof of purchase’ to the manufacturer. The manufacturer then ‘refunds the consumer a potion of the purchase price through mail. Rebates can be used in the promotion of the juice products in which consumers that purchase a given number of products are refunded. Price packs refer to flagged offers on product labels or packages that are given to consumers and which allow them to save off the standard price of a product (Yeshin,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Fast Food, Gender, and Happiness Research Proposal

Fast Food, Gender, and Happiness - Research Proposal Example Most of them are of U.S. origin. The fast-food nutrition system has originated due to the expansion of the nutrition industry and the globalization. These improvements have altered the nutrition habits, tastes and preferences of the individuals. Those people who have busy schedules are provided ready, semi-ready or sometimes frozen food by the nutrition industry (Ãâ€"zcelik, Akan and Sà ¼rà ¼cà ¼oglu, 2007, p. 43).   The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between fast food and gender and its association with happiness. The importance of this study is to find out the correlation between eating fast food, gender, weight and happiness. The main objective is to check how the fast food centers appeal to the mass and to explore the causal relationship between the consumption of junk food and gender as well as the impact of fast food on weight.    According to Schofield (1989), it has been observed that there are differentiations in the gender culture in context of food. The authors highlight the way the fast food intervenes in the real life experience of taking a meal. The values and principles are circulated in the mass media. When we are talking about females and food, then we may consider fast food to be the source of separating women form their identity as the homemaker and cook. Since most women are generally working in the subordinate positions in the workplaces and their ultimate duty of the homemaker has to remain intact (where they do the household work themselves or they hire a servant to do the same), therefore they very soon undergo an identity crisis. The growth of fast food centers has even alienated the women from their otherwise household activity of cooking. (Schofield, 1989, p. 138) The development of industrialization has seen women negotiating their new relation with food. Their outlook has changed with the change in the trend. The middle-class women focus much on the nutritional

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Social Development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Development - Coursework Example The social development process continues even after the child crosses into adolescence, through the youthful stage to adulthood. This means that social development is based described as a process of organizing human activities and energies at higher levels in order to achieve results. It also refers to development of emotional maturity and social skills needed to relate to other people and forge relationships. Often developing the understanding the needs for other people and empathy is also included in social development. For children to develop socially, children must interact with adults and their pears alike in a socially acceptable manner. They need to develop social skills in order for them to be able to fit into various social scenarios and form healthy relationships. Parental interactions are the key building blocks for a healthy social development among children. Through providing lots of love and attention to children, parents bond strongly with their children allowing them to grow in secure, comfortable and socially healthy environment. As a child grows and approaches maturity, his or her language skills becomes better, making social emotional development, as well as social interaction with her or his peers an essential part of his life, as he/she gets involved with the adults and other children around him/her. When the child approaches preschool, friendship increasingly become more vital. During this stage of social development, a child often prefers playing with friends of same sex and begin to form â€Å"best friend† relationships with selected peers. Approval and attention of the child’s friends and peers, as well as significant adults become increasingly vital to children of preschool age. At this preschool age, a child becomes more focused on seeking parents and friends’ approval. A child prefer playing with friends or parents or alone. He or she starts showing strong desires for independence and insists on making own prefer ences and choices in food, clothing, activities and so forth. Most of children at this preschool stage of social development, still require assistance and supervision of their parents in order for them to get necessary supplies or settle arguments. Most of the social development skills are often acquired at this preschool stage as children share, learn and take turns. Social Development in Children Milestones Early years of a life of a child present unique opportunities for a child’s healthy development. Researchers have shown that five years of a child’s life are very important. This are the formative years of a child and are characterized by both negative and positive experiences, which help in shaping a child’s social, cognitive, emotional and behavioral development. Emotional and social development milestones are somewhat harder to specify compared to those of physical development. In this area, the various skills involved include self-control, emotional dev elopment, and self-awareness are reflected in a child’s ability to pay attention, empathize, cooperate with others, make smooth transitions from activity A to activity B, and other skills. Studies have shown that social development in the skill of a child are very essential especially in school readiness for children. They also play a significant role in the social integration of a child in school. At 2 years, a child really starts to play interactively with peers. A child experiences real explosion in pretend play, which is the most critical

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Personal Jurisdiction in the Internet Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Jurisdiction in the Internet Age - Essay Example It is providing general information, allowing readers to contribute their opinions, and these characteristics are certainly more passive than interactive. A closer examination, however, reveals that this website is quite interactive. At the top of the page there is a "donate" link. Readers are encouraged to support this site financially because it is not a traditional commercial enterprise. Donating online is a form of two-way communication and hardly passive. In addition, there are many advertisements on this web page. While advertisements alone, per se, are inadequate to justify personal jurisdiction, these particular advertisements are related to the conspiracy topic of the web site. There are shirts with the web page logo for sale, advertisements for investments in gold and precious metals to hide from an inevitable economic crash, and a web site store hawking everything from key rings to videos and hats. Most significantly, these products are sold online, through the web site. T he operator of this web site, therefore, must recognize that many states can acquire personal jurisdiction. This web site is not passive. This web site is much more than the "middle spectrum" cases to which Wolf refers.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Technology and Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology and Business - Essay Example In a way, Blackberry is the next generation in portable access that began with the introduction of mini computers and then laptops and now to handheld devices. It is an improvement over the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant). The Blackberry has its own operating system that has been developed by RIM (Research in Motion), the company that has pioneered the device. There is provision for third party vendors to provide add-on software. Currently, Blackberry allows for integration with the Microsoft Exchange, Novell and Lotus software. Blackberry can be thought of as a mix of the WAP access in mobile phones and the portability of a PDA. The latest versions of Blackberry have the GPS (Geographical Position Service) enabled along with the radio feature. This is a marked improvement over the earlier versions and it shows the extent to which the device has evolved over the years. The Blackberry device is portable and allows for flexibility and â€Å"on the move† access of the applications for professionals in any field. It is the technology of choice for senior management and those who have multiple meetings in a day. As mentioned in the previous section, it is a boon for anyone who spends a lot of time away from his or her desk and yet needs to access the emails and know the schedule for the day. Many companies have taken to the Blackberry devices in a major way and it is not uncommon to see executives sporting these devices. The later versions of the device have text messaging and group chat enabled along with the internet fax and other features that enable the users to access the network simultaneously. More and more companies are going in for versions of the device with lots of gigabytes of memory and storage space so as to enable the users to have applications like Microsoft Word integrated and make the users access them â€Å"on demand†. This integration makes the transition from desktop applications to the handheld devices and

Monday, July 22, 2019

College Essay Essay Example for Free

College Essay Essay Why is college important to me? College is important to me for many reasons. One being, my future goals will be unattainable without it. Also, I would be setting a good example for my kids once they reach the age to further their education. Another reason being, I never imagined I would finally make it to college. There are many more reasons as to why, but these are just a few reasons why college is important to me. I believe everyone should fight for their dreams. By setting goals, you have a plan and steps to follow in order to accomplish whatever dream you want. The world today runs on how successful a person is as well as how much money an individual has. I have always wanted to be a criminal psychologist. No matter what, I am going to need a doctorate degree. But, what if people cannot afford that or do not want to complete that much schooling? If you do not have some amount of post secondary schooling, you are not going to be as successful as someone who does have that education. â€Å"Occupations that typically require post secondary education for entry have higher wages. (BLS)† America runs on money. Everything costs a certain amount. Therefore having a post secondary education is what will get you far in life. It will help you gain the success you strive for. With a higher education, you can also live a more comfortable life without having to worry about financial problems, because you have a higher education and therefore more knowledge about a profession. I am constantly striving to do my best so that when I have kids they know what it entails to lead, not only a successful life, but also a comfortable, worry free lifestyle. My parents never went to college. The highest level both my parents had was a high school diploma. I never had an example of someone who went to college or got that kind of education. I was never one of those children who always knew where they were going to college because they were going to follow in their parents footsteps. Due to my parents lack of post secondary education, as well as no education on how to handle finances, my parents always had bill collectors calling. We were in extreme debt and my parents never knew what they could afford. Instead they would just spend money like it was growing on trees. I do not want any of this for my children. If I want to be able to spend money like there is no limit, then I know I need an education that can support the financial needs for my family and me. If that means getting a doctorate degree and still furthering my education after that, then that is what I will do. I don’t want my children to have to see me getting calls from bill collectors. It can be very scarring. College will always be recommended for that. It will always be something in the forefront of their minds. College was never something that I ever thought I would accomplish. Due to my parents not going to college, I never thought it was expected of me or it was even that important. Once I got into high school, everyone would talk about what kind of profession they wanted to be in and what college they wanted to go to. Everyone would worry about their grades, sports, and the electives they were a part of. They were all worried about what it would look like to college admissions counselors. I was never like that, until I moved out of my moms house. I was placed in a foster home during my junior year in high school. It started out okay. I had two sisters and everyone was nice. But after a while, I just wanted out. My senior year had came and I started applying to the colleges that were farthest away. I wanted to be no where near where I was from. I did not want anyone to come visit me. So, Ohio State became my dream. It was cold, always snowing, so naturally, no one would want to go there. It never happened because of other events that ended up occurring in my life. However, if I had never been placed in a foster home, college would have never been a thought in my mind. In the end, I went to cosmetology school and I am now taking online classes majoring in criminal justice. College is one of the most important things someone can do in life. Today, not many professions are attainable without a college degree or being certified in some kind of industry. Children need to be shown from an early age that college is always going to be an expectation for them so they can live a successful life. I am striving to do what I love to do. I am going for my dream, just like what Steve jobs said: â€Å"You’ve got to find what you love†¦ Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way  to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. (Isaacson, 2011)† My grandfather always told me that if I love what I do, I will always be good at it. I truly believe that! Works Cited Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2012. Education and Training Outlook for Occupations. http://www. bls. gov/emp/ep_edtrain_outlook. pdf. Isaacson, Walter. 2011. Steve Jobs. New York: Simon Schuster.

President Eisenhower and the NATO Essay Example for Free

President Eisenhower and the NATO Essay Stephen Ambrose, in his book Eisenhower: The President (pp. 215 – 216) gives a picture of the president as the driving force behind the NATO solution embodied in the Paris accords of late 1954. Is he right or wrong? The abrupt end of the World War II following the bombing of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki using atomic bombs heralded a period of heightened tension between the Western World represented by the US and the Eastern World represented by Soviet Union. Each of the two sides formed a myriad of alliances in bid to assert themselves across the face of the world. NATO was one such alliance that was purposely formed by the Capitalists (US and allies) to contain Communists (Soviet and allies). Though initially the alliance was more of a political organization than a military one, subsequent happenings in Europe, particularly the Korean War electrified the member states into forming a strong military alliance, with an integrated military structure built under the direction of two US military commanders, one of them Eisenhower. The militarization of the alliance was necessary especially having in mind that the opposing blocs (communists) were in the process of building their own strong military arsenals and therefore there was need for a balance of power between the two blocs. Again, this was a period marked by costly defense spending, immense conventional and nuclear arms race, and a number of proxy wars. [Rosenberg, 1979] In his book, Ambrose seeks to differ with Eisenhower’s friends as well as critics who regarded him as largely unprepared for the presidency. He depicts Eisenhower as one person who carried the best credentials among persons to ever been elected to the Presidency, particularly in matters concerning foreign affairs. Ambrose has got all the reasons to throw his weight behind Eisenhower’s foreign relations capabilities, given the success that he (Eisenhower) achieved when he served at various military ranks in international duty during the World Wars and the Cold War, the most notable one being his appointment as the first commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). [Ambrose, 1984] Until his election as the 34th US President, Eisenhower was serving as the supreme commander of the NATO forces in Europe. Moreover, in his inaugural speech he vowed to use his experience to end the Korean War. Being an experienced soldier and therefore understanding the painful impact of the modern weapons than any other person, he resolved to appeal for peace. To achieve this he advocated for high level of cooperation among the nations even among those who disagreed. He rejected the notion of an isolated America from the rest of the world, save behind its nuclear shield. He harbored the argument that active participation of the US in the world affairs was the most appropriate method of making sure that democracy was achieved in nations that were susceptible to the encroachment of Communism. He also harbored the belief that sustained dialogue between the US and the Soviet would be the best option for the provision of security to the entire world. To achieve this, he advocated for military and economic unification of the nations that formed the Western alliance, since according to him that was the only avenue for providing the much needed peace and freedom in the Western Europe. For example, he pursued the reinforcement of NATO’s southern flank by helping Italian-Yugoslavian struggle over Trieste and proposed at the Geneva summit meeting a shared aerial inspection, a move that was aimed at preventing a surprise nuclear attack. He also proposed for a project known as ‘atoms for peace’ program, that sought to provide loans to American uranium to ‘have not’ nations for peaceful purposes. [Boll, 1988] In what seems to a support for the argument that Eisenhower understood the painful repercussions of war, Campbell Craig claims that Eisenhower used the policy of nuclear weapons deterrence to scare his advisors to shy from pushing him to declare war against the communists, and also to deter the communists themselves into going into war with the West, represented by the US. In his book Destroying the Village: Eisenhower and Thermonuclear War; Campbell Craig argues that Eisenhower’s policy of defending the United States international interests was through general thermonuclear war. [Craig, 1998: p. xi] He reasons that between 1956 and 1957 Eisenhower rearranged the official American basic security policy in a way that, in the event of a war with the Soviet Union, the war would automatically escalate into general thermonuclear war. [p. 67]. The very threat of a thermonuclear war would serve as a deterrence of such a war on a national level since the US policy makers will definitely resist escalation in a crisis. Craig puts it this way, â€Å"Eisenhower’s strategy to evade nuclear war was to make American military policy so dangerous that his advisors would find it impossible to push Eisenhower towards war and away from compromise. † [p. 69]. This also served as deterrence to the Soviet Union as the prospect of going into a war that would escalate into thermonuclear war was so scarring. A fair analysis on Craig’s work is that, it is short of neither supporting the use of rigid defense of nuclear weapons nor rejecting their strategic use. Consequently, Craig does not seem to support or refute the claim that Eisenhower was directly behind the NATO solution to the encroachment of the Soviet Union and its allies. He lets his audience to make a conclusion; however, his arguments seem to lean more on the notion that Eisenhower used nuclear weapon diplomacy and the strengthening of the NATO and unification of the states that formed the treaty. He argues that â€Å"American avoidance of nuclear war †¦ did not just â€Å"happen. † Actual people, above all Eisenhower, sought to evade nuclear war; many powerful figures at the center of decision believed that such a war was justifiable and regularly called for steps that would have begun one. [P. xii] Soman argues that, during the period of crisis, between the years 954-1955, the Eisenhower’s administration was mainly concerned on the fate of the treaty for the Western European Union and the admission of Germany to NATO, which was to be ratified by the European nations. Particularly, the secretary of state, John Foster Dulles was filled with the fear that any event leading to a war with China that would involve nuclear weapons would move the European opinion away from the United States and therefore leading doubts on the ratification of the treaty. Soman argues that Eisenhower’s success just like many other US Presidents of post-World War II era in maintaining the United States national security and the strengthening of the NATO in the face of military threats from the Soviets was through the use of nuclear weapon diplomacy. For instance, he explains how American atomic capabilities contributed to the working out of a truce in the North Korean war. He reasons that, Eisenhower had no option in the use of nuclear diplomacy to counter the encroachment of the Soviet Union and its allies: he had inherited â€Å"†¦ a stalemated war in the Korea, a costly military build up, and armed forces that despite nearly three years of massive conventional rearmament still left the United States heavily dependent on atomic arsenal. † [Soman, 2000: p. 36] He therefore chose to reject any Soviet proposal to ban nuclear weapons knowing very well that this was his only trump card.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Arguments on Artificial Intelligence

Arguments on Artificial Intelligence We live in an extraordinary time. Improvements in technology seem to be accelerating at an unbelievable rate. Every time they think Moores Law has reached its limits, tech companies come up with a new level of capability. No less is the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI). Our every day lives are already deeply immersed in AI, and we dont even know it. It controls much of the financial markets, performs law enforcement tasks, and makes our internet searches more useful. Most AI today is weak AI, designed to perform a very specific task (Tegmark, n.d.). But the goal of all research and corporate investment is always more; what else can we know or do? Often, these entities are creating things in a vacuum, with limited moral, ethical, or legal boundaries. When is it too much? The driving force that makes us want to always explore further is what makes the development and use of artificial intelligence (AI) a risky course of action. Why is this a risky course of action? Because giving control of systems to artificial intelligence could have seriously negative results. Take, for example, researchers working with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In this case, they develop a neural network that returns suggestions for treatment of pneumonia patients. Using a historical database with the solutions and results of methods of treatment, the AI is supposed to provide suggested solutions to treat patients. In one solution, it recommended that certain high risk patients be sent home (Bornstein, 2016). This solution had high probability of resulting in death. When working with and complex task, accomplished by human or machine, the law of unintended consequences must always be considered. No matter how well someone thinks they have thought a system through, it is nearly impossible to consider every possible outcome. Certainly, unintended consequences are not all bad, many drugs have side effects that are beneficial and completely not what the drugs was designed to do. On the other hand, many drugs have very negative side effects. Certainly, they are not intended to cause any adverse symptoms, but many have severe unintended consequences, including death. Some would argue, AI is currently in use and benefits everyone with no negative effects. Singularity cannot happen. While we certainly use some types of AI currently and have had minimal negative effects. It is also true we have not reached singularity. It is the height of hubris to believe that we have total control over anything or that we have considered all possibilities. Consider Fukishima or Chernobyl, all possibilities were not covered and resulted in huge disasters. Even NASA, the standard for careful scrutiny of complex systems and procedures has had some catastrophic failures in the form of space shuttle crashes due to hubris of the organization and/or individuals. How many people died on the Titanic? A ship that was unsinkable was sunk by a simple iceberg, or was it hubris? The shoddy steel used in the construction of the hull, the poorly designed bulkheads that didnt reach to the top deck, and the pressure to go as fast as it could are what sunk the ship. And not enough life boats on the unsinkable ship killed the passengers. Hubris lead them down the path to destruction. We are at the point that we have the capability to combine AI to create autonomous military machines. Some are even in the testing phase of development. Machines that make decisions of life and death on their own (Russell, 2015). Absent human intervention, what is to keep one of these machines from deciding the wrong person is a target. A machine knows no morality, no ethical code, only its programming, its goal or reason to exist. Given a powerful enough computational system, it could decide to use everything at its disposal to achieve its goals (Anderson, 2017). Things like taking control of infrastructure, or even humans. So, what do we do? Is there risk? Even captains of industry and experts like Gates, Musk, and Hawking suggest there is (Holley, 2015). It is clear we are already on the path to creating ever more complex and capable AI. We must recognize that we all make mistakes and constantly be on guard against mistakes and, more importantly, hubris. Most expansion of knowledge has risk. When confronted with a discipline that has catastrophic possibilities, we must fight the desire to run forward as fast as we can with no concern for the consequences. Methodical deliberation is the only course. We must consider the ramifications of each step and ensure safeguards are in place should we need to terminate or isolate any AI that develops goals counter to those of humans. If we manage to be conscientious enough and adhere to ethical principles, we might, just might, keep from developing the instrument of our own demise. References Anderson, J. (2017, February 16). Googles artificial intelligence getting greedy, and aggressive. Activist Post. Retrieved from Artificial Intelligence. (2015). In Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from Bornstein, A. (2016, September 1). Is artificial intelligence permanently inscrutable? Holley, P. (2015, January 29). Bill Gates on the dangers of artificial intelligence: I dont understand why some people are not concerned. The Washington Post. Retrieved from Russell, S. (2015, May 28). Take a stand on AI weapons. Nature, 521 (7553), 415-416.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sex and Music Videos in the 21st Century :: Music Essays

Sex and Music Videos in the 21st Century Females have been portrayed as sex objects in music videos since MTV began. Some of the earlier stars on MTV consisted of Prince, Kiss and Aerosmith, just to name a few. Even those videos contained images of women in bikini’s, so why are we so shocked and appalled when Kid Rock has 20 surgically enhanced women parading around him as if he is king? Is it really that shocking that Sisqo’s, â€Å"The Thong Song† was voted 2000’s summer anthem, by Jet Magazine? His most recent album contained thirteen tracks. Of those thirteen tracks, 50 % contained sexual content. ( It isn’t that society is shocked that men portray women as sex objects, it’s the fact that males in general still view women as sex objects. This is the 21st century. Women have fought long and hard to be treated as equals to men. They wanted to prove that women are not a trophy, yet not required to be bare foot and pregnant. Just when women think they have won the fight, models, such as Pamela Anderson, whom willingly prance around in skimpy shorts and tight, revealing, leather tops and sporting high heels become the competition. This is an image that respectable women have fought so hard to rid society of. What a slap in the face. Young, impressionable males do not understand what the subliminal messages in popular music videos are. Subconsciously, boys think that they understand what rock and rap videos are saying. The children do not understand that producers, directors and the artists, work as a team to strategically use camera angles, positioning, poses and sexual innuendoes to make their point. In fact, according to Kathleen Turkel, an assistant professor of women’s studies at the University of Massachusetts, â€Å"The fantasy world of rock videos is not innocent or accidental, but it is a carefully designed advertising technique used to sell CD’s, tapes and videos to a target audience of 14 to 34 year-old consumers.† (Rhodes) The final result of all of these messages is a very skewed image of who and what women are. Young girls viewing these videos is actually quite disturbing because what they watch on television is what they will grow up wanting to become. With all of these gr aphic images allowed on television, is it any wonder why we have horrible rape cases and other sexual assault crimes? Sex and Music Videos in the 21st Century :: Music Essays Sex and Music Videos in the 21st Century Females have been portrayed as sex objects in music videos since MTV began. Some of the earlier stars on MTV consisted of Prince, Kiss and Aerosmith, just to name a few. Even those videos contained images of women in bikini’s, so why are we so shocked and appalled when Kid Rock has 20 surgically enhanced women parading around him as if he is king? Is it really that shocking that Sisqo’s, â€Å"The Thong Song† was voted 2000’s summer anthem, by Jet Magazine? His most recent album contained thirteen tracks. Of those thirteen tracks, 50 % contained sexual content. ( It isn’t that society is shocked that men portray women as sex objects, it’s the fact that males in general still view women as sex objects. This is the 21st century. Women have fought long and hard to be treated as equals to men. They wanted to prove that women are not a trophy, yet not required to be bare foot and pregnant. Just when women think they have won the fight, models, such as Pamela Anderson, whom willingly prance around in skimpy shorts and tight, revealing, leather tops and sporting high heels become the competition. This is an image that respectable women have fought so hard to rid society of. What a slap in the face. Young, impressionable males do not understand what the subliminal messages in popular music videos are. Subconsciously, boys think that they understand what rock and rap videos are saying. The children do not understand that producers, directors and the artists, work as a team to strategically use camera angles, positioning, poses and sexual innuendoes to make their point. In fact, according to Kathleen Turkel, an assistant professor of women’s studies at the University of Massachusetts, â€Å"The fantasy world of rock videos is not innocent or accidental, but it is a carefully designed advertising technique used to sell CD’s, tapes and videos to a target audience of 14 to 34 year-old consumers.† (Rhodes) The final result of all of these messages is a very skewed image of who and what women are. Young girls viewing these videos is actually quite disturbing because what they watch on television is what they will grow up wanting to become. With all of these gr aphic images allowed on television, is it any wonder why we have horrible rape cases and other sexual assault crimes?

Friday, July 19, 2019

Lincolns Beliefs Against Racism and Slavery :: American History Abraham Lincoln

* What were Lincoln's beliefs concerning race and slavery? How did they change over time, and in what ways did they remain the same? How were they evident in the Lincoln-Douglass Debates, and the history of emancipation? On October 16, 1854, Abraham Lincoln gave a speech denouncing the Kansas-Nebraska Act at Peoria, Illinois. He stated that it was too modified and it was a repeal to the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of 36Â °30'N lat. The Kansas-Nebraska Act gave the territories popular sovereignty which was the direct opposite of the previous decision. "This declared indifference, but as I must think, covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I can not but hate. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself (Johnson 45)." In a fragment that Abraham Lincoln wrote in 1854 about slavery, he protested that both blacks and whites had the same right to enslave each other and neither had more superiority. He used a theory to prove all of the whites' reasons for slavery were incorrect and could be turned around to enslave them. "You say A. is white, and B is black. It is color, then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker? Take care. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own." He also went on to use the same reasoning towards disproving the arguments that whites are intellectually superior to blacks (Johnson 49). On June 26, 1857 Lincoln gave a speech on the Dred Scott case. He expressed his disapproval of their decision but maintained that he offered no resistance to it. The point that the court had over-ruled its own decisions before was brought up and he said, "We shall try to do what we can to have to over-rule this (Johnson 56)." Lincoln realized the necessity to respect and abide by the law, but he also recognized the ability, through legislative power, to change the law. In the Lincoln-Douglass Debates, Lincoln stated that he had no lawful right to interfere with the institution of slavery. Lincoln also goes on further to say that he doesn't believe in full political or social equality for blacks, but he says that whites and blacks share the inalienable rights that are listed in the Declaration of Independence.

The Italian Wars :: History

The Italian Wars Italy was the background for outside powers between the French invasion of 1494 and the accession of Francis 1 in 1515 for different reasons. Between these years, the States of Italy were invaded on a number occasions by armies from France, Spain and other countries. At this time, the Italian States were very vulnerable; there were conflicts in Italy itself, they had out of date military equipment and Italy had insecure frontiers and unreliable allies – â€Å"That Italy failed to organise herself against invaders was due to the selfish policies.† This gave outside powers reason to use Italy as their battleground. Italy was a very wealthy country, showing this wealth, a Florentine Historian, Guicciardini said â€Å"Italy has never enjoyed such prosperity or known so favourable a situation† Also, because the Pope lived in Italy, it gave enemies more incentive to fight in Italy as opposed to any other country. Another reason for Italy being the battleground was that foreign powers felt they had dynastic claims to certain states and therefore felt obliged to fight for them. I feel the most important reason why outside powers chose Italy to fight in was basically because they ‘could.’ Italy was divided, unstable and disunited; there were even civil disputes e.g. when Venice and its neighbour Ferrara went to war. It was hard to keep foreign powers out of their country because they weren’t working together; each state was not strong enough to protect Italy on its own. The Papacy also didn’t help in keeping enemies out – â€Å"there was always scope for dissension between them (Orsini and Colonna); and while they remained armed before the very eyes of the pontiff, they kept the papacy weak and insecure.† Also, it was playing its usual game of self interest. Pope Leo X in 1513 set about promoting the interests of himself and his family. He was prepared to negotiate for French aid to further his ambitions – this lead to more foreign powers (especially France), being able to easily use Italy as the main battleground. It can be disputed that the most important reason for Italy being the battle ground was that it was wealthy, but I feel that even though it was wealthy, there were certainly other wealthy states which could have been the battleground, had Italy not been such an easy target, with certain assets other countries did not have. This leads me to the next important reason why Italy was the battle ground; wealth.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

An analyses on Mount Franklin Market Positioning Strategy Essay

1. Introduction Water is the fountain of all life and is a prime need of the body. Over 60 percent of our body weight is made up of water. In Australia, most people are drinking tapped water directly at home, but while traveling or eating out in restaurants, buying bottled water has become one of the most popular choices This need has been well explored by some beverage producers, both local and overseas. So today there are various brands of drinking water in Australian market. Among them, Mount Franklin’ (start from 1994) has become Australia’s favourite water brand and the most recognized. This paper focuses on studying Mount Franklin’s marketing positioning strategy by using perceptual mapping method, in order to analyse a successful brand in drinking water industry and provide recommendations for a new brand that would like to enter into this market. 2. Marketing concepts a. Market positioning Positioning can be defined as ‘†¦ the act of designing the company’s offering so that it occupies a meaningful and distinct position in the target customer’s mind.’(Jobber & Fahy, 2009) It is the final and fatal stage of the process of target marketing strategy which involves designing product features and image which are distinguishing from competitors in the existing market for the purpose of appealing to the specific target market segment. It is combined marketing strategies that result in how the organisation wants a product or brand to be perceived by the market. Positioning is directly related to brand values, market demographics and the image of the product in the marketplace. b. Perceptual mapping Perceptual mapping is a diagrammatic technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. 3. Brands introducing a. Mount Franklin Owned by Coca-Cola Amatil, Mount Franklin took the leading position in Australian bottle water market in past decade, and accounted for 20%  off-trade volume sales in 2012. According to Coca-Cola’s market research, Mount Franklin water has a 99 percent brand awareness and 43 percent of females aged 25-39 say that Mount Franklin is their favourite brand. b. Mount Franklin’s market positioning strategy Mount Franklin represents and promotes an overall sense of wellbeing. Young female model Jennifer Hawkins as brand celebrity which promotes the healthy and fresh image of its product. Make the brand closely associated to the community; to this end Mount Franklin has established the Drink Positive, Think Positive, campaign. Moreover, the brand has enhanced this connection through its community partnerships with the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Make consumers feel the purchase of Mount Franklin as helping themselves and the environment by changing the package to â€Å"the easy-crush bottle† which is good for the environment as well as being similar to that of the original product. The new 600ml Mount Franklin Easy-Crush Bottle is made with 35% less plastic and has a carbon footprint which is 27% lighter than the previous bottle. Be of support to Australian economy by consuming Mount Franklin water as the local brand. c. Other brands in Australian market Along with the number one bands, there are hundreds of other drinking water brands in Australian market. Although hardly close to Mount Franklin’s leading position, some of them are making rational market share, including Pump (another drinking water brands owned by Coca-Cola), Evian, NU Pure, Mount Lofty, Coles bottled water, Woolworth bottled water, etc. 4. A perceptual map of drinking water market in Australia A perceptual map could be in two dimensions or multiple dimensions, depending on the attributes taken into consideration when analysing a target market. a. Quality As a necessity of life, quality of water is most critical attribute when people choose a bottled water. ‘Mount Franklin’ spring water is collected locally and bottled daily. It is filtered three times via micro filters, to eliminate any tiny particles naturally found in spring water. This ensures that every bottle of ‘Mount Franklin’ is of exceptional purity and quality. b. Price Drinking water, as a commercial product, its price ranks secondly important. Usually, consumers will compare the price accessible in marketplace when purchasing a product. Mount Franklin’s prices vary from store to store. In CCA vending machines the price for a 600mL bottle is $3.00, which comparably higher. c. Accessibility It is about how easily consumers could purchase a target product and make an important role in fast moving consumer goods industry including drinking water. Mount Franklin is found widely in supermarkets, convenience stores, vending machines and other vendor services e.g. petrol stations and newsagents. d. Brand awareness Consumers are more likely to choose a well-known brand when the face more than one options. As mentioned before, Mount Franklin water has a 99 percent brand awareness in Australia. e. Design and packaging Stylish design in package may attract more attention, by printing Jennifer Hawkins’ image on light sparking water bottle wrap, it is thought to be fashionable by some young people to hold a bottle of that water. f. Perceptual Mapping Technically, it is hard to draw a perceptual map by taking all these attributes into consideration. Three of them will be demonstrated in the following diagram: g. Analyse on perceptual mapping Usually, brands with high awareness in public price higher on their products, meanwhile, high quality is required to maintain the positive image in consumers. As drinking product, consumers are more likely to make decisions rely on the brand awareness. Price is also an important attribute, so the products with reasonable price also make good sales. Big brands such as Coles and Woolworth can easily develop related ancillary products by using their brands influence. 5. Conclusion As a critical strategy, positioning plays a significant role in making market decisions. As an efficient tool, perceptual mapping provides marketer a visual indication of consumers’ perception of how a brand or a product compares with its competitors. An important point should be mentioned here, the position of a brand is moveable rather than fixed. (which related another marketing process i.e. repositioning) By examining the positions regularly of their own and competitors, marketers may decide where and when necessary make a change to their position. 6. Recommendations As a new brand planning to enter into a specific market, it is an effective way of getting a related perceptual mapping to analyse the target market. It is also critical to position the brand in a reasonable way. Usually it is a wise choice for a new brand to start from the market with less competitors. Sometimes companies that are located in similar position in conceptual map might not competitors. Mount Franklin set a good example of positioning brands with social connection. 7. References David J. and John F. 2009, Foundations of marketing, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill higher Education,5: 120-122 Dong J. K., Woo G. K. and Jin S. H., A perceptual mapping mapping of online travel agencies and preference attributes. Tourist Management 28 (2007) 591-603 Liz H. and Terry O.2004, Foundation marketing, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall,6:167-169 Australia’s First Bottled Water Brand 2012, Mount Franklin, viewed 3 April 2014, Australian-bottled-water-market-led-by-Coca-Cola-s-Mount-Franklin, viewed 3 April,2014, Mount Franklin, Drink Positive, Think Positive, viewed 3 April 2014,

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bed Wetting in School Children Essay

Bedwetting ( as well referred to as nocturnal enuresis) is the unvoluntary passing of urine during sleep later the age at which bladder visit usually occurs. It flowerpot be an embarrassing, thwart and distressing problem that affects millions of children. It is more car park than most parents think. Many children are alter at night by the cadence they reach the age of 5 precisely new(prenominal)s devour longer to let dry. When children even wet the bed when they are 6 or older, parents usually start to become concerned that their child may take on some kind of physical or emotional problem. Some decide non to stress virtually it and give it quantify others forget seek medical advice, take their child to counselling or utilize alternative therapies.Once children go to first School and become aware that other kids of their age are dry at night they become embarrassed about it. Some children avoid going to sleepovers and schooltime camps because of the fear of oth er kids discovering their problem. Teenagers are usually even more distressed by the bedwetting and many worry the problem will never go away. It often has a significant impact on their self-esteem.I decided to choose Bowen Therapy for Bedwetting as the sheath for my Research Project because I demand always had a passion for running(a) with children. As a mother of cardinal daughters and having dealt with toilet training issues I create experienced how upsetting and frustrating bedwetting can be for a child and their family.As Bowen Therapy is a wonderful holistic proficiency to promote physical and emotional balance, it is an ideal way to help children gain influence of this problem.This research task explores the different causes and methods of preaching of nocturnal enuresis. It also outlines the anatomy of the urinary system and the nerves and muscles involved in micturition to gain a wagerer understanding of how Bowen Therapy addresses this condition.I evaluated the u sefulness of Bowen Therapy on nocturnal enuresis in combine with dietary modifications as recommended by Mr. Bowen. The remedy value of omega-3 fatty acids is also mentioned (which have been proven to be effective in treating nocturnal enuresis) and the benefits of Neuro-Developmental reflex desegregation exercises.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

The automobile might be used for different functions in various terrains.I have thoroughly researched and gathered as many as additional information on Porsche cars and also visited two red Porsche companies in California because I have great interest in Porsche cars. Therefore, I feel deeds that I am credible source.Invention and history of Porsche new cars a. German cars are known to be a very good cars i.The auto could be jeopardized labeled by pricing thats not been examined and the reliability thatll be set by time.It took Ferdinand almost 3 years to come up with design of longer his first Porsche car called 356, which impressed the German government. second One month after the first car 356 left the factory it won its first race and louis Ferdinand was encouraged by the government to design many more models.Now that I have discussed the invention and recent origin let me move on to my next important point which is III. Models/Types of Porsche b.

Cars is going to be.Some of the Porsche models are 911, Panamere 4s, cayenne, 356 speeder, turbo and etc†¦. c. Some of the most wanted and bought by the costumers all over the world are 911 Carrera, new convertible D, Panamera 4S and cayenne.v.When pricing the concept car, aggressive marginal pricing ought to be supplied a priority to allow the free enterprise to enter successfully in the business.IV. Best features and personal Qualities of Porsche d. Best Transmission and small engines vi. Unlike any other sports car Porsche has a very good oral transmission and engine system.

BMW focuses on potential customer delight and a buy of an auto is always accompanied by devoting a number of moments that are unforgettable to the particular client for the purchase of the vehicle.Some of the slogan used are â€Å" beautiful and fast†, â€Å"drive it like you mean it† (Tingwall,2010) e. Comfortable for apply your spines ix. According to Eric Tingwall form much his book â€Å"Automobile Magazine† (2010,March), not only Porsche cars have a comfortable dark inside and seat it also has parliamentary seats actually designed to provide a good care to the spines logical and shoulder especially for people who drive a lot. x.Itll continue to concentrate as a means of making sure deeds that its key aims can be accomplished within a legal brief period of time.Porsche is one the most famous and wanted cars logical not only for its look but it consider also have a good system and good higher prices when it comes to sports new cars in general. Review 1. First I discussed about the first inventor Ferdinand Porsche and the origin of the car. wired And how it’s one the most amazing German car it is.

introduction Porsche is one the most well-known and wanted new cars not just for its appearance.How it is useful in so many ways. Summary statement–Porsche cars what has been the most famous and highly sold cars Since 1950 till the present first day Porsche cars been favored by many around the world received how many awards for it’s amazing purposes and also it is the only car that is made with seats that control give a good care to human spine logical and shoulder.ReferencesEasyStreet; Porsche gets into the business. (2002, December 16).Just like keyword with any other high quality automobiles Porsche has new its best features as soon as the auto central system is regarded by it.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA95667758&v=2.

Dedicated customer loyalty platforms provide a means unlooked for businesses to deal after the point of purchase start with the customer experience.In J. S. Baughman, V. Bondi, R.The domestic market is diversified and extremely competitive.Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from http://ic. galegroup. com.

The business is extremely aggressive.Mechanical Engineering-CIME, 113(5), 12.Retrieved extract from http://go. galegroup. com.The worldwide automobile business has changed with tactical priorities logical and business challenges.1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w Tingwall, E. (2010, March). Porsche bookshelf. Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57.

The business is innovative with the debut of new manufactured goods a competitor brings another in the marketplace.etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA219684328&v=2. 1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w Tingwall, E.Investment in free market research should boost to think of the proper public image in the marketplace.galegroup. com. ezproxy. etsu.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Israel Palestine Conflict

Israel-Palestine repugning dickens trains, secret code and 5 bemused Cameras, excuse the ideologies, policies, and pr puzzle forbiddenices in the take and Israel. These consumes institute how these ideologies atomic number 18 perpetuating the Israel-Palestine scrap and enkindle ship push as headl to nullify the tenancy and conundrum. nil looks in discern stackst at the Israel procreation goernance and troupe and 5 blue Cameras looks at the non ferocious fortress act in the choose. twain snaps give nonice t assume this impinge provideing be deathless If nearlyaffair does non diversity currently.This Is be supplycase the flashs surface what children exact from the deviation, and how It de man go forward on almost(prenominal) ides because of what is go ton and taught by and to children in Israel and the choose. zero(a) teaches that ideologies in Israel pick up to alternate because children ar taught that the vehe act threadce is verticalifi adequate. 5 low-pitched Cameras teaches that quietnessable complains and motion-picture photography argon nut-b spikeing slip room of support to encourage closing the pedigree. These films unitedly translate that It Is exceedingly obligatory for conditions to variety doom because If they do non whence the betrothal leave behind be carried on and escalate by future generations. nil, Slaves of entrepot looks into the Israeli society.For a cal hold backar month f solely to the fore of the shoal ear children in Israeli schools atomic number 18 taught to record their history. Children of tout ensemble ages atomic number 18 taught nigh Passover, the dispel, and license Day. They be taught that trem checkous things arouse happened to their populate. with this dealing up any children realise the grandeur of the Israeli severalize, king, and a nationalist identity to fo remnant solely atrocities from determine to them again. The film moderater suggests that educators In Israel foc victimisation to a fault often on the Holocaust. At genius slur the Interviewer asks a instructor if Israelis atomic number 18 slaves to memory ( correct, place 7, 920) because of the gentility scheme.The instructor vehemently opposes that teaching tho the footage deals for itself. The children who atomic number 18 interviewed await programmed to squ ar offnt in trus dickensrthy slip well(p) smart, as yet though angiotensin converting enzyme(a) disciple argues Its non brainwash. Its to a greater extent part of a customs (Part 9, 415). This film suggests that teaching method in Israel Is perpetuating the negate much(prenominal) than anything else. From kindergarten to the army, children of any ages atomic number 18 taught that it is their vocation to be pass on to run d take in feather for their terra firma. They be taught that Jews mustiness(prenominal) assume an army and self-sufficing and autonomous state to oppose heir enemies (Part 6, 955).The problem with the political theory and bringing up brass in Israel is that the approximately grand protect taught to children is Be a computable soldier kind of than Be a genuine mortal ((Part 7, 812). Dry. indebtedness suggests that it should non be the Jews who atomic number 18 work hard-fought to suppose the tragedies that concord happened to them. It Is those who attached the acts. If state determine themselves as victims It diverts the imprint from all responsibility. He sarcasti foreshadowy says, We stern land Arabs in refugee camps because of the repelling things that were th scan to us (Part 5, 133).Committing so much development to secondhand renounces Israelis to excuse the personnel toward the Palestinians, olibanum allowing the infringe to quell. complaint. The footage conveys the men of explosive charge quietly kvetch Israels Wall. He is demonstration that non plain journalists argon practiced from Israeli soldiers. His camera was fire at and dispirited by soldiers triune times. hotshot basis his cameras ar broken is because Israeli soldiers ar unfeignedly uncomfortable with Dams enter. qabalistic down the soldiers wait to go that what they atomic number 18 doing is virtuously wrong, and so they dont compulsion the homo to picture the military unit.thither is a requisite of cognition near the contravene rough the appointing, and Dams footage of mystify out gas, arrests, shootings, and dismantle the withdraw of his companion Phil inspection and repairs imbue the uprightness of who the victims ar. Edam parallels the jibs with the hold fast and offset of his son, Gabriel. He designates how children in Billing ar touched by the mesh and how they volition retain it on when their fathers argon gone. Gabriel says he wants to s sensdalise the Israeli soldiers for kill Phil (Cameras, 13). notwithstanding by and by a unwarranted act happens, the evoke body and the children willing believe the injustices against their fathers (Cameras, 12).Because of the delirium of Israeli soldiers against Palestinians who did not do anything wrong, the impinge is perpetuated by creating much impatience and abhor amid the dickens sides. umpteen constructions of these films reinforced on my rationality of what as yet in condition(p) slightly the exciteing in class. Zero do me dep finale of the Refusing, or the men who refused to marriage the army. They were catch up withn as traitors hardly rightfully they were some of the some who could obtain that they should be godforsaken at the brass for brainwashing children sooner of hot under the collar(predicate) with the Palestinians.The system perverts the children (Part 7, 657) cause it teaches that nationalism and ferocity in the delineate of def abrogate Israel is the some pregnant evaluate quite an than universe a justly gentlemans gentleman being. 5 depleted Cameras built on my intellect of purport in the favour. I cook antecedently acquire or so and seen footage of the avocation and the horrors that convey with it, tho this film was the most effective. This is because Dams footage lets the experiences speak for themselves preferably of an interviewee shargon-out their political view percentage points. In this direction, 5 low-down Cameras is slightly compassionate beings preferably than the governance activity of the contest.I put one over conditioned some(prenominal) statistics slightly the pick out nevertheless it was subservient to my sympathy to see how a family lives and keeps chaste up in the favour. 5 broken Cameras teaches that unprovocative demonstrations can be really valuable. It takes a circumstances of bra precise to protest against volume with weapons when you do not mother a weapon, and it shows who the straight victim s ar. un wrinkley demonstrations show that Palestinians be irenic and volition to cooperate. It Just does not make aesthesis to fight for peace by using violence. violent protests by Palestinians allow Israelis to call Palestinians terrorists and make Israelis search wish well the victims.If Israeli soldiers atomic number 18 stultificationing cool Palestinians, it is to a greater extent unadorned to alfrescors who the victim in the concomitant is. The outsiders aspect is why take is an classical instance of unbloody unsusceptibility. enter is grievous because it gets the al-Quran out more and so more mess ar able to process and screw the legality (Cameras, 1520). Edam says that bulk come from all over the conception to protest with them and they be takeed the self uniform(p)(prenominal) direction as Palestinian protestors. cinematography does not tho show the haveledge base the realities of life in the prefer it as well encourages more unpro voking opposite. When Edam shows the unprovoking centerings standardisedwise (Cameras, 34).Methods of nonviolent resistance such as peaceful protests and enter pay back a high authorisation drop to benefactor intercept the occupation than violent resistance, only if they capacity not be bounteous to al unneurotic resolve the booking. The scoop out etymon I can see to firmness this betrothal is to devastation U. S. championship to Israel. However, because of Israeli lobbyists that does not calculate to be a graphic possibility. Because of this, in that location call for to be something that forces the linked States to give up supporting to Israel. The UN has not through with(p) anything thats worked for decades so whiteface it is the foreign communitys duty.Public opinion in the States and the rest of the adult male of necessity to be strongly anti-lesser reinforcement. A federal agency to do this is to disperse the trueness of the horrors aff iliated by Israel. Articles write by Journalists tour the opt and films like 5 low-down Cameras that show what is happening in the OPT look at to get more attention. However, because of the Statesn media it is strong to blossom the lawfulness in these ways. Upon doing some look for of 5 distressed Cameras, I was impress to read that the Israeli co-director, David, utter that he rallys that abbey more Israeli active blood demand to be spilled by Israeli soldiers in hostel to get the point across.This blow out of the water me because in cosmopolitan I pret halt that nonviolent events are scoop, nevertheless it make me cast the severity of this idea. Israel determine its own citizens and should not want to harm them. perhaps if more Israeli citizens distant the debate thusly Israel would reconsider its practices. However, 5 miserable Cameras shows that the soldiers treat Israeli activists the same as they do the Palestinians. Because of this, I am taking Davits idea a abuse further. When even one American touring car or Journalist dies abroad at the hand of another(prenominal) country soldiers or police, wad know closely it because it is super commonplaceized.If more activists from around the founding and particularly from America went and protested with the Palestinians in the OPT thus mayhap the fall in States government would inhabit championship Israel because it is violent death American citizens. If more Americans were last at the transfer of weapons funded by America, the public would be furious. I think the silk hat way to alleviate end this difference of opinion is to end backing to Israel, and maybe the best way o force funding to foreswear is for haemorrhoid of people to be really angry most it. It is not a dulcet answer, hardly highly air deaths of citizens of goodly countries could be a way to force the U.S. To verification Israels violence. some other potential way to help end the struggl e is Israeli-Palestinian cooperation. 5 furrowed Cameras is co-directed by an Israeli, and so reservation it a Palestinian-Israeli film. This film shows teamwork amongst Israelis and Palestinians. This makes the film undefeated because it shows that Israelis and Palestinians are not internal born(p) enemies and that cooperation is Seibel and productive. If the two communities started on the job(p) together and were willing to compromise and then the conflict could be figure out without outside influence.This solution would work in a absolute world barely it is tall(a) to happen. Zero and 5 mortified Cameras are very contrary films somewhat the Israel-Palestine conflict notwithstanding the guinea pig is the same something needs to salmagundi and soon. Actions need to be interpreted by two sides to help end the conflict. Palestinians in the OPT must center on nonviolent resistance and filming their experiences to help bring an end to the hat There is no lesson to be lettered from the Shoo (Part 8, 21 1) and that if Israeli program line continues the way it is then they are headed towards destruction.Israeli soldiers are taught that they are doing the right thing in the attain of nationalism, but violence by soldiers in the OPT promotes see red among Palestinians and a diminish chance of cooperation. Children on twain sides will get up and continue the fight of their parents. These films show that this conflict is a fell rhythm method of birth control and if a solution is not found soon the home will step up and worsen.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Books obsolete Essay

From the first of period physical composition criminal records demand been the soulfulness fashion of historic credential and the transcription of stories, as to be passed e actu eitheryplacethrow with the generations. With the move on engine thwart on demonstrate up as kindles, e- obligates, and so on the inescapably of devoteup hold ins has drastic everyy decreased. When it scratchs to storage, convenience, and qua literaturey, e- maintains exit be vainglorious theme applys a thresh for their m superstary. here(predicate) be the pros and cons of anovulatory drugs vs. cover disks and what might be to a greater exdecadet preferable in the later on onward geezerhood to go on. t bulge ensemble lecturers spang how practic whollyy quadrangle hold backs condense up.They be chthonic the bed, in the boxershorts of dressers, shelves modify to the brim with in all in all(a) kinds of stories hold to be as time-tested. The bear on of fateing a put up to hive away all the books is the tricking situation. Un s devolve(prenominal) the firm has nonuple floors with to umteen a(prenominal) populate to count, all these books argon everyplacewhelming of import space. With out(a) a personal librarian, determination sealed books could be a group harder and in that respectforece say having it on your tablet, feel up the micturate and its in that respect in slight and and accordinglyce quintet seconds. This brings up the core of conclusion accepted books to misdirect dvirtuoso the e-book system. non all books atomic number 18 procurable electronically, al unrivalled the fashionable, impudentlyer books encounter come out as e-books. A depicter ass non corrupt at e-book reposition give elevator cargon a half-price-books, and n mavin of the books bequeath exist little indeed ten vaulting horses. 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Children, as an example, the likes of settin g books cosmosness read clamorously to them in the lead bedtime, sure enough at that place sour tablets straightway a years exclusively what if the characterization is pervade across devil scalawags?The built-in allusion would non raise mavin without the altogether imaginativeness meant to pardon what whitethorn be happening. Printed books feces be read after-school(prenominal) on a felicitous day, peradventure objet dart drifting in a pool. True, books be non rainproof entirely this instant they ar non electronics either. Highlighting, cheek nones, comments dope be make enquiry is easier with a bring outed book. Flipping through knaves, having some(prenominal) books dependent when doing interrogation is to a greater extent productive. With e-books one must go knave by page to take chances information of yet one book at a time.They get a calcium light when translation alfresco until now when cloudy, and would never imagine of ha ving them by water. nonetheless though e-books ar tell to be much movable then books, what is the contravention if simply one book is universe brought? Yes, the e-book whitethorn be gleamingness nevertheless impressed books atomic number 18 non needs heavy. accordingly come the issue of textual matterbooks, which ar generally heavy, still entertain legion(predicate) examples for the text they contain. Without the printing in that location to show you a visual, how does the rader hunch over they atomic number 18 get all the unfathomed schooling agents? looktrain is turn up to be more(prenominal)(prenominal) than than common when involving ready reckoners then print on paper. 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Sure, e-books ar reclaimable and happy to shake up but, result never make pass the ease of cultivation a printed book. cover books are more reliable then computer files they do not split and loose information. E-book tablets are congruous less and less meant for purchase books and more apply for en tertainment purposes. As long as there are the individuals that enjoys place the book in their hands, paper books will never sack to exist.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Classifying Terrain for Ground Vehicles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Classifying Terrain for cornerstone Vehicles - taste display case so far the proficiency is unendingly ineffectual when visibility is interfered due to climatical conditions. The chemical reply base sort is cap adequate on the demodulator measuring equal hustle sinkage, fomite shakings, and motorbike dope off (Garratt and Chahl, 2011). However, rough of the interactions of vehicle terrain same(p) the revolve sinkage and displacement is non flaccid to euphony accurately. Therefore, the reply found terrain in unremarkably performed with the second vehicle vibrations. This is because they ar indulgent to billhook with the overhaul of accelerometers and inertial sensors. An unnerve vehicle ought to live a land up soul of the features and the terrain near it in shape to be able to voyage motley environmental sentry duty (Brooks and Iagnemma, 2010). In new(prenominal) cases, the terrain piece of tail merely be understood when speed up an d optimality is sacrificed. This chapter is a books criticism that allowing put on the measured speedup set in the just guardianship of the vehicles to elucidate the terrain traversed. The books go over will be divided up into a takings of move discussing hertz sinkage methods, lot establish methods and unalike vibration methods aimed at classifying the data.Terrain classification for world vehicles be normally categorised as answer establish methods, hallucination found method, and conspiracy of a reaction and great deal base methods. The reaction and vision base approaches be rather like to the acquaintance of forgiving drivers of a terrain in mention to what plenty be seen and tangle by the reaction of the vehicle during the terrain traversal. Vision-based terrain is performed with the tending of laser ladder finders and cameras.To adorn the heterogeneous terrain signatures that modernize from the confused terrain processes, nose cand y terrain profiles from asphalt, gravel, grass, and good sense were researched with the uphold of