Sunday, December 29, 2019

Privatisation of Agriculture in Russia and China in the 1980s and 1990s - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1312 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Agriculture Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? What the effects of the privatisation of agriculture in Russia and China in the 1980s and 1990s? The privatisation of agriculture in Russia started on 1989 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1990 when Gorbachev changed the Soviet legislation about the non-government enterprises. So the agricultural program reform allowed the creation of non-government corporations of agricultural products. This, has helped the movement from corporate farms to individual farms. The number of peasant farms has been increased quickly to 270.000 in 1994 and became steady, about 280.000 or less in 1995. The number of the peasant farms was not the expected one by the government. Also, when the reform began the productivity and the efficiency have declined. As far as the privatisation of agriculture in China, this issue was part of the general Chinese economic reform which was implemented from Deng Xiaoping. Deng Xiaoping, decentralised the agriculture and gave strong attention to the household à ¢Ã ¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" responsibility system (HRS) which separated the common lands to private. This action gave a strong push up to Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy increasing the agricultural production and performance. The prices of agricultural products had increased and as a result of this, the quality of living standards in China has enhanced and afterwards the rural industry had improved. As far as the search strategy I followed for this particular topic, I have to mention some deductions. As the topic is not familiar to my knowledge, I did not know in which sources I had to search. So, I typed the whole question on the Universityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s library search machine with the purpose to find several references and get an idea for what I was looking for. The next step was to identify the key words of the question and try to continue my search using them. The key words I used are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Agriculture in Russiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Agriculture in Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Land reform in Russiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Land reform in Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Chinas agricultural privatisation programmeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Russias agricultural privatisation programmeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“impact of agriculture privatisation in Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“impact of agriculture privatisation in Russiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Unfortunately, I was not able to find a proper database which includes agricultural topics, as the particular question is social à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" economic topic. To accomplish my search I used one of the biggest search machines, the Google. Moreover, I used the Google Scholar, which provides very useful information about everything. Thus I searched in journals, articles, PhDs thesis (but I could not find a suitable one) and educational reports from universities. The use of carbenes to make catalysts The use of carbenes to make catalysts is quite new in chemistr y sector. Because of Carbenes are consisted of non-common carbon atoms which are usually unbalanced in nature, attaching metals to create metal complexes and finally work as very important catalysts. The majority of scientists did not believe that it would ever be possible the construction of a particular kind of Carbenes. This certain kind of carbenes is called à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“abnormal N-Heterocyclic carbenesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , they developed in laboratory and they are used to make catalysts. Obviously they have given great opportunities for further development in many sectors of industry, especially in pharmaceutical industry. The chemist from the University of California, Riverside, Professor Guy Bertrand accomplished to separate and create aNCHs which are metal-free and chemists can use them to make every desired complex. The synthesis of a completely different class of metal-free aNHCs can drive to new roads the area of expertise of catalysis. It can give also great prospect of in novation in drug research and manufacture as catalytic procedures can facilitate to keep costs under control. This discovery can be really helpful and contribute to solve a great variety of drawbacks as the interest about this is continuously increased as it is very friendly to environment. Another advantage of abnormal N-Heterocyclic carbenes is that they function as organometallic catalysts which enhance their eco-friendly ability. As far as the strategy I followed for this topic, I came into conclusion about some things. Again this particular topic was completely out of my knowledge, so I had first to identify what exactly are carbenes and what is catalyst. After a general search in the library and google, I tried to focus on key words, like à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“carbenesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“catalystà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . As long as I knew that the topic is about chemistry, my direction on the research led me to find journals and resources about chemistry. After finding some r eferences from journals, I tried to search on PhD Thesis but I was not able to discover an appropriate PhD thesis which declares the carbenes and their usage on making catalysts. A very interesting thing is that during my research I recognized that catalysts are made of a particular type of carbenes which is artificial. The strengths of my research strategy are that it was feasible to find an acceptable variety of references to support my answer, as well as to make clear the definition of carbenes and their implementation. On the other hand the weaknesses of my research strategy were that obviously I could not discover a proper PhD Thesis in order to go deeper on my investigation. The reference which supports and describe in the best way my answer is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Nicolas Marion, S.D.-G.D., StevenÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦P. Nolan Prof.ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Dr. (2007) N-Heterocyclic Carbenes as Organocatalysts. Angewandte Chemie.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Const ructing flexible antenna by injecting liquid metal into elastomeric microchannels The use of antennas is widespread with many implementations. The traditional antennas are made up from metal, especially copper. This means that antennas are too strong, even though they can break down easily. Because of the wide application antennas have, from medical to technical and military sector, users encountered a lot of problems, most significant problem was the antennaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s limitation on how far they could get curved. Thus, scientists made it possible to construct flexible antennas from liquid metal in order to overcome this limitation. They accomplished their goal injecting liquid metal into elastomeric microchannels. The liquid metal they used is EGaIn which is consisted of 75% eutectic gallium and 25% indium. So, inserting liquid metal into a layer of microchannels in an elastomeric surface it is a very simple way to construct radiating frameworks. In contrast to tradition al antennas, made up from stiff metal which is not flexible, the new type of them, uses the mechanical attributes of the enclosed material and also can be flexible and strong. This flexible antenna can be used in many existing applications such as cell phones or other electronic devices but also can be used in other type of applications such as textiles. Flexible antennas can be stretched without losing of their efficiency or attributes as they have the ability to tolerate any kind of effort upon them. Moreover, the ability of liquid metal to mix up with other metals, could help the straight electrical connection and integration of antennas into surfaces with electronic parts. As far as the search strategy I followed, I have to mention some inferences. The topic was completely unknown for me, although I understood that it is an engineering topic, so I had to focus my research on engineering sources. The key words I used are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“flexibleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…†œantennaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“liquidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“metalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“elastomericà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“microchannelà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . At first, I used them altogether as I wanted to understand what exactly is the topic. Afterwards, I used them separately or in combination. One interesting thing is that some references from google patent, which were too useful to understand the concept of flexible antenna invention. Furthermore, I found a lot of mechanical and engineering journals which depict very clearly the implementation and the construction of flexible antenna. An important problem I faced on the beginning it was that I found the same paper in many different sources and I had to dig more in the internet. The most appropriate reference I used for answering this particular topic is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Gerard J. Hayes, J.-H.S., Amit Qusba, Michael D. Dickey, Gianluca Lazzi (2012) Flexible Liquid Metal Alloy (EGlan) Microstrip Patch Antenna. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Don’t waste time! 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Youth Crime And Domestic Violence Essay - 1599 Words

Youth Crime and Domestic Violence Name: Institution: Youth Crime and Domestic Violence Introduction Youth Crime has increased in New Zealand and although the prosecution has decreased the issue has attracted the attention of the members of the public. According to data from the Ministry of Justice (2015) the numbers of children between the ages of ten to thirteen and young people between the ages of fourteen and sixteen who are charged in court is lowest in over two decades. Nonetheless, the members of the public believe that youth offending is out of control and a major problem for the nation. According to the Fagan (2005), there is a link between adolescent criminalistics behaviour and domestic abuse. Children who have faced physical abuse at a young age carry the anger and effects of being abused to adolescence which leads to criminalistics behaviour (Fagan, 2005). The paper shall discuss the effects of physical abuse on the criminal behaviour of high school teenagers in New Zealand. Domestic violence refers to the aggressive or the violent behaviors which happen within the int imate relationships and occur in domestic setting. Domestic violence entails sexual, physical, psychological and emotional abuse. According to the data from the Child Protection services, approximately fifteen percent of the children in New Zealand are born at risk of abuse and more than eighty thousand children witness domestic violence on a yearly basis (Shanahan, 2011). AsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Violence733 Words   |  3 PagesViolence is one of the most problematic issues society faces today, and it has been increasing day after day, in the streets of our cities. The most common description of what violence really is can be given as negativity towards something or someone either through physical or verbal actions, which often causes the victim to suffer pain. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Native American Literature Free Essays

Indians, we picture them as half naked people causing raucous throughout the land, messing with the settlers, and being completely uncivilized and uneducated. There Is no way that these people could have created stones to be passed down throughout the generations but they did and they still are around to this very day. These oral traditions, or stories that are told by word of mouth, include â€Å"The World on the Turtle’s Back†, which explains to us how our world came to be. We will write a custom essay sample on Native American Literature or any similar topic only for you Order Now The story â€Å"Coyote and Buffalo† gives us lessons that easily correlate with the building of a person’s hearted, and finally, â€Å"Fox and Coyote and the Whale† persuades us to fight for who and what we love. These tall tales can be Influential to our lives as Americans because the stories tell of lessons that could be essential to all of the human race when it comes to developing one’s self to become a better soul. The story called â€Å"World on Turtle’s Back† gives us an idea on how the Indians believed the world began. Before there was an Earth there was a skyward. There, a pregnant lady went to dig up the roots from a sacred tree and was then either pushed Into or accidental fallen through a hole that exposed an entire new world underneath. (Page 42, Paragraph 1) As she fell and grasped to the edges of skyward, remnants of soil and roots were attached to her hands. Luckily, as she fell a group of birds caught her on their wingspan and finally laded her down upon a sea turtle’s shell. Then, a heroic muskrat brought up soil from deep within the ocean underneath so the fallen lady could set to work creating land. ( Page 42, Paragraph 9) Soon the pregnant woman gave birth to her child, a daughter, and together the two travel around the turtle’s back until land was formed. As her child aged she became magically pregnant by the West Wind. Page 42) She then gives birth to twins who constantly quarrel, for they are opposites, good and evil. Together they balance the world, inventing opposing animals such as the peaceful deer and violent mountain lion. Page 40, Paragraph 2) As the story progresses, it tells of reasons for most common assurances in nature, such as the moon being the twin, as in today’s ideas of evil It Is associated with the darkness that comes from the night. The second story Is entitled â€Å"Coyote and Buffalo†. This story expresses to the dalliance various character traits that should be Instilled within a person or avoided. One of these values is to respect others. When coyote kicks the skull of the dead bull, and the bull comes back alive to kill him, it expresses how important it is to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Page 25, paragraph 1) Another lesson it emphasizes Is to listen to what you’re told to do, as it is for a reason. When the bull gives coyote the cow, he tells him not to eat It, but coyote does not listen and defies him. (page 28-29) Coyote at this point Is very dishonest and greedy. He thinks that he can get away with eating the cow and perhaps getting another one from the bull, hush leading up to another life lesson, karma. When coyote kills the cow, an old woman tells him that he should not be cooking the cow for that is woman’s work. At this point, coyote is being incredibly vain and this woman is being very sneaky and steals all of his food. (Page 28, paragraph 2) This proves that what comes around goes around and that you should let yourself become slobbered, which all people have The last story is called â€Å"The Fox, Coyote, and Whale† and it teaches a lesson on fighting for those you love. Fox’s wife, leaves him to be the evil whale that occupies the river. Page 44, Paragraph 1) Fox is so overwhelmed by his love for her that he stops at no cost and risks his life to retrieve her from the whale’s possession. While trying to take his wife back, the evil whale attempts to kill Fox, Coyote, and Fox’s wife, but Fox loves these people and protects them over himself and hides them within his pipe, saving them all. (Page 45, Paragraph 1) As Fox’s wife gets away from Whale, she feels as if she had been awaken from a spell, for once she is returned to fox she becomes happy again. (Page 45, Paragraph 4) So in other words, love can cast a spell n you causing you to make rash decisions while under its magical powers. Of course, Fox finally forgives his wife, but this proves that you should not cheat on your significant other. So in conclusion, Native American literature is very important to our society. The themes of all of the stories are easily related to everyday life. From the positive moments to the very lows, lessons can be learned from these tales. To the people of Indian cultures these stories are still very relevant to their lives. It is the only surviving history that they have of the prior lives of their relatives, so they must keep it preserved for generations to come. How to cite Native American Literature, Papers Native American Literature Free Essays Native American Displacement Native American literature is based on the everyday lives and experiences of the people native to North America. There are four main themes in Native Americas literature: displacement, â€Å"thou vs. it†, definition of evil, and assimilation. We will write a custom essay sample on Native American Literature or any similar topic only for you Order Now The most prominent is displacement which is expressed through the removal from one’s home, the removal of one’s language, and the removal of one’s identity. The first example of displacement was the removal of Native Americans from their homes and homelands. This excerpt from On Indian Removal shows the Natives being moved away from their homes by the English settlers â€Å"It will separate them from immediate contact with settlements of whites†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Jackson 3. ). The natives were moved without any option to areas with terrible living conditions. Natives were also violently chased from their homes. â€Å"The American armies always drove them out at harvest time, making them face winter without food or shelter†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Thom 1. ). This quote shows English armies driving them out very forcefully right at harvest time; this left the Natives on the run, cold, and starving. From panther in the sky, this quote is another example of displacement â€Å"It was now just as it had been most of her life, the people fleeing, the war chiefs protecting them—except that now they were not in their homeland anymore. † (Thom 3. ).. It shows how the natives of that time had been running for most of their lives. The second form of displacement is the loss of the Native’s languages due to the Englishman’s pressure. After assimilation many Native Americans lost their language. â€Å"†¦and I never understood her prayer†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Edrich 1184. ) this quote from â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain. shows that over the years many Natives lost their languages. Children were taken and placed into boarding schools due to displacement. â€Å"The experience in boarding schools which existed from 1875 to 1928 was difficult for Indian children who were forbidden to speak their Native language†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Native 1. ). In these boarding schools the Native children were punished if caught speaking in their Native tongue and this led to the loss of their language. New laws passed by English affected Native language as well. â€Å"†¦the outlawing of native languages†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Native 1. This quote comes from â€Å"Native Americans†. Once the English began legally punishing Native who spoke their language, the languages then became less known by generations to come. The third form of displacement was the complete loss of Natives’ identity. In the following quote from â€Å"Native Americans† there are examples of Natives losing their identities: â€Å"Military defeat, cultural pressure, confinement to reservation, forced cultural assimilation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The natives are forced to assimilate into English culture causing displacement of overall identity. In the next quote from On Indian Removal Natives begin to give up on old customs â€Å"Two important tribes have excepted the provision made for their removal at the last session of Congress, and it is believed that their example will induce the remaining tribes also to seek the same obvious advantages†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Jackson 1. ). In this Native American begin to give into English pressure leaving behind their heritage and identity. This next quote from â€Å"The Names of Women. † shows total loss of Native names â€Å"renaming became an ecclesiastical exercise, and, as a result, most women in the next two generations bear the names of saints†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Edrich 1182. . The natives were given new names, by the Englishman, to replace their original names. This practice led to the demise of many native identities. As a result of Displacement Native American lives were changed forever. By loss of their home they suffered, whether it have been English settlers peacefully remov ing and relocating them or the English violently pushing them from their homes as seen in Panther in The Sky. Natives also lost their languages through displacement. Lastly, the Native Americans lost their identities by the hands of those foreign to their country that came to America and took utter control. Works Cited Edrich, Louis. â€Å"The Names of Women. † Glencoe American Literature. Eds. Beverly Ann Chinn, et. Al. Columbus, Ott: Glencoe, 2002. pp. 1181-1185. Print. Jackson, A. â€Å"President Andrew Jackson† On Indian Removal. Print. Momaday, N. Scott. from â€Å"The Way to Rainy Mountain. †Glencoe American Literature. Eds. Beverly Ann Chinn, et. Al. Columbus, Ott: Glencoe, 2002. Pp. 1054-59 Native Americans. home. comcast. com. n. p. n. d. Web. 29 Oct. 2012. http://home. comcast. net/~sylvanarrow/native_americans. htm Thom, James Alexander. Prologue. from Panther in The Sky. N. Y. : Ballatine 1989. Print. How to cite Native American Literature, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hemingway On War Essay Research Paper One free essay sample

Hemingway On War Essay, Research Paper One common strand that runs through all of the narratives are the effects of the war upon its participants. Nick Adams of # 8220 ; In out clip # 8221 ; seeks to get away the rough environment of war by enfolding himself in nature, most notably in # 8220 ; The Big Two-Hearted River. # 8221 ; In the opening scene of # 8220 ; The Big Two-Hearted River # 8221 ; Nick is upset over the devastation of the town of Seney. The town, which Nick said was non at that place, was burned and destroyed. After seeing the devastation of the land Nick looks to the repose of the H2O. # 8220 ; Nick looked down into the clear, brown H2O, colored from the pebbly underside and watched the trout maintaining themselves steady in the current with hesitating fins. # 8221 ; As he continued his ocean trip into nature the text says, # 8220 ; He felt he had left everything buttocks, the demand for thought, the demand to compose, other demands. We will write a custom essay sample on Hemingway On War Essay Research Paper One or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It was all in back of him. # 8221 ; Even though there are no shootings fired in the novel, # 8220 ; The Sun Besides Rises # 8221 ; is to a great extent linked to the war. Many of the chief characters are haunted by the war, which shapes them into the people they are. The characters all casually avoid the subject of war in conversation. The consequence of the war is most apparent in the characters cruelty to one another and their alcohol addiction. They are driven to alcohol to get away the war and its consequence it is holding upon them. They escape by going from one state to another and one coffeehouse to another. Jake alludes to this by stating, # 8220 ; You can # 8217 ; t acquire off from yourself by traveling from one topographic point to another. # 8221 ; Bullfighting in the novel is a representation of the thin line between life and decease and the control of 1s destiny. Jake and Montoya appreciate the manner Romero gracefully straddles the line of danger by non utilizing tactics to make a false feeling of danger. This grace under force per unit area is something Jake takes pride in detecting without practising in his ain life. The consequence of the war is to a great extent apparent in # 8220 ; Farewell to Arms. # 8221 ; Lt. Henry, an ambulance driver in the Italian Ambulance Corps. , feels the consequence of the war both physically and mentally. In the novel Henry # 8217 ; s fried Rinaldi says, # 8220 ; This war is killing me. # 8221 ; Rinaldi subsequently told Henry of his possible contraction of pox and explained that one manner or another Thursday e war was doing everyone ailment. When Henry plunges into the icy H2O to hedge the fire squad he experiences his # 8220 ; Farewell to Arms. # 8221 ; At that clip the war was over for him and he did non see anything deserving contending for. This is besides an illustration of the manner in which Henry shows grace under force per unit area. The war turns Henry into a cynic. In the novel he accepts what life gives him, but realizes that whether you were good or bad # 8220 ; They killed you in the end. # 8221 ; More permeant in # 8220 ; Farewell to Arms # 8221 ; is the construct of clip. Besides as made evident through the citation, clip is something that is wholly unstoppable. # 8220 ; Time, which is all we have, # 8221 ; says Hemingway in # 8220 ; Death in the Afternoon. # 8221 ; With the decease of Catherine and his babe he has lost everything he held beloved. All his dreams for the hereafter had disappeared and he had nil left to make, no topographic point to travel and no 1 to see. Both Barnes and Henry are forced to populate their lives in ways different from what they wish. Barnes is unable to be with the adult female he loves due to a physical inability. Henry # 8217 ; s idyllic manner of life is taken from him by the decease of Catherine. The characters in the narratives are neither heroes nor chickens. The construct of making role-models lends itself to failure. I believe Hemingway wants to demo the reader how each individual should do their ain determinations in life and non emulate others in their actions. I do non believe anyone could blame Henry for non raising himself up by the bootstraps instantly after such a enormous loss. The characters as in many ways of life autumn in the grey country. By making this he creates characters that are really accessible to the common reader. The simplest things we spend our lives larning are the thoughts that our hereafter much like our yesteryear is out of our control. Many people spend their lives seeking to command clip and clip is the most unmanageable aspect of life. Life can alter in an blink of an eye, as happened to Henry in # 8220 ; Farewell to Arms. # 8221 ; Hemingway believes people should accept the unmanageable thought of clip and experience life every bit much as possible. Another thought that Hemingway presents is that there is no such thing as # 8220 ; The Good Life # 8221 ; you merely have the life that you are faced with, which in many instances is filled with letdown and rejection.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Holes Book vs. Movie Essay Example

Holes Book vs. Movie Paper Digging for evidence as to whether or not the film adaptation of Holes was good Holes is a book by Louis Sachar that was first published in 1998. The film adaptation of this novel, also titled Holes, was released in 2003. These two literary works have many similarities and differences that can be easily compared, or contrasted. The film adaptation, directed by Andrew Davis, successfully represented the original novel by Sachar. Holes is the story of a young man by the name of Stanley Yelnats. Stanley is convicted of a crime that he was not the culprit of and, as a result, he is sent to Camp Green Lake. This camp is a Juvenile detention camp; the children there are required to dig holes every day as their punishment. While at Camp Green Lake, Stanley makes friends with a boy named Zero. These two become good friends and, one day, Zero runs away from the camp. Stanley decides that he should run away to in an effort to save Zero from certain death. When Stanley finds Zero they are both very weak; despite this, Stanley carries Zero to the top of a mountain by the camp and they survive off of onions up there for about a week. We will write a custom essay sample on Holes Book vs. Movie specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Holes Book vs. Movie specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Holes Book vs. Movie specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After this week, they decide to go ack to the camp in hopes of finding a treasure that is storied to have been located there. A few days before escaping Stanley found a lipstick tube in his hole, which may be a clue of where the treasure is located; so the boys return to this hole and dig. Soon they find a briefcase with the name Stanley Yelnats on it. This is the suitcase of Stanleys great grandfather who caused there to be a curse on the family. The way that he caused there to be a curse was by not keeping a promise to a woman named Madame Zeroni. He promised her that he would carry her to the top of the same ountain that the boys climbed in return for a pig. Unfortunately, he forgot about this promise and Madame Zeroni puts curse on his family for it. Zero is Madame Zeronis great grandson and when Stanley carries him to the top of the mountain he successfully lifts this curse. So when the boys find the suitcase they are discovered by the warden. She claims that the suitcase should be hers, but, unfortunately for her, Stanleys lawyer comes to the camp and says that he was proven innocent. The lawyer also says that Stanley is allowed to take the suitcase with him when leaving. In he suitcase there are many valuables that bring the familys of Stanley and Zero riches. In the end of the book both boys get to go home. Stanley goes back to his newly curse-less family and Zero goes back to his long lost mother; they are both very wealthy as a result of the treasure. The representation of some characters was good from the book to movie, but other characters were poorly represented in the film. This, in some situations decreases the validity of the adaptation; overall, though, the characters were adapted to the film well. One poorly represented character is the main character Stanley Yelnats. The creators of the film did not do a satisfactory Job of representing this characters physical attributes in the film. In the book he is described as a more heavy set child, but in the movie Shia LaBeouf, who is casted as Stanley, is very thin. The film makers also did fail to represent a lot of this characters physiological attributes. According to 21 centurylibrarian. om, l felt the book went into much more a ou Stanley Yelnats Inner tnougnts ana Teellngs wnlcn aaaea numor not transferred into the movie. The novel shows him as seeming to be threatening, but n the movie LaBeouf is very meek and calm in most situations. One physiological attribute of Yelnats correctly represented in the film is his awkwardness. Shia LaBeouf does an acceptable Job of showing this undeniable awkwardness . This inaccurate representation effects the film negatively because the viewer has an incorrect representation of how Stanley really is, thus changing the viewers entire outlook of the story. Most other characters, however, are casted well in the screenplay. The actor that plays Zero was similar in stature to how Zero was described in the book, and his attitude was very much the same. The emotional side of Zero was probably his most important attribute; Khleo Thomas, the actor that plays Zero, is successful in showing this emotional side. Other smaller characters have good casting, too. All of the actors who play these roles realize each characters major attributes and do a great Job of showing them in the film. For example, Noah Poletiek plays Twitch. As his name shows, he is a little bit crazy and Poletiek does a great Job of showing that Twitch may do anything at any second. He does a first-class Job of showing passion when Twitch speaks of cars, as well. This may have been the most rucial part of the role of Twitch. The actress who plays the Warden does an excellent job in every aspect of that role. According to TheBespectacledLibrarian. com, Sigourney Weaver was absolutely amazing as the Warden, intimidating and frightening while also believable as someone who had pinned her whole life on the search for treasure. Two more characters were represented in both the book and the movie. These two characters are Kate Barlow and Sam the Onion Man. These two are represented with great detail in the book, and the movie does an excellent Job of staying true to their appearances. Much of these two characters appearances is through expression, not physical form. For instance, a good casting of Kate is an actress that can go from being a si mple school teacher to a cold-blooded killer in the matter of one scene. Patricia Arquette, who plays Kissin Kate Barlow, does this exceptionally. An actor who plays Sam the Onion Man must be able to play the charming man that wins over the teacher. Dule Hill, who plays Sam, does a satisfactory Job of this in the film adaptation. One last character was Madame Zeroni. Eartha Kitt, who plays Madame Zeroni, does a very convincing role of the woman who ast the spell on the Yelnats family. The ways in which majority of the actors play their roles and represent their characters enhances the films overall effectiveness. Of all these roles, only one was unsatisfactory when compared to the character in the novel. The current day plot in the film had many similarities and differences when compared to the original book by Sachar. These plot changes made the movie a good adaptation due to the fact that many were minor and would have added many unnecessary details to the plot . There are many miniscule details in the plot that are changed in the movie for differentiating reasons. In the book there is a character by the name of Sarah Miller, she is the wife of Elya. In the movie the writers neglect to mention her existence. Since she doesnt affect the plot, her existence wasnt vital in the film. Something else that occurs in the book is an incident between Stanley and Zigzag. Zigzag hit Stanley on the head with a shovel and he gets a large gash. This gasn Is tnen Danaagea Dy Mr. Sir ana everyone seems to snow concern Tor Stanleys well being. In the movie, Squid is the attacker and Stanley is still the victim. No one seems to care for Stanley in the film during this incident; Zero is the one to assist him nd Stanley doesnt receive a gash, or even a cut. One final small detail that changes from the book to the film is when Stanley reaches the mountain. In the book he struggles to find water and must dig to reach it. In the movie, there is a stream that he and Zero drink from. This, obviously, means that no digging is required. If they were to dig for water it would have taken up time in the movie and would have dragged the movie on. All major points in the current day plot, however, remain true to the novel. In both Stanley is sent to camp and cures his family curse, along with all other major plot points. Staying this true to the plot helps make this film a good adaptation to the book. This story also has an abundance of flashbacks that add validity to the plot of the present day. The representation of these flashbacks in the movie was satisfactory due to the fact that the movie included all vital flashbacks, only changing details in them. These flashbacks occur in the film as well as the original book written by Sachar. Unfortunately, in the film adaptation there are a few flashbacks that cause this movie to incorrectly represent the book. For instance, Stanley Yelnats has flashbacks of being bullied when he was back home. This is mentioned in the book to help show that he had a tough social life, but the movie does not show these flashbacks for some reason. Also in the plot of Holes, there are countless flashbacks to the times of Kissin Kate Barlow and Sam the Onion Man. Although the film does include these flashbacks, it makes a few mistakes in detail when mentioning these flashbacks. For example, when Sam and Kate kiss in the book they are outside and it is raining. In the film when they kiss it is inside the school house and it is not raining outside Another flawed flash back including these two characters is when Sam is hot. In the book when he is shot they are both out on the boat together; in the film Sam is alone in the boat, but Kate is by the shore and witnesses this murder. The changing of these flashbacks did decrease effectiveness of the film, but not enough to drastically change the films quality. There is one more detail from the past that the movie changes. This detail involves the amount of money in the treasure that the Yelnats family receives in the end of the story. In the movie there is one bond that was worth twenty five thousand in nineteen hundred and five. This would be equal to illions in present time in the story. In the novel, on the other hand, there are multiple bonds worth close to one million dollars. There was also a presence of jewels worth about twenty five thousand in total. This small detail doesnt have a big enough effect to effect the adaptations validity, but could have easily been represented correctly. Despite all these minor changes, the film does accurately show the big picture in these areas. The cinematic version overall does show the novels intentions for the flashbacks successfully. Conclusively, there are many factors that show whether or not the film adaptation f Holes was good or not. Based on these chosen factors, the film, directed by Andrew Davis, did accurately represent the novel Considering all factors, the film adaptation was one of high quality. According to TheReadventurer. com, As this movie went from scene to scene following the book almost to the word on some pages malntalnlng almost everytnlng even tne trlcKy T lasnoacKs wnlcn I was 1 sure that theyd never be able to duplicate in film even the food served in the cafeteria realized that this was actually the most faithful film adaptation of any book Id ever seen. EVER. Works Cited Catie. Book vs. Movie: Holes by Louis Sachar. The Readventurer. The Readventurer, 26 February 2012. web. 5 October 2013. Holes. Dir. Andrew Davis. Walt Disney Pictures, 2003. Film. Joy. Book vs. Movie: Holes. The Bespectacled Librarian. The Bespectacled Librarian, 19 February 2013. web. 5 October 2013. PaJtas, Margaret. Holes the Movie vs. the Book. 21st Century Librarian. 21st Century Libranan, 27 February 2009. web. 5 O ctober 2013. Sachar, Louis. Holes. New York: Yearling, 1998. Print. Sachar, Louis. Holes the Book. Louis Sachar. Louis Sachar, 2002. Web. 18 October 2013.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Affirmative Action

There are many issues in today’s society that have two solid sides to them, sides, or positions, that cannot be proven absolutely wrong or right. Issues such as capital punishment, abortion, labor unions, animal rights and the list goes on and on. But one issue of this sort haunts our schools, our industries, and the subject, or core, of the issue has haunted our country for the last century. The subject of race, and the issue of affirmative action. In the case of affirmative action, like other controversial issues, each side is strongly supported and neither side can be proven right or proven wrong. The supporters claim it is the best way to ensure equal opportunity in the schools and in the workplace, while those opposing it claim that it merely takes away opportunity from one race, and unjustly hands it to another. The side of this fine line that will be exploited in the following paragraphs is the side opposing affirmative action. The results of affirmative action are more harmful than helpful because it negatively affects the general public, denies opportunity to the deserving, and is an abuse of law and power by government. First, affirmative action negatively affects the public by setting quotas and standards in fields of life that race should have no preference to. For example: colleges and universities. Standards should not be set on which percentage of which race should attend a college or university. An Ivy League school shouldn’t be required to have a percentage of students of each race and nationality. They should be allowed to enroll whom they feel best suits the educational requirements needed to be successful at the school. When standards are in effect students, who were accepted as a result of affirmative action, may find they cannot meet the educational requirements at the school and fail out. This in turn will more than likely either waste a years worth of work, and the individual will just attend another univer... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Free Essays on Affirmative Action Considering the subject of affirmative action the following questions frequently are raised: Is there a clear understanding of affirmative action roles/goals? What are the pros/cons of these programs? What are the "loop holes" in the system? Does seniority play a role in affirmative action? Addressing these key questions may help us all in our daily routine, as administrators and/or potential administrator in the public/private sector. Affirmative action programs throughout the United States have long been a controversial issue particularly concerning employment practices (public/private) and university student and/or staff recruitment. Most public agencies have some type of instituted affirmative action program. According to Cheryl Perry-League, Director of Equal Opportunity of the Port of Oakland, every business operating on Port of Oakland owned land must have a standing affirmative action program on record and businesses bidding to do work for the Port of Oakland must have an acc eptably diverse workforce. BACKGROUND To understand the role and/or goals of affirmative actions programs we should define what the broad definition of what affirmative action is and what caused its development. The phase "affirmative action" was used in a racial discrimination context. Executive Order No. 10,925 issued by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. The order indicated that federal contractors should take affirmative action to ensure job applicants and employees are treated "without regard to their race, creed, or national origin." A person could define this statement as an order to imply equal access and nothing else. Subsequently, Executive Order 11246 issued by President Johnson in September 1965, "mandated affirmative action goals for all federally funded programs and moved monitoring and enforcement of affirmative action programs out of the White House and into the Labor Department." Affirmative action "refers to various efforts to deliberately ... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Discrimination is part of history, part of everyday life, and part of every single person in this country. Affirmative action is necessary in today’s American society to counteract the effects of past discrimination, and to help exterminate future tribulations. Although geared towards minorities, in a world dominated by white male’s affirmative action plays a major role in the elimination of prejudice against women and minorities alike. Established in 1964, as part of the Civil Rights Act, affirmative action was a huge step in American recovery from a Horrible past. A commission to enforce affirmative action was not put into order until years later. The Equal Employment Opportunities act was established in 1972, to enforce what was or other wise just an idea put on paper. ( The Columbia Encyclopedia, 659). Throughout the 70’s there were a few cases pertaining to the quotas being used, and their tendency of â€Å"reverse discrimination†. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 659) The dispute of reverse discrimination was acknowledged in certain cases, but most programs kept their existing policies. A case in 1979 sought out and achieved approval of quotas to be used in private businesses and unions using affirmative action. Affirmative action was broken down and rebuilt multiple times throughout the late 70’s and 80’s. In the 90’s, with the help of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, affirmative action was now a solid policy for the first time in 20 years. (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 659) However, in 1995, the policy was run through the gamut once more, and restrictions were placed on the use of race when pertaining to government contracts. In 1995 using quotas was ruled illegal by the supreme court. Once more put through test of time, the late 90’s brought change again. The government programs previously affected by the 1995 make over, were now molded to aid anyone who is â€Å"socially disadvantaged.†( The Columbia Enc... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Affirmative action was created because of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s to increase diversity in America’s workplace. Since then, there has been plenty of controversy surrounding it. Today, affirmative action programs have become more of a discriminatory system which gives less qualified applicants an edge on sex and skin color and nothing else. These programs have evolved to be less about civil rights to become more of a stepping stool. They also have added an increase of tension between all races. Activists have complained about companies having quotas for minorities and women so they can have a certain percentage of their working population. Since this does not have an emphasis on people that are the best for the job, this can be detrimental to the operation of the job market. Affirmative action promotes the hiring of less skilled workers. It sometimes forces employers to choose the best worker, which is in the minority, they can find, regardless of whether they have the required job skills. For example, most universities and colleges have quotas for how many minority students they want or should enroll to the freshman class. Some people call the Affirmative Action Act â€Å"reverse discrimination†, but the act can be discrimination within itself. Reverse discrimination basically implies that we are discriminating against the â€Å"majority† instead of the usual â€Å"minority.† The Civil Rights Act was created to have employers to consider applicants objectively in filling jobs within their companies. This was highly needed years ago, today, people overall are more educated then before. We should not have to help people who are not truly struggling from this at the expense of people who are qualified. Affirmative action is based on race and sex; it is not accurately based for measuring those who are most in need. By lowering the bar of admissions to universities and the work force, we are promoting and ensuring ... Free Essays on Affirmative Action When people talk about the civil rights movement, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous speech â€Å"I have a dream† by Martin Luther King. His dream in short was to have equality among human beings. For the past thirty years, this country has been revolutionizing humanitarianism because there is greater concern for human welfare than one hundred years ago. The revolution began during the 1960’s, and during that era this county was drastically involved in changing the civil rights of minority groups. From this concern, a program called affirmative action evolved. Like other civil right movements, the affirmative action movement was implemented to promote equality. Affirmative action is an attempt by the Unites States to amend a long history of racial discrimination and injustice. According to The American Heritage College Dictionary, the term affirmative action refers to a policy or program that seeks to redress past discrimination by increasing opportunities for underrepresented groups. Since this was such a controversial subject, the program brought out two opposing sides that seemed to have reasonable explanations for both supporting and opposing the issue. The people that support affirmative action, argue that this advantage for people of color is needed because of the fact that how badly black people were discriminated against. Besides, they claim that because of the discrimination that once was, these people are at a disadvantage, and always have been, therefore equality of opportunity is needed. On the other hand, people that oppose this issue claim that the battle for equal rights is over, and that this advantage made for people of color discriminates against people that are not of color. As for myself, my opinion about this issue seems to be twisted. I believe that our county needed some kind of a law that would provide relief and equal opportunities to minorities that were discriminated against. Howe... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Stereotyping and the Media Stereotypes are a huge problem in today’s society, and can result in predjudice, mistreatment, and discrimination amongst people of all races, religions, and beliefs. Everyone seems to rely on stereotypes in some way, usually to describe differences between groups and to predict how others will behave. Problems with stereotyping include overgeralization, seeing what we already believe, avoiding power sharing, and to justify hostility. In order to change a stereotype held on specific people or groups of people, you must actually get to know those people you hold stereotypes on. This may confirm the stereotype, or be the exposure you need to correct your false data. The media seems to take in those stereotypes we hold and use them to their advantage, in my opinion to play on emotions for ratings. In other words, because of popular culture and our own cultural identities, we are drawn to watch television programs that we can relate to in some way, and with this comes creation an d reinforcement of different stereotypes. In my opinion, the media influences our stereotypes by taking the stereotypes we already have on a specific group, and then using those stereotypes with a character in a specific television show. For instance, someone may hold a stereotype on African American females as being loud and obnoxious. The television show â€Å"Martin† features an African American female named Sheneanea. Her character fits that stereotype of African American females perfectly. Sheneanea is loud, obnoxious and as ghetto as the come. If viewers have no contact with African American women other than through television, what choice do they have but to belive that all women of that particular race reflect the television image. Besides, did you know that on average, Americans watch more than 40 hours of television a week (Martin, pg. 166)? Another huge stereotype people hold is against gays and lesbians. The first ste... Free Essays on Affirmative Action The Unites States Constitution, in Amendment XIV, Section 1, states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (1)" Affirmative action can trace its roots back to the 14th amendment, although it did not really get started until Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, giving minorities equal employment rights. The overall strategy and outline for this plan were contained in Executive Order 11246, which was issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1972 (Gilbert et al. 2). This led to a wave of programs that were intended to further the equal employment opp ortunities for minority individuals. Affirmative action programs were intended to legally require organizations to be diverse. During the 1990's these programs have come under a lot of scrutiny and are being replaced with a concept known as diversity management. . Managing and valuing diversity are key aspects of organizational behavior, but the question lies in how to create the diversity within the organization. In this paper, I will examine several articles that will give us reasons that affirmative action should be replaced by diversity management, as well as one that believes that affirmative action is still needed in today's society. Mary Guy believes that affirmative action programs are still needed today. She noted that if we lived in a perfect world we would not have a need for organizations to have affirmative action programs (240). However, since people have a tendency to work around people that are most like us, programs are needed to ensure that... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Affirmative action by definition is a system designed to remedy past discrimination and eliminate current and future discrimination. This has become quite the problem in many areas. I have read and come to understand that this is an immense problem within the universities. In one university this has been pinpointed and tried in court numerous times, such as the University of Michigan. Michigan policies amount to a quota system that unfairly rewards or penalizes perspective students, based solely on their race. America is a diverse country, racially, economically, and ethnically. We all believe that our institutions of higher education should reflect the diversity we try so hard to portray. Also, being in a university based on different backgrounds of many different people, this teaches you respect, understanding, and goodwill. So the question is, do the universities have the right to single out students solely because of their skin color on whether or not they’re academically equipped for their institution? There were two separate but parallel cases based on just that very question. The Grutter vs. Bollinger case decided on a 5 to 4 vote to uphold the University of Michigan’s law school affirmative action policy, which would be in favor of the minorities. The next case Gratz vs. Bollinger showed a 6 to 3 vote, which struck down the affirmative action policy for undergraduate admissions. In the first ruling of affirmative action in higher education admissions, the nation’s highest court ruled that race could be used in university admission decisions. They also had to put limits to the amount of play the factor of race can have in your actual admission process. My thoughts on this are very simple. I believe and always have believed that your mental ability has nothing to do with your background, your skin color, nor does it have anything to do with your religion. I was contemplating that thought and if you think about it, it re... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Affirmative action works. There are thousands of examples of situations where people of color, white women, and working class women and men of all races who were previously excluded from jobs or educational opportunities, or were denied opportunities once admitted, have gained access through affirmative action. When these policies received executive branch and judicial support, vast numbers of people of color, white women and men have gained access they would not otherwise have had. These gains have led to very real changes. Affirmative action programs have not eliminated racism, nor have they always been implemented without problems. However, there would be no struggle to roll back the gains achieved if affirmative action policies were ineffective. The implementation of affirmative action was America's first honest attempt at solving a problem, it had previously chosen to ignore. In a variety of areas, from the quality of health care to the rate of employment, blacks still remain fa r behind whites. Their representation in the more prestigious professions is still almost insignificant. Comparable imbalances exist for other racial and ethnic minorities as well as for women. Yet, to truly understand the importance of affirmative action, one must look at America's past discrimination to see why, at this point in history, we must become more "color conscious". History Of Discrimination In America: Events Leading To Affirmative Action. The Declaration of Independence asserts that "all men are created equal." Yet America is scarred by a long history of legally imposed inequality. Snatched from their native land, transported thousands of miles-in a nightmare of disease and death-and sold into slavery, blacks in America were reduced to the legal status of farm animals. A Supreme Court opinion, Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), made this official by classifying slaves as a species of "private property." Even after slavery was abolished by the Thirt... Free Essays on Affirmative Action AFFIRMATIVE ACTION The original goal of the civil rights movement had been "color-blind" laws. However, many people believed that simply ending a long-standing policy of discrimination did not go far enough. They believed that affirmative measures to increase equality were necessary that’s why affirmative action was created. Affirmative Action, are policies used in the United States to encourage the increase of opportunities for women and minorities like favoring them in hiring and promotion, college admissions, salary increases, career advancement or scholarships. Depending upon the situation, â€Å"minorities† might include any underrepresented group, especially one defined by race, ethnicity, or gender. Generally, affirmative action has been undertaken by governments, businesses, or educational institutions to remedy the effects of past discrimination against a group, whether by a specific entity, such as a corporation, or by society as a whole. Critics charge that affirmative action policies, which give preferential treatment to people based on their membership in a group, violate the principal that all individuals are equal under the law. These critics argue that it is unfair to discriminate against members of one group today to compensate for discrimination against other groups in the past. They regard affirmative action as a form of reverse discrimination that unfairly prevents whites and men from being hired and promoted. But in the other side discrimination is, by definition, an unfair treatment of people because they belong to a certain group. Therefore, effective solutions must be given to aid groups that have suffered from discrimination. We might achieve one of the goals of affirmative action namely, increasing diversity in higher education by improving the odds for minority student engaging them in a high-quality education at every level. Affirmative action policies are the only way to ensure an integra... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Who Ever Is the Most Qualified When a person is being interviewed for a job, should it depend on their color or sex whether they get the job or not? My reply is it shouldn't depend on either of those two things. It should be determined by whether they are the best qualified for the job they are applying for. The effects of affirmative action are hurtful to many people. I truly do not understand why there is such a thing as affirmative action. Louis P. Pojman gives this as a definition; †Affirmative action is the effort to rectify the injustice of the past by special policies. Put this way, it is Janus-faced or ambiguous, having both a backward-looking and a forward-looking feature. The backward-looking feature is its attempt to correct and compensate for past injustice. This aspect of affirmative action is strictly deontological. The forward-looking feature is it’s implicit ideal of a society free from prejudice; this is both deontological and utilitarianâ€Å"(420). Just by this definitio n you could tell affirmative action was not well thought out. First of all you can not change the past. Therefore what ever is being done now about the rights of women and blacks does not compensate for how they were once treated. As Louis P. Pojman Said, â€Å"Sometimes a wrong cannot be compensated, and we just have to make the best of an imperfect world†(430). By giving an unqualified women a job over an over-qualified man does not fix all the problems we had in the past. Also if a black person and a white person both applied for the same job and the white person had more experience, should the black person just be hired to meet a quota? That would not be fair. This to me is doing the same thing we had done in the past except it is reversed against white people. By giving a job to a black person just because of their color is just as bad as turning them away for their color. Louis P. Pojman explains, â€Å"This message holds t... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Affirmative Action The first difficulty to a rational discussion of Affirmative Action is defining exactly what it is. Because it’s bring into play has been limited in certain respects by court decisions, certain descriptors are avoided, even if it is not entirely clear that they do not rightly be relevant. Affirmative Action is often defined by its deliberate result: a way of correcting the historical wrongs suffered by certain minority groups, especially blacks. But that could apply to any kind of reimbursement program, whether financial or educational, including one that directed certain actions to be taken. Any attempt to define Affirmative Action particularly launches one immediately on controversy, because it introduces the very elements that are so hotly contested or sighted. Affirmative action, in theory, is a matter of distributive justice, which is why liberals and progressives tend to look benevolently on it while conservatives and libertarians consider it a travesty. But in practice, does it actually advance the cause of justice in America? In some respects it has attempted to remedy the long-term effects of slavery and racial segregation; then again, programs that benefit women and recent immigrants cannot be defended on those grounds. Is it supposed to enhance "diversity" in colleges, professional schools and workplaces, or is it more specifically a set of programs for enhancing the class mobility of people who are structurally disadvantaged from birth? How can we decide whether affirmative action has been successfuland how can we decide whether affirmative action could ever be so successful as to become obsolete? (Bà ©rubà ©, Michael 2005) Affirmative Action may also contain acceptance of a minority applicant in cases where other applicants would be considered as unqualified, even though no qualified applicant is displaced. Affirmative Action is mainly occupied in applications to educational institutions, and in e... Free Essays on Affirmative Action The original goal of the civil rights movement had been "color-blind" laws. However, many people believed that simply ending a long-standing policy of discrimination did not go far enough. They believed that affirmative measures to increase equality were necessary that’s why affirmative action was created. Affirmative Action, are policies used in the United States to encourage the increase of opportunities for women and minorities like favoring them in hiring and promotion, college admissions, salary increases, career advancement or scholarships. Depending upon the situation, â€Å"minorities† might include any underrepresented group, especially one defined by race, ethnicity, or gender. Generally, affirmative action has been undertaken by governments, businesses, or educational institutions to remedy the effects of past discrimination against a group, whether by a specific entity, such as a corporation, or by society as a whole. Critics charge that affirmative action policies, which give preferential treatment to people based on their membership in a group, violate the principal that all individuals are equal under the law. These critics argue that it is unfair to discriminate against members of one group today to compensate for discrimination against other groups in the past. They regard affirmative action as a form of reverse discrimination that unfairly prevents whites and men from being hired and promoted. But in the other side discrimination is, by definition, an unfair treatment of people because they belong to a certain group. Therefore, effective solutions must be given to aid groups that have suffered from discrimination. We might achieve one of the goals of affirmative action namely, increasing diversity in higher education by improving the odds for minority student engaging them in a high-quality education at every level. Affirmative action policies are the only way to ensure an integrated society in which a... Free Essays on Affirmative Action There are many issues in today’s society that have two solid sides to them, sides, or positions, that cannot be proven absolutely wrong or right. Issues such as capital punishment, abortion, labor unions, animal rights and the list goes on and on. But one issue of this sort haunts our schools, our industries, and the subject, or core, of the issue has haunted our country for the last century. The subject of race, and the issue of affirmative action. In the case of affirmative action, like other controversial issues, each side is strongly supported and neither side can be proven right or proven wrong. The supporters claim it is the best way to ensure equal opportunity in the schools and in the workplace, while those opposing it claim that it merely takes away opportunity from one race, and unjustly hands it to another. The side of this fine line that will be exploited in the following paragraphs is the side opposing affirmative action. The results of affirmative action are more harmful than helpful because it negatively affects the general public, denies opportunity to the deserving, and is an abuse of law and power by government. First, affirmative action negatively affects the public by setting quotas and standards in fields of life that race should have no preference to. For example: colleges and universities. Standards should not be set on which percentage of which race should attend a college or university. An Ivy League school shouldn’t be required to have a percentage of students of each race and nationality. They should be allowed to enroll whom they feel best suits the educational requirements needed to be successful at the school. When standards are in effect students, who were accepted as a result of affirmative action, may find they cannot meet the educational requirements at the school and fail out. This in turn will more than likely either waste a years worth of work, and the individual will just attend another univer... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Affirmative Action Has it run its course By: Joan Siegel â€Å"It is a mistake to assume that the Negro, who had been a slave for two hundred and fifty years, gained his freedom by the signing, on a certain date, of a certain paper by the President of the United States. It is a mistake to assume that one man can, in any true sense, give freedom to another. Freedom, in a larger and higher sense, every man must gain for himself.† Booker T. Washington In his Autobiography The problem in a realistic model of Affirmative Action is due to the history, political evolution and complicated definition. Affirmative Action as such has never been a law or even government policy. Affirmative Action has been comprised of a series of executive orders, governmental programs, civil rights laws, and enforcement of equal opportunity practices. The basis for Affirmative Action dates as far back as, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which stated â€Å"all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in every State and Terri tory, to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ( Marable, 4). Then in 1941, F.D.R. signed Executive order 8802, which outlawed discriminatory hiring practices by defense related industries holding federal contracts. Subsequently President Truman formed the Government Contract Compliance Committee that advocated the Bureau of Employment Security to act confidently and in a positive manner to execute the guiding principle of nondiscrimination in its role of placement counseling. Therefore the word Affirmative Action was not used until President Kennedy's executive order 10925 in 1961. The basic idea to eliminate prejudices has been around for over a century. I believe that when President Kennedy established Affirmative Action it was a necessary and ... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Affirmative action works. There are thousands of examples of situations where people of color, white women, and working class women and men of all races who were previously excluded from jobs or educational opportunities, or were denied opportunities once admitted, have gained access through affirmative action. When these policies received executive branch and judicial support, vast numbers of people of color, white women and men have gained access they would not otherwise have had. These gains have led to very real changes. Affirmative action programs have not eliminated racism, nor have they always been implemented without problems. However, there would be no struggle to roll back the gains achieved if affirmative action policies were ineffective. The implementation of affirmative action was America's first honest attempt at solving a problem, it had previously chosen to ignore. In a variety of areas, from the quality of health care to the rate of employment, blacks still remain far behind whites. Their representation in the more prestigious professions is still almost insignificant. Comparable imbalances exist for other racial and ethnic minorities as well as for women. Yet, to truly understand the importance of affirmative action, one must look at America's past discrimination to see why, at this point in history, we must become more "color conscious". History Of Discrimination In America: Events Leading To Affirmative Action. The Declaration of Independence asserts that "all men are created equal." Yet America is scarred by a long history of legally imposed inequality. Snatched from their native land, transported thousands of miles-in a nightmare of disease and death-and sold into slavery, blacks in America were reduced to the legal status of farm animals. A Supreme Court opinion, Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), made this official by classifying slaves as a species of "private property." Even after slavery was abolished by... Free Essays on Affirmative Action As we look at the United States of America and its people today we can see that a large number of the population is racially mixed. It is almost impossible to say that a person is one thing or another. It seems that all existing races and nationalities are to be found somewhere in the country. Several reasons are the cause of such a vast diversity of people. One of the reasons is the idea of living the American dream. People from all over the world, especially poor countries, try to come to the U.S. to start a new, better life, it does not matter if legal or illegal. Upon arrival many have to find out that life is not easy as it sometimes appears, not even in America. Employment is difficult to find and those who find a job are often underpaid or have to deal with other difficulties. To prevent situations like these from happening the government has come up with a plan known as affirmative action to protect all people that are not white males. Affirmative action means taking positive steps to recruit, hire, train, and promote individuals from groups that have traditionally been discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, disability, or other characteristics. In this sense, affirmative action goes beyond equal employment opportunity, which requires employers to eliminate discriminatory conditions, whether inadvertent or intentional, and to treat all employees equally in the workplace. The requirements can be imposed on an employer in a number of ways: by federal law, for federal government contractors and subcontractors; as part of a conciliation agreement with a state or federal agency; or by court order. In addition, some employers voluntarily adopt affirmative action plans in an effort to create a more balanced workforce. Nevertheless the situation was not always as good as it is seems to be today. Due to the history of the United States of America, affirmative action has come a long way, however it still has to go even further b... Free Essays on Affirmative Action Introduction Affirmative action works. There are thousands of examples of situations where people of color, white women, and working class women and men of all races who were previously excluded from jobs or educational opportunities, or were denied opportunities once admitted, have gained access through affirmative action. When these policies received executive branch and judicial support, vast numbers of people of color, white women and men have gained access they would not otherwise have had. These gains have led to very real changes. Affirmative action programs have not eliminated racism, nor have they always been implemented without problems. However, there would be no struggle to roll back the gains achieved if affirmative action policies were ineffective. Affirmative Action in Businesses Affirmative action has had its greatest amount of success in city, state, and government jobs. Since the 1960s the area of law enforcement witnessed the greatest increase in minority applicants, and in jobs offered to minorities. This should be viewed as an extremely positive thing, because prior to affirmative action these jobs were almost completely closed off to minorities and woman. The influx has been greatest in the area of government, state and city, because this type of work is easier for affirmative action to watch over and regulate. Affirmative action has experienced considerably less success in integration in big business. This is doing to the fact that big business has been more resistant to affirmative action and harder to regulate. Affirmative action addresses preferential hiring programs. Many times people of color have been excluded from hiring pools, overtly discriminated against, unfairly eliminated because of inappropriate qualification standards, or have been rendered unqualified because of discrimination in education and housing. Court decisions on affirmative action have rendered illegal those qualifications that are no...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Demonstrates your understanding of communication theories by applying Essay

Demonstrates your understanding of communication theories by applying the theories we have studied - Essay Example According to Vygotsky, this zone refers to an area of exploration for which the learner is cognitively prepared but need assistance and social interaction to fully develop. Vygotsky therefore believes that a teacher or a more experienced peer has the ability to provide t he student with what is termed as scaffolding, which helps the student to develop complex skills. This paper provides an insightful analysis of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory and its relevance in young children is thinking and talking, as well as sociocultural influence in youths’ participation in gambling behavior. According to Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory, the most appropriate strategies for supporting the intellectual knowledge and skills of learners as well as enhancing intentional learning include collaborative leaning, modeling, discourse, and scaffolding. As mentioned earlier, his most prominent contribution is the concept of Zone of Proximal Development. In his own words, the Zone of Proximal Development refers to the distance between a child’s actual developmental level as dictated by independent problem solving, and the higher level of potential development as determined by problem solving under adult guidance or with support from more capable peers. In his journal article, Young Children Thinking and Talking: Using sociocultrual theory for multilayered analysis, Robbins (2012) applies the ideas and concepts of Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory in describing the thinking and communication of young children. According to Robbins(2012), Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory provides an rich information base upon which we can understand how the biological line of development and cultural line contribute towards the overall development of children’s thinking. He believes that the lower order mental processes with which children are born with are transformed into higher mental process through interaction with others as well as the mediation of various

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theory and Practice of Health Surveillance in the Workplace Coursework

Theory and Practice of Health Surveillance in the Workplace - Coursework Example of Theory and Practice of Health Surveillance in the Workplace Introduction The delight of many people in finding employment is to work and operate in a safe workplace environment that also gives assurance of good health. However, evidence from modern workplace environments will confirm that there exist numerous health and safety issues at workplace (Lewis and Thornbory, 2010). The presence of these varied health and safety issues cannot guarantee workers and all other persons involved meaningful occupation environment hence it is always important to ensure the identified issues are dealt with. In an attempt to ensure there is promotion of adequate health and safety of individuals in the workplace, risk assessment has become one way of identifying the pertinent problems and issues compounding the workplace (Lewis and Thornbory 2010). The essence of risk assessment is to identify the risks present and subsequently create a safe system in the workplace. What should be known is that, in most cases health, safety risks present in the working environment are not seen or felt, and therefore, demonstrable signs may be absent. As a result, the effects may remain hidden only to surface after a particular period. The evolution of health surveillance in the workplace has been gradual but impacting and it is from this interest that effort will be made to conduct evidence-based analysis of health surveillance practice in the workplace. The focus of the paper will center on; discussion and exploration of nature and purpose of workforce surveillance, legal requirements for conducting health surveillance, types of health surveillance and also evidence-based analysis of health surveillance to particular occupational exposure. Throughout this, the role of occupational health in responding to abnormal findings will be evaluated and how well they can be communicated to employees and managers, and discussion on the quality assurance systems and processes used for surveillance will be assessed. Health Surveillance in the Workplace Profound changes are taking place at the workplace in many countries and industries and the nature of changes can be evidenced in the increasing change in work, work environments, and employment patterns (Lilley and Feyer, 2010). All these aspects are seen to be shaped and influenced by the increasing political, economic, technological, and social change that characterizes the modern societies (Lilley and Feyer 2010). Emergence of these new profiles of hazards is negatively impacting the health and safety of workers, a concern that calls for appropriate actions of mitigation. The overall measure has been a call, sometimes a legal call for employers to initiate programs and measures that should promote the health and safety of its employees. Both international and national bodies have been formulated as guidance frameworks that propagate for enhancement of a health and safer working environment for workers. International Labor Organiz ation (ILO) has in place, Occupational Safety and Health Convection number 155 and the Occupational Health Service Convection number 161, in which employers in both convections are required to ensure health and safety needs of workers are promoted (Stellman and International Labour Office 1998). In this way, employers through appropriate programs are supposed to promote the health

Monday, November 18, 2019

International Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Paper - Essay Example In economic terms the GDP is defined as the, "total market value of all the goods and services produced in a country in a given year, equal to total consumer, investment and government spending, plus the value of exports, minus the value of imports." In a layman's terms the GDP is the sum total of all the goods and services produced in a country in a given year. It's relevance to the business planning of the Big Auto Drive is that, it will give the company an idea on how it faired in comparison to the other similar companies and what kind of a role did it play in contributing to the GDP of the country. Another significance of the GDP is that it shows the position of the sellers and their products. Inflation is the, "persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services." (Robinson K., April 2007) In simple terms inflation is the rise in the value of commodity and fall in the value of money. The selection of Inflation as one of the macroeconomic measure of output and prices for the planning of the Big Auto Drive can be justified in many ways. Inflation has a direct impact on variables like consumption, savings and investment. Inflation affects the economic growth of the country and is the cause of higher levels of inequity in income. Relationship between macroeconomic variables and Big Auto Drive The sales data of the different commodities of Big Drive Auto shows a kind of uniform trend. The margin of disparity in sales from 98' to 07' is pretty much on an average level. For instance, table one illustrating the vehicle sales unit, shows that in the year 1998 the company sold 139 units followed by 160 in 99' then 145 in 00' and 133 in 01'. The highest number of unit sales achieved by the company was in the year 2003, the number of sold units accounting to 167. 2001 was the year the company sold the lowest number of units, 133. This shows that the difference between the maximum and the minimum number of sales in the span of 8 years from 98' to 07' is not very much. But one thing to be noted here is that from the year 03' on the sales have been on the higher side, in the 160's line. So the relevance of this data to the U.S GDP is that, the highest contribution made by the company to the country's economy in terms of vehicles' sale was in the year 2003. The data of an organizatio n also helps to map the growth rate of the GDP of a country. The fact that inflation leads to the rise in prices of goods and commodities is known to everyone. But the core knowledge of the effect of inflation on

Friday, November 15, 2019

Determination of Vitamin C in Tablets

Determination of Vitamin C in Tablets INTRODUCTION Nowadays, health has become the most important property of humans life. Commonly, diets with high contents of fruits are protective against several human diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Therefore, people are putting more and more attention on antioxidant substances such as vitamin C which is also known as ascorbic acid or more specifically L-ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is probably one of the most highly well known. Furthermore, people have become more aware to the importance of vitamin C. Hence, this causes the global market flooded with vitamin C fortified foods (Arya, Mahajan and Jain, 2000). The term of vitamin C is used as generic term for all compounds exhibiting qualitatively the biological activity of ascorbic acid. The molecular structure of vitamin C is C6H8O6 and the molecular weight is 176.1 (Ball, 2006). Vitamin C is highly polar and readily soluble in aqueous solution and insoluble in less nonpolar solvents (Fennema, 1996). It is an acidic compound due to the facile ionization of hydroxyl group on carbon 3 (pK1 = 4.17) while the hydroxyl group on carbon 2 is much more resistant to ionization (pK2 = 11.79). The structure of L-ascorbic acid is shown in Figure 1 (Ball, 2006). Ball (2006) also stated that ascorbic acid is easily and reversibly oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid, forming the ascorbyl radical anion which is also known as semidehydoascorbate as an intermediate as shown in Figure 2. Dehydoascorbic acid possesses full vitamin C activity because it is readily reduced to ascorbic acid in the animal body. However, dehydoascorbic acid is not an acid in the chemical sense, as it does not have the dissociable protons that ascorbic acid has at carbon 2 and carbon 3 positions. One of the most important properties of vitamin C is that it is an antioxidant. Nevertheless, it has a wide range of antioxidant properties outside the body and can quench most biologically active radicals. It scavenges superoxide, nitroxide, hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide and will reduce vitamin E (Hickey and Roberts, 2004). It is also found to be a strong antioxidant as it helps to neutralize harmful free radicals (Izuagie and Izuagie, 2007). Vitamin C is an almost odorless white or pale yellow crystalline powder with a pleasant sharp taste and melting point of about 190Â °C. It is not a carboxylic acid but a lactone and ease of oxidation to the presence of an enediol grouping (Izuagie and Izuagie, 2007). Vitamin C is highly susceptible to oxidation, especially when catalyzed by metal ions such as copper(II) ion and iron(III) ion. The functions and activities of vitamin C are based on its properties as a reversible biological reductant (Hickey and Roberts, 2004). Vitamin C participates for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body (Kleszczewski and Kleszczewska, 2002). Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that mostly found in fruits and vegetables. The main sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, and spinach. Vitamin C plays crucial roles in electron transport, hydroxylation reactions and oxidative catabolism of aromatic compounds in animal metabolism (Gazdik et al, 2008). Vitamin C can help to prevent and treat common cold, mental illness, infertility, scurvy, cancer and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). It is reported to lower cancer risk and also said to have important interactions with other vitamins. For example, excessive intake of vitamin A is less toxic to the body when vitamin C is readily available (Izuagie and Izuagie, 2007). Due to the great importance of vitamin C in human beings, the quantitative analysis of vitamin C has gained increased significance in several areas of analytical chemistry such as pharmaceutical and food applications (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). Vitamin C is also used as an index of the nutrient quality for fruit and vegetable products. This is because it is much more sensitive to various modes of degradation in food processing and subsequent storage (Ozkan, Kirca and Cemero, 2004). It is well known that vitamin C is easily oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid in alkaline solutions, while it is relatively stable in acidic solution. Vitamin C of fruit juices is readily oxidized and lost during staying of the juices (Kabasakalis, Siopidou and Moshatou, 2000). In the food industry, vitamin C is used as food additive (Mai and Mohammed, 2004). It preserves and protects food from any colour changes and act as an important component of our nutrition as well. Vitamin C helps to prevent the degradation of soft drinks and juice which helps to retain their flavors. Hence, it increases the quality of food and nutritional value as well (Burdurlu, Koca and Karadeniz, 2005). Degradation of vitamin C undergoes both anaerobic and aerobic pathways. Qxidation of vitamin C in aerobic pathway occurs mainly during the processing of food whereas anaerobic degradation of vitamin C mainly during storage. Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is one of the decomposition products of vitamin C and acts as precursor of brown pigments (Burdurlu, Koca and Karadeniz, 2005). Vitamin C degradation in packaged fruit juices depends mainly on storage temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen level, residual hydrogen peroxide,H2O2 left after the sterilization of packaging material and trace metal ions (Ozkan, Kirca and Cameroglu, 2004). Consequently, studies on vitamin C content in foods are important in relation to the control of nutritional labels, the update of food databases and the establishment of dietary reference intakes. Orange juice is probably the most globally accepted fruit juice and it is recognized worldwide as a good source of ascorbic acid (Sharma, Singh and Saxena, 2006). In addition, there are many analytical methods used to determine the concentration of vitamin C in the pharmaceutical samples which are colorimetric method, titration, enzymatic method, flow injection analysis (FIA) and high- performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Arya and Mahajan, 1997). Reflectometer is an instrument that can used to analyze many different types of test which include ascorbic acid test that is concerned in this project. It provides a simple and rapid determination of vitamin C content in many pharmaceuticals product. LITERATURE REVIEW Various methods used in determination of Vitamin C In recent years, the determination of vitamin C has become an important subject in the field of biochemistry and commercial foods. This is because vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining human health (Chen and Sato, 1995). Due to the importance of vitamin C in human beings, the quantitative analysis of vitamin C has gained a significant increase in several areas of analytical chemistry such as pharmaceutical and food applications (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). There are numerous methods for the determination of vitamin C in a variety of natural samples, biological fluids and pharmaceutical formulations. The methods for the determination of vitamin C are spectrophotometric methods and non-spectrophotometric methods (Arya and Mahajan, 1997). For non-spectrophotometric methods are such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), titration, enzymatic method and fluorometry (Arya, Mahajan and Jain, 2000). Direct spectrophotometry also has been applied to determine the vitamin C content in soft drinks, fruit juices, and cordials after correction for background absorption in the UV region. Flow-injection analysis (FIA) In FIA, there is no air segmentation and it is not necessary for a state of chemical equilibrium to be reached. The sample is introduced into a carrier stream as a discrete plug. The presence of a sample-carrier interface allows diffusion-controlled dispersion of the sample as it is swept through narrow-bore tubing to create a concentration gradient. The flow-through detector monitors the change in concentration of the reaction product, which is displayed as a well-defined peak (Ball, 2006). Flow-injection analysis permits a simple, rapid and sensitive method for the determination of vitamin C where its systems allow faster sampling rates and consumed fewer reagents compared with segmented-flow analysis (Kleszczewki and Kleszczewska, 2002). Memon, Dahot and Ansari had proposed a method by using mono 1, 10-phenanthroline-iron(III) complex as oxidant. This experiment was based on its reducing reaction on mono(1-10-Phenanthroline)-iron(III) to tris(1,10-Phenanthroline)-iron(II) (ferroin) and the absorbance of ferroin was monitored at 510nm through spectrophotometer equipped with a flow through cell (Memon et al, 2000). In this analysis single channel manifold is used as shown in Figure 3. The reagent stream is pumped at the flow rate 1.1mL/min via a peristaltic pump equipped with PVC pump tubing. The vitamin C sample is introduced into the reagent stream via a rotary teflon valve. A calibration curve for vitamin C in the range 0-50ppm was plotted from the results obtained by Memon, Memon, Dahot and Ansari which are shown in Figure 4. They also studied about the effect of reaction coil and reagent concentration. From the graph (Figure 5), the maximum intensity was observed at 50cm reaction coil. While the results of the effect of reagent concentration obtained is shown in Figure 6 indicating that the maximum signal could be obtained at 35% reagent (Memon, Memon, Dahot and Ansari, 2000). This method can be improved within certain limits by increasing the volume of the injected sample in flow injection analysis. The sensitivity is increased two fold with the increase of sample volume. As conclusion, since the time required for sample preparation is short and reagent consumption is low, hence the method is highly economical and is suitable to use on routine basis for determination of ascorbic acid in pharmaceutical preparations (Memon et al, 2000). Ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry Direct ultraviolet spectrophotometry is a fast, simple and reliable method for the determination of vitamin C. This method can be done through alkaline treatment and the maximum absorption of vitamin C falls at 243nm at pH2 (Yanshan, 1997). The absorption of UV light by the sample matrix was the major problem in this method. Therefore, alkaline treatment method was found to be used as background correction in blank. This is because more than 95% of vitamin C will be destroyed in 10 minutes after alkaline treatment which is in the range of pH 12 to 13 (Salkic and Kubicek, 2008). UV spectrophotometry method was found to be applicable for most fruits, fruit juices and soft drinks except those that are unstable to alkaline treatment, and were deeply colored, or contained high concentration of caffeine, saccharin, caramel and tannic acid (Yanshan, 1997). To determine the total content of vitamin C in food samples, a well-established method was investigated by Khan, Rahman, Islam and Begum, 2006 by using the 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine methods (DNPH). This is a simplified method for the simultaneous determination of total vitamin C employed coupling reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine dye with vitamin C and followed by spectrophotometric determination. The spectrophotometric method involves the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid by the action of bromine solution in the presence of acetic acid. Reaction between dehydoascorbic acid and 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine at 37 Â °C temperature for three hours will form an osazone. The solution is treated with 85% H2SO4 to produce a red color complex. The absorbance of all standards was measured at 521 nm by using a UV-spectrophotometer. The results obtained were taken to contruct a calibration curve (Khan et al, 2006). The calibration curve was constructed by plotting the concentration versus the corresponding absorbance as shown by Figure 7. The molar absorptivity, ? can be obtained using Beer-Lambert plots. The reliabilty of this method was justified by the calculations of the % of standard deviation and it was found to be varied within the range from 0.20 to 2.45%. The reliability of this method was also confirmed from the consideration of the following expected interferences (Khan et al, 2006). There are a few interferences that might affect the results. First, the interference was due to the diketogulonic acid. At higher pH, destructive oxidation hydrolysis might occur. This results in the opening of the lactone ring of the ascorbic acid and loose the vitamin activity. These processes are naturally occurred in fruits and some amounts of diketogulonic acid are presence in the fruits. Besides that, diketogulonic acid has keto group that might form osazone when react with DNPH. Hence, there is a chance of error in this method which may give false results (Khan et al, 2006). Another interference was due to the extracted glucose which contains similar structure like vitamin C. Therefore, some of the glucose may be extracted in the meta-phosphoric acid during the extraction of ascorbic acid from sample. Glucose may also cause the formation of colored complex with DNPH and gives the false result in the determination of vitamin C. This was proven in Figure 8 where there is no absorption peak around the interested peak at 521nm (Khan et al, 2006). As conclusion, the method is simple and excellent for the determination of total vitamin C in fruits and vegetables (Khan, Rahman, Islam and Begum, 2006). Fluorometric Method Fluorometric analysis has been used for ascorbic acid assay in pharmaceutical preparations, beverages, special dietary foods and even for human serum (Arya, Mahajan and Jain, 2000). This method had been reported to have successful application to a wide range of foodstuffs, including liver, milk, fresh and canned fruit, raw and cooked vegetables, and potato powder (Ball, 2006). Previously, fluorometric determinations of vitamin C have been developed based on condensation reactions of vitamin C with o-phenylenediamine and on the oxidation with mercury (II) of vitamin C to form quinoxaline derivative. The reaction products of these methods exhibit fluorescensce (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). Figure 9 shows the reaction of the dehydroascorbic acid with 1,2-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride to form the fluorescent quinoxaline derivative 3(1,2dihydroxyethyl) furol[3,4-b]quinoxaline-1-one. The blank can be prepared by complexing the oxidized vitamin with boric acid to prevent the formation of the quinoxaline derivative. It is used to reveal any fluorescence due to interfering substances (Ball, 2006). Yusuf and Gurel have described a method by using Methylene Blue (MB) for the determination of vitamin C. This experiment was run by using a spectrofluorimeter to record the spectra and carry out fluorescence measurements. This method was used to determine the amount of vitamin C in the purified materials, specifically vitamin C tablets. MB is a member of thiazine dye group. It is widely used in many different areas. For example, a photo sensitizer is used to produce singlet oxygen in photodynamic therapy for the treatment of cancer. The highly colored oxidized form of MB can be reduced to be colorless leuco form, Leuco-Methylene Blue (LMB) which is shown in Figure 10. LMB is the reduced and colorless form of methylene blue (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). According to Yusuf and Gurel, the fluorescence bands of MB were obtained at 664nm for excitation state and 682nm for emission peaks. This was proven by the other researchers who also examined the emission bands at 682nm for MB and 452nm for LMB. In Figure 11, the emission peak of MB at 682nm increased due to the increase of its concentration. A linear relationship between MB concentration and intensity was obtained over the concentration range of mol L-1 MB (y= 49.082x + 94.46,r2=0.9969). The excitation peak of MB at 664 nm also linearly increased depending on the increase of its concentration (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). The studies of the effect of vitamin C on the fluorescence of MB is made to avoid any errors that might affect the accuracy of the results. In order to examine the effect of vitamin C on the fluorescence of MB at 664 nm, mol L-1 MB solutions, each solution was added with different concentration of vitamin C and were prepared under nitrogen (N2) atmosphere. This was shown in Figure 12 where the spectra were recorded at 664nm (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). Figure 12 above shows the excitation intensity of mol L-1 without adding vitamin C was about 1000.0 and above. The intensity was decreased by the increase of vitamin C concentration in MB solutions (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). Figure 13 shows the emission spectrum of mol L-1 MB as a function of time. Each spectrum was recorded at 1 minute intervals. The results showed that the fluorescence was not changed with time, reflecting that the fluorescence spectrum of MB was highly stable with time (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). In the redox reaction between ascorbic acid and MB, the ascorbic acid is oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid, while MB was reduced to colorless LMB as shown in the following: The calibration curve was made based on the concentration of MB (mol L-1). The results indicate that the fluorescence intensity of the system is a linear function of vitamin C concentration in the range of mol L-1 and the regression coefficient is 0.9941 as shown in Figure 15 (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). Table 1 below shows the tolerance towards different compounds that might cause interferences in this method. These compounds are usually present in most vitamin C tablets. The experimental results showed that the presence of hundred-fold excess of the all contaminant compounds and twenty-fold excess of citric acid did not significantly influence the determination of vitamin C using this method. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no major interference caused by these compounds (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). So it is possible to use this method for direct determination of vitamin C in pharmaceuticals without separating the interfering materials. Table 2 lists the results obtained by the proposed method with triiodide method. It can be clearly seen that the results are in good agreement with the triiodide method (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). Thus, the proposed method provides a simple and sensitive fluorimetric procedure by using MB for the determination of vitamin C. This experiment also shows that MB could be used for fluorimetric determination of vitamin C in vitamin C tablets although it has only slightly fluorescence property compared to LMB. Therefore, as conclusion, it can be explained that the fluorescence intensity of MB was more sensitive to determine vitamin C concentration (Yusuf and Gurel, 2005). Stability of Vitamin C in Orange Juice Vitamin C is very susceptible to chemical and enzymatic oxidation during the processing, storage, and cooking of food. The catalyzed oxidation pathway of vitamin C degradation is the most important reaction pathway for the loss of vitamin C in foods. Therefore, vitamin C of orange juice is readily oxidized and lost during staying of the juice (Ball, 2006). On the other hand, there are several factors that will also affect the stability of vitamin C in orange juice. The factors are such as the effect of vitamin E, pH, and parameters which include air, heat, water as well as prolonged storage and overcooking (Kabasakalis, Siopidou, and Moshatou, 2000). According to Ball, a meta-oxygen-ascorbate complex is formed in the presence of molecular oxygen and trace amounts of transition metal which particularly are copper (II) and iron (III). This complex contains a resonance form of a diradical that rapidly decompose to give the ascorbate radical anion, the original metal ion, and hydrogen peroxide. This radical anion will in turn reacts with the oxygen to give dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA). For anaerobic pathway of vitamin C which occurs in the absence of free oxygen, the degradation is caused by the formation of diketogulconic acid. As the rate of degradation is maximum at pH 3 to pH 4, therefore this pathway is mostly responsible for anaerobic loss of vitamin C in canned grapefruit and orange juices (Ball, 2006). Effect of vitamin E on the stability of vitamin C in orange juice Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant that has four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. In nature, these four tocopherols and four corresponding tocotrienols are designated as alpha-(?), beta-(?), gamma-(?) and delta-(?) according to the number and position of methyl substituent in chromonal ring (Ball, 2006). The vitamin E functions as a biological antioxidant by protecting the vital phospholipids in cellular and subcellular membranes from peroxidative degeneration. Vitamin E mostly accumulates in body which are liver and pancreas. But unlike vitamins A and D, vitamin E is essentially nontoxic (Ball, 2006). Nagymate and Fodor (2008) have designed a method to study the effect of vitamin E on the stability of vitamin C. In this experiment, vitamin E stock solution was prepared by dissolving ?-tocopherol in absolute ethanol. The orange juice which contained vitamin E and vitamin C was used as sample. The storage temperature of the vials was 4Â °C and they were covered with aluminium foil to prevent the effect of sunlight. Besides, two different temperatures were used to examine the effect of vitamin E at that temperature which half of the samples were stored at 20Â °C. On the other hand, the additive effect of these vitamins was also examined but only cool samples (4Â °C) were used for this experiment. Two samples were prepared which one contained vitamin E stock solution and vitamin C stock solution while another contained only vitamin C stock solution. The samples were analysed once a week for five weeks (Nagymate and Fodor, 2008). The results of the stability of vitamin C show that the presence of vitamin E influenced the decay of vitamin C. Figure 17 shows that there were differences between samples with or without vitamin E. From figure 17, it can be clearly seen that the concentration of vitamin C without vitamin E fell down to 1.2mg/L on the second day. However, in the presence of both vitamins, the decay was also observed, but it was lesser. The concentration of vitamin C in the orange juice with vitamin E was 13mg/L in the fifth week. As a result, it seems that vitamin E stabilized vitamin C in orange juice at a determined concentration. This is because vitamin E delay the oxidation of vitamin C thus, enhances the stability of vitamin C in orange juice. The combination of vitamin C with vitamin E makes the orange juice more stable and slower the degradation of orange juice. This concluded that orange juice with vitamin E addition is a good way to preserve the vitamin C content during storage (Nagymate and Fodor, 2008). Effect of temperature on the stability of vitamin C in orange juice Vitamin C of fruit juice is readily oxidized and lost depends on the conditions of storage. There are studies about the determination of the amounts of vitamin C content in fruit juices under different storage conditions. Kabasakalis, Sipadou and Moshatou had done an experiment to determine the rate loss of vitamin C with respect to time and temperature of storage. A long-life and short-life commercial orange juice 100% without preservatives and fresh orange juice were used for analysis. In this experiment, the days before the expiration date were recorded in Table 3 and Table 4 to observe the loss of vitamin C in short-life and long-life orange juice 100% as the expiration date was approached (Kabasakalis, Siopidou and Moshatou, 2000). Table 5 shows the loss of vitamin C from fresh and long-life commercial orange juice 100% during a 31 days period, with measurements made every 1 to 3 days. The samples were refrigerated into containers which after the initial measurement remained either open or with closed cap until the next measurement. Based on the results shown in table 5, the magnitude of vitamin C did not differ significantly between open and closed cap for both juices. The commercial orange juice lost higher amounts of vitamin C compared with fresh orange juice. As reported, decreases of vitamin C upon storage did not correspond to increases of dehydroascorbic acid levels. In fact, there was an increase of dehydoascorbic acid levels in aseptically packaged orange juices. This means that the overall nutritional quality of orange juices is affected upon storage (Kabasakalis, Siopidou and Moshatou, 2000). The loss of the vitamin C in a commercial long-life orange juice 100% stored in refrigerator and non-refrigerated for a period of 10 days in open containers were shown in Figure 18 (Kabasakalis, Siopidou and Moshatou, 2000). According to Figure 18, non-refrigerated samples show higher percentage loss of vitamin C as compared to refrigerated samples. This is because the dehydoascorbic acid, the oxidized form of ascorbic acid was more stable at lower temperatures. Thus, the vitamin C, in the form of dehydroascorbic acid for refrigerated orange juice was well retained than non-refrigerated orange juice (Kabasakalis, Siopidou and Moshatou, 2000). Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the stability of orange juice Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 is the primary chemical for sterilization of plastic packaging material used in aseptic system. Aseptic packaging technology is widely used by fruit juice industry for the production of shelf-life stable fruit juices. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation currently limits the residual of H2O2 to 0.5ppm, leached into distilled water, in finished food packages which stated in Code of Federal Regulations, 2000. However, during the sterilization of aseptic chambers or packaging material with H2O2, some residues will still be left on the packaging material or vapors generated during drying may get trapped inside the package upon sealing. These residues will then cause the degradation of vitamin C (Ozkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu, 2004). An experiment was proposed by Ozkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu to determine the rates of vitamin C degradation in orange juice with or without addition of H2O2 at various storage temperatures. In this experiment, the orange juice sample was thawed at room temperature and sodium benzoate was added to prevent spoilage. The degradation studies were done at H2O2 with 0.5ppm concentration at 20Â °C, 30Â °C and 40Â °C respectively. At regular time intervals, samples were removed from the water bath or incubator (Ozkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu, 2004). Then, the predetermined amounts of diluted sodium hydroxide solution were added rapidly to the samples to halt the reaction between H2O2 and vitamin C. The samples were then rapidly cooled by plugging into an ice water bath and held at -30Â °C until analyzed for vitamin C content. Vitamin C concentration was measured by using HPLC method. Qzkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu had modified the method by blending the orange juice sample with metaphosphoric acid. The sample was filtered through a membrane filter and was analyzed using HPLC (Shimadzu brand) (Ozkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu, 2004).Vitamin C contents of orange juice were plotted for various temperatures at 0.5ppm H2O2 concentration which is shown in Figure 19 below. From Figure 19, the results show that at higher temperature, the rate of vitamin C degradation also increased. The addition of 0.5ppm H2O2 did not greatly increase the degradation of vitamin C. However, raising H2O2 concentration from 0.5ppm to 5ppm resulted in a tremendous increase in degradation rates which was recorded in Table 6. At 0.5ppm H2O2, the antioxidant substances in orange juice which was flavonols reacted with H2O2, thereby preventing the autoxidation of vitamin C. The protective mechanism of flavanols was mainly due to chelation of metal ions and action of antioxidant. Flavanols function as antioxidants by donating the hydrogen ions to reactive free radicals which may otherwise cause the autoxidation of vitamin C (Ozkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu, 2004). Ozkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu also studied the degradation of vitamin C in the absence of H2O2. In this case, the activation energy, Ea was taken into account to determine the stability of vitamin C in orange juice. The temperature dependence of the degradation of vitamin C in orange juice was compared by calculating Ea and temperature quotients (Q10) at 20Â ° to 40Â °C from the following equation: These results clearly indicate that the rate of vitamin C degradation in the presence of H2O2 was slower at 30Â °C to 40Â °C than 20Â °C to 30Â °C. This indicates that at 30Â °C to 40Â °C, the least effect of temperature rise on vitamin C degradation. The results obtained for Ea shows that higher Ea in the presence of H2O2. This means that higher energy needed for the degradation of vitamin C. Therefore, the reaction time is slower and the degradation of vitamin C also slower. As conclusion, the effect of temperature on the degradation rates of vitamin C in orange juice was more pronounced at higher H2O2 concentrations. Therefore, greater vitamin C losses should be expected as residual H2O2 concentration and storage temperature increase in aseptically packaged fruit juices (Ozkan, Kirca and Cemeroglu, 2004). Effect of pH on the stability of vitamin C pH is a measure of acidity or basicity of a solution. pH is one of the primary factor that would affects the stability of vitamin C in orange juice. Hence, the pH value of the matrix has an influence on the stability of vitamin C. According to FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements, Bangkok, Thailand, 1998, the vitamin C will decay if the pH higher than 4 (Nagymate and Fodor, 2008). Vitamin C is unstable in neutral and alkaline environments, therefore the higher the pH value and the longer the exposure, the greater the loss of vitamin C. This is because the higher the pH value, the faster the oxidation reaction of vitamin C and causes the degradation of vitamin C. Besides that, the increase in pH also related to deterioration of fruit characteristic which in this literature review, orange juice is more concerned. Table 8 below shows the pH value of the fruit juice with storage time (Ajibola, Babatunde and Suleiman, 2009). In this Table 8, the pH values of the orange juice were higher at room temperature and keep increasing from week to week. This study concluded that, though pH was significant for the stability of vitamin C, it was not the sole factor in controlling the deterioration of vitamin C in orange juice with storage life (Ajibola, Babatunde and Suleiman, 2009). On the other hand, the loss of vitamin C activity during oxidative degradation of vitamin C occurs with the hydrolysis of the dehydroascorbic acid lactone to yield 2,3-diketogulonic acid. This hydrolysis is favored by alkaline solution. Dehydroascorbic acid is most stable at pH 5.5 but decrease in stability as pH increases which is more than pH 5.5 (Fennmena, 1996). For example, half-time values of dehydroasorbic acid hydrolysis at 23Â °C were 100 and 230 minutes at pH 7.2 and pH 6.6 respectively as shown in Figure 20. At pH 5.0 or below, dehydroascorbic acid was quite stable which decayed by less than 3% over 4 hours. This experiment evaluated the effect of hydrogen ion concentration on delactonization of dehyroascorbic acid over the range of pH 3.0 to pH 8.0. The possible influence of the presence of oxygen was done by equilibrating the reaction mixture before and during the incubation with 100% oxygen or with 100% nitrogen. The results indicated no change in the decay rate of dehydoascorbic acid was obvious with these alterations of atmospheric conditions. The rate of dehydroascorbic acid hydrolysis markedly increases with increasing temperature but was unaffected by the presence of oxygen (Bode, Cunningham and Rose, 1990). Other researchers had proposed a method to determine the effect of pH on the degradation of vitamin C in orange j